593 research outputs found


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     AbstracMutu layanan akan berhasil dalam mencapa itujuannya jika konsumen merasakan kepuasan yang sangat tinggi,dengan kata lain keberhasilan mutu layanan sangat tergantung pada konsumen atau pelanggan dalam arti lembaga yang bermutu selalu memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggannya. Karena mutu layanan berpusat pada upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan dan keinginan pelanggan serta ketepatan penyampai nya untuk mengimbangi harapan pelanggan. Sehubungan dengan itu maka tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang perencanaan mutu pelayanan, pelaksanaan mutu,  pengendalian mutu layanan, perbaikan mutu layanan serta apa saja yang menjadi hambatan dalam memberikan pelayanan di SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Ambawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah case studi (studi kasus) dengan melakukan secara eksploratif yang bersifat mendalam dengan menganalisis apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di balik fakta atau kasus. Alat pengumpul datanya dengan melakukan wawancara, dekomentasi dan panduan observasi. Selanjutnya untuk analisis data digunakan langlah-langkah yang dibagi dalam tiga bagian yaitu; data reduction, data display dan conclution/verification. Setelah diadakan penelitian, maka didapatkan temuan – temuan sebagai berikut: Perencanaan mutu layanan yang dilaksanakan di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri (SMA Negeri) 1 Sungai Ambawang telah menggambarkan pola yang baik yaitu dengan melibatkan  guru dengan cara mengajak guru membuat program bagi yang ingin berpartisipasi. Pelaksanaan mutu layanan oleh kepala sekolah sudah sesuai dengan program yang dibuat sebelumnya, meskipun masih ada program yang belum terlaksana atau belum tercapai. Pengendalian mutu layanan yang dilaksanakan oleh kepala sekolah sudah cukup efektif. Perbaikan mutu layanan telah dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah secara terus menerus terutama yang berhubungan dengan proses pembelajaran.   Keyword : Service Qualit

    Pengaruh Motivasi Berprestasi dan Kompetensi Profesional terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Guru

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of achievement motivation and professional competence through teacher's job satisfaction in Public Junior High School at Pontianak. Method of research used to quantitative by using correlational technique and regression analyzed. The result from analyzed found that: (1) there was an influence from achievement motivation through teacher's job satisfaction with value 41,6%; (2) there was an influence from professional competence through teacher's job satisfaction with value 42,2%; and (3) there was an influence from achievement motivation and professional competence through teacher's job satisfaction with value 60,1%

    Isu-Isu Sentral Pendidikan Dalam Kaitan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar

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    Upaya mempersiapkan keluaran perguruan tinggi yang berkualitas sangat terkait dengan ketersediaan dan kesesuaian berbagai faktor pendudukung. Salah satu diantara komponen pendukung tersebut adalah tersedianya bahan ajar yang aktual yang diangkat dari isu-isu terkini atau isu-isu sentral di dalam berbagai aspek pengetahuan dan informasi, khususnya berkaitan dengan pendidikan. Tulisan ini mengangkat beberapa di antara isu sentral dimaksud, antara lain; isu filosofis, arah baru Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, konseling lintas budaya & cyber conseling, perubahan pandangan tentang eksistensi pendidikan nilai, life skills education, multicultural education, beberapa pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis inquiry, dan e learnig. Kata-kata Kunci: Isu-isu Sentral, Pendidikan, Bahan ajar.Abstract: Efforts to prepare output quality college is strongly associated with the availability and suitability of various factors pendudukung. One among the supporting component is the availability of teaching materials were removed from the actual current issues or the central issues in the various aspects of knowledge and information, particularly with regard to education. This paper raised some of the central issues in question, among others; philosophical issues, new directions Civic Education, Cross-cultural and Cyber counseling, change the view of the existence of the value of education, life skills education, multicultural education, some inquiry-based learning approaches, and e learnig. Keywords: Central Issues, Education, Teaching materials


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    The interest in the study of communication in real social contexts characterized, for several decades now, numerous researches conducted in theoretical frameworks and different disciplines. Communication is at the heart of everyday life, is present in every environment of human life, in every social group, and is the element of the plot of the relationship between people. It is characterized by a substantial condition of simplicity in regard to our relationship life everyday and distinguishes the possibilities we have to interact with others. Men cannot but communicate because every more or less conscious action of our life is an act of communication


