11 research outputs found

    Non rhizobial endophytic bacteria from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) tissues and their antagonistic traits

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    Bacteria that colonize plant tissues other than rhizobia and are beneficial for plant growth referred to non rhizobial plant growth-promoting endophytic bacteria (PGPEB). This study was designed to assay the biocontrol activity of plant growth promoting endophytic bacterial isolates those found positive for P. solubilization, ACC deaminase, Indole acetic acid and Gibberelic acid production. These bacterial isolates were obtained from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) tissues (roots and nodules).  In a previous study a total of 263 non rhizobial endophytic bacterial isolates were isolated. Out of 263 isolates, 64.5% and 34.5% were Gram positive and negative, respectively. Further for biochemical characterization, catalase, oxidase, citrate utilization, nitrate reduction, methyl red and Voges Proskauer’s tests, were performed. On the basis of P solubilization, ACC deaminase, Indole acetic acid and Gibberelic acid production 75 potential isolates were selected and screened for their biocontrol activity viz. (production of cell wall degrading enzymes, production of HCN and fluorescent pigment). Out of 75 isolates, only 29 isolates produced cellulase, 64 isolates were able to produce protease and 28 were positive for both cellulose and protease. Of 75 endophytic isolates 12 isolates (7 from root tissue and 5 from nodules tissue, respectively) were positive for HCN production and 16 isolates were found to be fluorescent pigment producer under µv ligh. As chemical fertilizers and pesticides have detrimental effects on the environment. So these bacterial endophytic isolates will be used not only as a biofertilizer because of their plant growth promotional activities but also used as an alternative of synthetic chemicals for control of several plant diseases

    Exploitation of endophytic Pseudomonas sp. for plant growth promotion and colonization in rice

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    The present investigation was carried out to exploit bacterial endophytes associated with root and leaf tissue of rice plant for plant growth promotion (PGP) and colonization study in vitro. Total 10 endophytic bacterial isolates (Pseudomonas sp.) were evaluate for PGP traits like P solubilization, production of Indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore, ACC deaminase, protease, cellulase, fluorescent pigment, urease and denitrification activity. Out of 10 endophytic bacteria 30 %, 60 %, 20 %, 70 %, 10 % and 10 % were positive for siderophore, protease, cellulase, fluorescent pigment, urease and denitrification respectively. Maximum IAA production was recorded with isolate LRBLE7 (18.8 ?gml-1) followed by LRBRE4 (16.0 ?gml-1) and maximum P-solubilization was recorded with isolate LRBRE4 (5.8 mg 100 ml-1) followed by LRBLE7 (4.4 mg 100 ml-1). ACC deaminase production was recorded with isolate LRBLE6 (O.D=0.352 nm) followed by LRBRE5 (O.D=0.324nm). Three potential isolates (LRBRE4, LRBRE6 and LRBLE7) were selected on the basis of multiple PGP traits and were subjected to colonization study of rice seedling in vitro. Potential bacterial isolates can be exploited for improving growth and productivity in rice under sustainable management system

    Behcet′s disease in India: A dermatological perspective

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    Background : Behcet′s disease (BD) is a chronic, recurrent, multi-system inflammatory disorder involving mucocutaneous (MC), ocular, intestinal, articular, vascular, urogenital and neurologic systems. BD occurs with a high prevalence in the Mediterranean population. There is scarcity of clinical data on BD from India with only three case series in the last two decades. Aims: To study demographic profile, clinical manifestations and treatment outcome of patients with BD presenting to the dermatologic clinic in a tertiary hospital in north India. Methods: Prospective analysis of all patients diagnosed to have BD between 1997 to 2011. Result: Twenty nine patients were diagnosed to have BD. The disease had a female preponderance (M:F = 1:3.8) with a mean age of disease onset of 27.4 (range 16-61) years. The prevalence of various MC and systemic manifestations are as follows: oral aphthae (100%), genital aphthae (93.1%), erythema nodosum (62%), papulopustular and acneiform lesions (31%), articular involvement (68.9%), ocular involvement (31%) and gastrointestinal (GI) involvement (3.4%) . Pathergy test positivity was observed in 31%. The treatment comprised of colchicine (16/29 patients), dapsone (7/29), dapsone with pentoxiphylline (3/29), systemic steroid (2/29), systemic steroid with methotrexate (1/29). Colchicine was effective and well tolerated in all patients. Conclusion: The disease occurs in a much milder form in India and is primarily mucocutaneous and arthritic. A high index of suspicion in patients with MC lesions may result in early diagnosis, management and prevention of complications of BD. We suggest colchicine as an effective and safe therapeutic option for MC and joint involvement

