50 research outputs found

    A novel leaf rust resistance gene transferred from Aegilops caudata L. to Triticum aestivum L. maps on chromosome 5D

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    Relatório do estágio realizado no Museu de Lanifícios da Universidade da Beira Interior, no âmbito do 2º Ciclo em Gestão e Programação do Património Cultural, apresentado à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.Das ruínas das antigas fábricas de lanifícios, reflexos da desindustrialização, despoletou a instituição responsável pelo renascimento da cidade, e que se se transformou ela própria uma marca inapagável da história da Covilhã: a Universidade da Beira Interior, que se tornou, ao tomar parte deste património, igualmente, responsável pela história da cidade, assumindo como encargo a salvaguarda e preservação dos vestígios que herdou desta forma de produção têxtil milenar. A UBI teve o mérito de valorizar a Covilhã, criando o Museu de Lanifícios da Universidade da Beira Interior, responsável pela salvaguarda da área das tinturarias da antiga manufatura de estado, fundada pelo Marquês de Pombal, em 1764. O Museu garante a preservação, manutenção e divulgação deste património, o instrumento mais eficaz na transmissão da história e dos factos em torno do labor às gerações seguintes, honrando as memórias dos construtores desta indústria e os vários momentos dessa construção. No entanto, nem sempre os mais jovens, temporalmente afastados desta importante industria, demonstram o interesse que seria esperado pelo Museu, que, para se tornar suficientemente atrativo, carece de uma constante adaptação. Neste contexto, após uma reflexão sobre a importância da indústria e dos seus vestígios, desenvolveu-se um estudo cujo propósito é contribuir para o aumento do conhecimento do Museu de Lanifícios sobre o público jovem universitário da UBI, a nível dos seus hábitos e motivações culturais. Conhecer o perfil deste público possibilitou o desenvolvimento de estratégias de melhoramento da imagem do Museu, através de ações adaptadas aos seus gostos, ao nível de comunicação e da programação. Através destas propostas, procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de projetos, que visaram a valorização e rentabilização do património que se encontra sobre a alçada do MUSLAN, assim como a ampliação da sua oferta cultural.The ancient ruins of the wool factories, triggered the institution responsible for the rebirth of the city itself in a indelible mark in the history of Covilhã: the University of Beira Interior. This, to be part of this heritage, has also become responsible for the city's history, assuming the duty to safeguard and preserve the traces which inherited from this industry. UBI had the merit to value Covilhã, creating the Wool Museum of the University of Beira Interior, responsible for safeguarding the area of the former dye manufacturing state, founded by Marquês de Pombal in 1764. The MUSLAN ensures the preservation, maintenance and dissemination of this heritage, the most effective tool in conveying the story and the facts surrounding the labor to succeeding generations, honoring the memories of the builders of this industry and the various moments of this construction. However, not always the younger, temporally away from this important industry, demonstrate the interest that would be expected by the Museum, lacking the constant adaptation to become attractive enough. In this context, after a discussion about the importance of this industry and its traces, a study was developed, whose purpose is to contribute to the increase in knowledge of the Wool Museum on UBI's young audience, regarding their habits and cultural motivations. Knowing the profile of this audience enabled the development of strategies to improve the image of the museum, through actions tailored to their tastes, in the level of communication and programming. Through these proposals, several projects were developed, aimed at the appreciation and profitability of the patrimony which is about the scope of MUSLAN, as well as the expansion of its cultural offerings

    Aegilops tauschii: A valuable source for karnal bunt resistance

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    Evaluation and utilization of Aegilops germplasm for biofortification of wheat for high grain iron and zinc content

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    Contains fulltext : 135415.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)24 p

    Residues of Antibiotics in Raw Honeys from Different Apiaries of Northern India and Evaluation of Human Health Risks

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    Indiscriminate use of antibiotics in apicultural practices may lead to contamination of otherwise healthy and naturally produced honey. Contamination not only affects honey quality but also pose significant health risks to consumers. In this context, one hundred raw honey samples from India were analysed for presence of antibiotic residues. For determination of oxytetracycline and erythromycin, high performance liquid chromatography and for chloramphenicol, enzyme immunoassay based validated procedures were used. Oxytetracycline and erythromycin with concentrations above maximum tolerance limits were detected in 24% and 2% samples, respectively. None of the samples contained chloramphenicol residues. Although, total dietary intake of detected antibiotics through honey was found to be <1% of their acceptable daily intake values, the presence of antibiotics in honey is an alarming health concern for people following customary honey feeding. The outcomes underline the need of inter-sectoral approaches to create awareness among beekeepers regarding health risks associated with residues of antibiotics in honey and merits of approved apicultural practices. Therefore, to meet global food safety requirements, continual residue monitoring schemes along with enlightenment of beekeepers on scientific beehive management and risks associated with incautious apicultural practices are of vital importance