12 research outputs found

    Genome-wide association between single nucleotide polymorphisms with beef fatty acid profile in Nellore cattle using the single step procedure

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Saturated fatty acids can be detrimental to human health and have received considerable attention in recent years. Several studies using taurine breeds showed the existence of genetic variability and thus the possibility of genetic improvement of the fatty acid profile in beef. This study identified the regions of the genome associated with saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and n-6 to n-3 ratios in the Longissimus thoracis of Nellore finished in feedlot, using the single-step method.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The results showed that 115 windows explain more than 1 % of the additive genetic variance for the 22 studied fatty acids. Thirty-one genomic regions that explain more than 1 % of the additive genetic variance were observed for total saturated fatty acids, C12:0, C14:0, C16:0 and C18:0. Nineteen genomic regions, distributed in sixteen different chromosomes accounted for more than 1 % of the additive genetic variance for the monounsaturated fatty acids, such as the sum of monounsaturated fatty acids, C14:1 cis-9, C18:1 trans-11, C18:1 cis-9, and C18:1 trans-9. Forty genomic regions explained more than 1 % of the additive variance for the polyunsaturated fatty acids group, which are related to the total polyunsaturated fatty acids, C20:4 n-6, C18:2 cis-9 cis12 n-6, C18:3 n-3, C18:3 n-6, C22:6 n-3 and C20:3 n-6 cis-8 cis-11 cis-14. Twenty-one genomic regions accounted for more than 1 % of the genetic variance for the group of omega-3, omega-6 and the n-6:n-3 ratio.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The identification of such regions and the respective candidate genes, such as ELOVL5, ESSRG, PCYT1A and genes of the ABC group (ABC5, ABC6 and ABC10), should contribute to form a genetic basis of the fatty acid profile of Nellore (Bos indicus) beef, contributing to better selection of the traits associated with improving human health.MVA Lemos, (FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São\ud Paulo). HLJ Chiaia, MP Berton, FLB Feitosa received scholarships from the\ud Coordination Office for Advancement of University-level Personnel (CAPES;\ud Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) in conjunction\ud with the Postgraduate Program on Genetics and Animal Breeding, Faculdade\ud de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCAV,\ud UNESP). F Baldi (FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São\ud Paulo grant #2011/21241-0). Lucia G. Albuquerque (FAPESP, Fundação de\ud Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo grant #2009/16118-5)

    Interação genotipo-ambiente para idade ao primeiro parto, perímetro escrotal e peso ao sobreano em bovinos da raça Nelore utilizando normas de reação

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    Reducing the age at first calving (IPP) is directly linked to the efficiency and profitability of beef production. Despite its importance, the characteristics linked to early sexual activity in females, have been little used in breeding beef cattle programs in Brazil, as a consequence of its low heritability and low rate of selection in females. The scrotal circumference (PE) and IPP are easy to measure and the most important indicator of age at puberty in cattle. The yearling weight (PS) plays an important role in the genetic improvement to be the closest weight of slaughter weight. Currently, in Brazil, are published several summaries for Nelore bulls with various traits of economic importance, including all large data sets of animals distributed in various regions of the country. In cattle, there is no studies of genetic correlations of these traits on genotype-environment interaction (IGA). The objective of this study was to verify the genotype-environment interaction on the age at first calving, scrotal circumference and yearling weight in Nelore cattle, using multitrait random regression models. Data were collected on properties located in the North, Northeast, Midwest, and Southeast of Brazil participating in the Program for Genetic Improvement of Conexão Delta G. Environmental groups (AGs) were defined in relation to animals born in the same herd and year, management group (birth, weaning and yearling) and the same sex for IPP, PE and PS. The average gain after weaning weight was used as an environmental gradient. For the analysis of reaction norms linear Legendre polynomials regressed on GAs to model the additive genetic effects were used. Linear Legendre polynomials were used to model also fixed effect of the average population trend. The residual variances were modeled in homogeneous classes. The (co)variances were estimated using the software Wombat. The model for PE and PS included ...A redução da idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) está diretamente ligada à eficiência e lucratividade da produção de carne bovina. Apesar da sua importância, as características ligadas à precocidade sexual das fêmeas, vêm sendo pouco utilizadas nos programas de melhoramento genético de gado de corte no Brasil, como consequência de sua baixa herdabilidade e baixo índice de seleção em fêmeas. O perímetro escrotal (PE) e a IPP são características de fácil mensuração e as mais importantes como indicadoras de idade à puberdade em bovinos. O peso ao sobreano (PS) assume importante papel no melhoramento genético por ser o peso mais próximo ao abate. Atualmente, no Brasil, são publicados vários sumários de touros para a raça Nelore, com diversas características de importância econômica, todos incluindo grandes conjuntos de dados de animais distribuídos em diversas regiões do país. Em gado de corte, não existem estudos de correlações genéticas dessas características sob interação genótipo-ambiente (IGA). O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar a importância da interação genótipo-ambiente sobre a IPP, PE e PS em bovinos da raça Nelore, usando normas de reação em modelos de regressão aleatória multicaracterística. Os dados foram colhidos em propriedades localizadas no Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, e Sudeste do Brasil que participam do Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Conexão Delta G. Os grupos ambientais (GAs) foram definidos em função dos animais nascidos na mesma fazenda e ano, do mesmo grupo de manejo (do nascimento ao sobreano) e do mesmo sexo para IPP, PE e PS. A média de ganho de peso pós-desmama foi utilizada como medida de gradiente ambiental. Para as análises de normas de reação foram utilizados polinômios lineares de Legendre regredidos sobre os GAs para modelar o efeito genético aditivo. Polinômios lineares de Legendre também ..