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    The interest in the study of communication in real social contexts characterized, for several decades now, numerous researches conducted in theoretical frameworks and different disciplines. Communication is at the heart of everyday life, is present in every environment of human life, in every social group, and is the element of the plot of the relationship between people. It is characterized by a substantial condition of simplicity in regard to our relationship life everyday and distinguishes the possibilities we have to interact with others. Men cannot but communicate because every more or less conscious action of our life is an act of communication

    The chemical composition of CO-rich comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) at Rh = 2.4 and 2.0 AU before perihelion

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    We quantified ten parent volatiles in comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) before perihelion, through high-dispersion infrared spectra acquired with CRIRES at ESO's VLT on UT 2011 August 07 (Rh = 2.4 AU) and September 17-21 (Rh = 2.0 AU). On August 07, water was searched but not detected at an upper limit (3{\sigma}) of 2.1 \times 10^28 s-1, while ethane was detected with a production rate of 6.1 \times 10^26 s-1 (apparent mixing ratio > 2.90%). On September 17-21, the mean production rate for water was 8.4 \times 10^28 s-1, and abundance ratios (relative to water) of detected trace species were: CO (12.51%), CH3OH (3.90%), CH4 (1.24%), C2H6 (1.01%) and HCN (0.36%). Upper limits (3{\sigma}) to abundances for four minor species were: NH3 (1.55%), C2H2 (0.13%), HDO (0.89%) and OCS (0.20%). Given the relatively large heliocentric distance, we explored the effect of water not being fully sublimated within our FOV and identified the 'missing' water fraction needed to reconcile the retrieved abundance ratios with the mean values found for "organics-normal". The individual spatial profiles of parent volatiles and the continuum displayed rather asymmetric outgassing. Indications of H2O and CO gas being released in different directions suggest different active vents and/or the possible existence of polar and apolar ice aggregates in the nucleus. The high fractional abundance of CO identifies comet C/2009 P1 as a CO-rich comet.Comment: To appear in: The Astrophysical Journal Letters (LET27048R


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    AbstractThis study aims to describe the planning, organization, implementation, and supervision ofIndustrial Working Practice activities at State Vocational High School 2 Pemangkat. Thisresearch used a qualitative approach on the type of case study. The research subjects werethe principal, the vice principal of public relations, two people of the heads of program,two teachers, and two students of grade XI. All subjects are those who were involved inIndustrial Working Practice activities. The data collection methods used in this researchare interviews, documentation, and observation. The interactive data analysis models usedare the data collection, data reduction, data display, and data conclusion drawing. Thevalidity test of the data used is the credibility test, namely: extension of observations,increasing persistence, and triangulation. The results showed the following: 1) Planningcan be carried out in several stages, they are the arrangement of the school work program,arrangement of Industrial Working Practice program, arrangement of the PrincipalDecree regarding the duties delegation and authority of Industrial Working Practice workteam, and arranging the schedule of activities, 2) This organizing accomplished by thedivision of main task and functions that are completed within job descriptions of eachpersonnel and Industrial Working Practice Guidelines, 3) The implementation was carriedout starting from the process of releasing students, delivering students to the IndustrialWorking Practice location by involving the principal, the working team of IndustrialWorking Practice, and all board of teachers and staff of State Vocational High School 2Pemangkat, and 4) Supervision was carried out by the principal as the leader in theorganization of educational unit.Keywords: Management, Industrial Working Practice, Partnership, Vocational HighSchool, Business and Industrial Worl


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    Abstract The principal is a leader in a school institution that has a very important role as managers, leaders, motivators in educational institutions, and responsible in fostering subordinates of teachers, administrative staff to achieve the goal of hope in improving the quality of school. The focus of the problem in this research is: "How is the principal's role in improving the quality of school in SD Negeri 5 Sintang. With the sub-problems: (1) how the principal's role as manager in improving the quality in SD Negeri 5 Sintang, (2) how the principal's role as the leader towards quality improvement in SD Negeri 5 Sintang, (3) the role of principal as motivator in improving quality in SD Negeri 5 sintang, (4) Any obstacles found by the principal in improving the quality in SD Negeri 5 Sintang. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method that is to describe and understand the role of the principal in improving the quality. Subjects in this study are the principal of SD Negeri 5 Sintang, Class Teacher and Head of Administration. The result of this research is that the principal has done his best to carry out his duties as manager, leader, and motivator to provide direction, motivation and encouragement to all school people to perform their duties. Keywords : Role of Principal As Manager, Leader, Motivator and School Qualit