31 research outputs found

    Extraction of Hidden Science from Nanoscale Images

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    Scanning probe microscopies and spectroscopies enable investigation of surfaces and even buried interfaces down to the scale of chemical-bonding interactions, and this capability has been enhanced with the support of computational algorithms for data acquisition and image processing to explore physical, chemical, and biological phenomena. Here, we describe how scanning probe techniques have been enhanced by some of these recent algorithmic improvements. One improvement to the data acquisition algorithm is to advance beyond a simple rastering framework by using spirals at constant angular velocity then switching to constant linear velocity, which limits the piezo creep and hysteresis issues seen in traditional acquisition methods. One can also use image-processing techniques to model the distortions that appear from tip motion effects and to make corrections to these images. Another image-processing algorithm we discuss enables researchers to segment images by domains and subdomains, thereby highlighting reactive and interesting disordered sites at domain boundaries. Lastly, we discuss algorithms used to examine the dipole direction of individual molecules and surface domains, hydrogen bonding interactions, and molecular tilt. The computational algorithms used for scanning probe techniques are still improving rapidly and are incorporating machine learning at the next level of iteration. That said, the algorithms are not yet able to perform live adjustments during data recording that could enhance the microscopy and spectroscopic imaging methods significantly


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    Author Institution: Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0482; Department of Physics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0484Ag clusters with up to thousands of atoms were grown in large He droplets and studied by optical spectroscopy. For clusters smaller than about 103^{3} the spectra are dominated by a surface plasmon resonance near 3.8 eV and a broad feature in the UV, consistent with the absorption of individual metallic particles. Larger Ag clusters reveal an unexpectedly strong, broad absorption extending to lower frequencies down to approximately 0.5 eV. This suggests a transition from single-center to multi-center formation, in agreement with estimates of the kinetics of Ag cluster growth in He droplets. Moreover, the spectra of large clusters develop a characteristic dispersion profile at 3.5-4.5 eV, indicative of the coexistence of localized and delocalized electronic excitations in composite clusters, as predicted theoretically. We also report on the characterization of He droplet beams, obtained in the supercritical expansion regime, comprised of large droplets of up to 1011^{11} atoms

    Exploring the Bottom-Up Growth of Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticles from Substrate-Bound Seeds in Microfluidic Reactors

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    We developed an unconventional seed-mediated in situ synthetic method, whereby gold nanostars are formed directly on the internal walls of microfluidic reactors. The dense plasmonic substrate coatings were grown in microfluidic channels with different geometries to elucidate the impacts of flow rate and profile on reagent consumption, product morphology, and density. Nanostar growth was found to occur in the flow-limited regime and our results highlight the possibility of creating shape gradients or incorporating multiple morphologies in the same microreactor, which is challenging to achieve with traditional self-assembly. The plasmonic-microfluidic platforms developed herein have implications for a broad range of applications, including cell culture/sorting, catalysis, sensing, and drug/gene delivery.The authors acknowledge the use of instruments at the Electron Imaging Center for NanoMachines supported by NIH (1S10RR23057) and CNSI at UCLA and technical assistance by Ivo Atanasov. We also thank Ms. Lisa Kawakami for the fabrication of the channel masters. G.A.V.-W. thanks the UCLA graduate division for funding through the University of California Office of the President Dissertation Year Fellowship. N.C. acknowledges support from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (R00EB028325). L.S. is supported by the 2020 Postdoctoral Junior Leader-Incoming Fellowship by “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434, code LCF/BQ/PI20/11760028) and by a 2022 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. S.J.J. acknowledges support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Common Fund through a NIH Director’s Early Independence Award, Grant DP5OD028181. S.J.J. and G.A.V.-W. acknowledge support through a Scholar Award from the Hyundai Hope on Wheels Foundation (20193309).With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000917-S).Peer reviewe