6 research outputs found

    Tracking MEP installation works

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    Tecniche di rilievo 3D in territori complessi con zone ad elevato rischio idrogeologico. Condivisione in rete di dataset ad alta risoluzione (derivati da dati LiDAR)

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    Uno dei principali effetti indotti dai cambiamenti climatici osservabili nel territorio nazionale è la localizzazione di fenomeni meteorologici di eccezionale intensità in aree ristrette. Accade che disastri naturali (quali alluvioni e inondazioni) stiano assumendo in molte zone d’Italia – ma non solo – una periodicità assai più elevata rispetto al passato. Il contributo descrive una prima applicazione di condivisione in rete di dataset ad alta risoluzione (derivati da dati LiDAR) impiegata in aree di studio della Regione Veneto caratterizzate da un significativo rischio idrogeologico, nonché dai conseguenti dissesti territoriali. Nello specifico la ricerca propone una nuova modalità di gestione di dati 3D (nuvole di punti, mesh …), di trasmissione e di visualizzazione degli stessi via internet. Si ritiene che tale tecnologia possa essere considerata uno strumento di rapido supporto alle decisioni e al tempo stesso di archiviazione e consultazione ex post dei dati raccolti in fase critica. Il valore aggiunto desumibile dal primo caso test delle provincie di Verona e Vicenza (cfr. esondazioni dei Torrenti Tramigna, Alpone, Aldegà e Chiampo del 2010) risiede nella rapidità di integrazione tra il rilievo 3D dell’area oggetto dell’evento calamitoso e i diversi livelli informativi disponibili.One of the main consequences of climate changes in Italy is the occurrence of meteorological phenomena of outstanding intensity in small areas. In many of them natural disasters (floods and flash floods, for instance) are becoming more frequent. The paper aims at describing a first attempt to apply a high resolution dataset web sharing tool (using LiDAR data) to case study areas located in the Veneto region. Such areas are characterized by a high hydrogeological risk and by territorial instability. Our research suggests a new way of managing 3D data (point clouds, mesh..) as well as of transmitting and visualizing them via internet. Such a technology represents a flexible tool allowing to rapidly support decisions and store/consult ex-post data obtained in crucial phases of the phenomena studied. Our research provides a general and enabling methodology for a rapid integration of 3D surveys of areas involved in disasters (in our case the one hit by the autumn 2010 floods caused by the Torrenti Tramigna, Alpone, Aldegà and Chiampo) and different available layers. The added value of our proposal, gathered from the first tests carried out on the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza, lies in this and in the quick interrogation of data and interactions


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    Previous research has shown that “Scan-vs-BIM” systems are powerful to provide valuable information for tracking structural works (progress, quality, safety). However, the transferability of this capability to other construction areas such as MEP works has not been assessed so far. Comparatively, the construction of MEP systems, in particular pipes and ducts, tends to be more flexible with respect to the positioning of individual components, so that Scan-vs-BIM systems could be defeated when tracking MEP installation works. This paper presents recent results on the feasibility and performance of using a Scan-vs-BIM system to track MEP works. The approach followed is presented and then tested with two real-life challenging case studies were conducted simultaneously but totally independently in Canada and Italy. The results show that, as expected, pipes and ducts tend to be more loosely positioned than structural elements leading to a poorer performance of the Scan-vs-BIM system. Nonetheless, it appears that the system works well to assess the level of conformance of site installation works, providing valuable information for estimating emerging performance metrics like “percent built as-designed”. In addition, the proposed system could also be useful to accelerate and thus reduce the cost of delivering as-built BIM models for in the case of new builds

    Influence of salinity of pore fluid on mechanical behaviour of clays

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    L’obiettivo della presente ricerca di dottorato è stato quello di investigare l’influenza della composizione chimica del fluido nei pori sul comportamento meccanico delle argille, con particolare riferimento all’utilizzo di acqua distillata e soluzione salina di NaCl. A tal fine è stata condotta una campagna sperimentale su provini costituiti da diversi materiali argillosi, sia ricostituiti sia risedimentati, in acqua distillata e soluzione satura di NaCl. Si è trattato principalmente di prove di sedimentazione, edometriche e triassiali, che hanno permesso uno studio in condizioni tenso-deformative più complesse. I risultati hanno portato ad affermare che l’effetto del sale presente nel fluido dei pori sulla risposta meccanica delle argille osservate è evidente anche in termini di variazione di struttura (fabric). Infatti, non solo molti parametri di compressibilità, ma anche la resistenza al taglio ne è fortemente influenzata.The objective of this thesis is to investigate the influence of the chemistry of the pore fluid on the mechanical behaviour of the clays, with particular reference to distilled water and NaCl solutions. For this aim it was carried out an experimental on samples constituted by different clays, both reconstituted and re-sedimentated, in distilled water and saturated NaCl solution. The study was related mainly sedimentation, oedometric and triaxial tests, that were characterized by stress-strain conditions more exhaustive. The results had showed that the effect of salt in the pore fluid on mechanical behaviour of observed clays it’s clear also in structure (fabric). In fact, not only many parameters of compressibility, but also shear strength are strongly influenced

    Creep behaviour in isotropic and k0 compression of the Venice Lagoon sand

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    Tecniche di rilievo tridimensionale e rischio idrogeologico: condivisione in rete di dati in alta risoluzione LiDAR

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    Le tecniche di rilevamento tridimensionale con misurazione ad alta densità, ad esempio tramite approcci LiDARaerotrasportati, da terra (TLS - Terrestrial Laser Scanner) o su mezzi mobili (mobile mapping), permettono di rilevaree osservare il territorio con una accuratezza, una risoluzione e una ricchezza di dettaglio globalmente molto elevaterispetto agli approcci di rilevamento tradizionali. Per la gestione delle grandi moli di dati generati si presenta unaapplicazione di una tecnologia altamente innovativa, unica a livello internazionale, sviluppata dall’Università degli Studidi Brescia, in accordo con l’azienda spin-off Gexcel srl, che permette la condivisione e visualizzazione di dati ad altadensità, anche via rete. Abstract 3D surveying techniques dealing withhigh density measurement (i.e. throughairborne LiDAR by TLS - Terrestrial LaserScanner - or by mobile mapping)allow to survey and observe the territorywith accuracy, a particular resolutionand richness of details extremely highcompared to traditional survey approaches.These technologies, due tothe size of raw data, not allow the sharingand the direct reading of 3D databy different users. Usually, the data areput into standard formats (digital terrainmodel, contour lines, etc.) to beshared. The raw data (with all the associatedcontents) are, on the otherhand, generally lost or saved in formatsand devices (hard disks or DVD) thatdoesn’t make it available to the costumer.An application of a technologydeveloped by the University of Brescia(together with the spin-off Gexcel srl) ispresented. This application allows thesharing and visualization of these databy web. The difficulty of implementingthe sharing technologies of LiDARdata lies in the transfer of 3D surveyeddata, even if only to display them. Thisresearch intends to propose a new wayof data managing/transmission, also byinternet, enabling to store 3D LiDARdata in a single file and to add differentlayers on this model. In particular,the research shows how in a file - ona remote server - it is possible to store3D multi-resolution data about landslidesof the Veneto Region. These 3Ddata (enriched by different layers) canbe visualized, downloaded, queriedand shared via web. It also shows howit can be displayed on 3D model, informationlevels from GIS that analyzedata of hydrological risk. The researchproposes a first application of LiDARdata web sharing applied to studiesof hydrological disasters of the VenetoRegion. This is intended as an exampleof a useful technology to support allthe activities for rapid decisions