    A Review on Secure Cloud Resource Management

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    Security is always a prime concern of every cloud user. Many pioneer surveys have been done concerning security during data communication among owners, users, and stakeholders. However, there is a lack of literature surveys that address the concern of security during data processing or the workload execution within cloud data centers. In this context, we present a concise review of the existing methods that have addressed the security of workload or user data during load scheduling and execution within cloud environments. These methods have applied load-balancing strategies that helped to minimize the security attacks via co-residency or covert channels. The pandect comparative summary of these methods follows the corresponding review. The paper is concluded with limitations and future direction concerning secure load management.</p

    Relationship between intracellular calcium and airway reactivity in guinea pigs

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    The present study was carried out to examine the relationship between intracellular free calcium ion concentrations and its regulatory enzymes, sodium potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+,K+-ATPase) and calcium adenosine triphosphatase (Ca2+-ATPase), with airway reactivity to inhaled histamine in guinea pigs. Forty-nine guinea pigs were included in this study. Of these, 34 animals responded to histamine bronchoprovocation challenge in vivo with a greater than 35% fall in specific airways conductance and were labeled as "reactive," and the remaining 15 were "nonreactive." The dose of histamine producing a 35% fall in specific airways conductance was labeled as ED35 SGaw. The animals were then sacrificed, and the following biochemical measurements were carried out: intracellular free calcium ion concentrations [Ca2+]i in leukocytes and isolated tracheal smooth muscle cells, activities of Na+,K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase in tracheal homogenate, and plasma levels of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). Reactive guinea pigs showed significantly higher [Ca2+]i and Na+,K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase activities. Airway reactivity (ED35 SGaw) had significant negative correlation with [Ca2+]i, with activities of each of the ATPases and with plasma lysophosphatidylcholine. It is concluded that the level of [Ca2+]i is an important determinant of airway reactivity. Intracellular calcium levels modulate airway response to histamine with higher levels being associated with greater reactivity

    Genotyping & diagnostic methods for hepatitis C virus: A need of low-resource countries

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a blood borne and transfusion-transmitted infection (TTI). It has emerged as one of the major health challenges worldwide. In India, around 12-18 million peoples are infected with HCV, but in terms of prevalence percentage, its looks moderate due to large population. The burden of the HCV infection increases due to lack of foolproof screening of blood and blood products before transfusion. The qualified screening and quantification of HCV play an important role in diagnosis and treatment of HCV-related diseases. If identified early, HCV infection can be managed and treated by recently available antiviral therapies with fewer side effects. However, its identification at chronic phase makes its treatment very challenging and sometimes ineffective. The drugs therapy for HCV infection treatment is also dependent on its genotype. Different genotypes of HCV differ from each other at genomic level. The RNA viruses (such as HCV) are evolving perpetually due to interaction and integration among people from different regions and countries which lead to varying therapeutic response in HCV-infected patients in different geographical regions. Therefore, proper diagnosis for infecting virus and then exact determination of genotype become important for targeted treatment. This review summarizes the general information on HCV, and methods used for its diagnosis and genotyping

    Long Sudarshan Kriya Yoga enhances cardiovascular and respiratory synchronization: An observational study

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    Background: Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY – a rhythmic cyclic breathing) is known to produce several physiological changes in human body. Earlier it has been reported that SKY improves cardiovascular modulations, namely increase in heart rate variability. Objective: To observe the synchronization in oscillatory modulations in cardiac autonomic tone and ventilatory exchange during Long Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (LSKY). LSKY is a sequential combination of pranayama in ujjayi breath, bhastrika, and cyclic rhythmic breathing followed by yog-nidra. Methods: Regular LSKY practitioners from the Art of Living community with more than two years of experience participated in the study (n = 22; age 40.09 ± 12.68). The Electrocardiogram (ECG), respiration, oxygen saturation, and concentrations of oxygen and carbon-di-oxide from exhaled air were recorded before and during LSKY. The time domain parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) were calculated from ECG. All parameters were compared and correlated at each stage of LSKY. Results: Highly significant reciprocal correlation was found between HRV parameters and respiration rate during LSKY. Both O2 consumption and CO2 production increased significantly during three stages of pranayama and decreased towards the end of cyclic breathing. We also saw increased SPO2 simultaneously. Conclusion: The autonomic parameters exhibited reciprocal response to respiratory rate and correlated well to the ventilatory parameters. Further during LSKY we observed enhanced synchronization. In conclusion the LSKY has a potential to influence cardiorespiratory parameters for improving the performance of both systems. LSKY - enhances oscillations in HRV that resets the autonomic system, indicative of better cardiac health and prepares body for better metabolic response. Such changes are capable of inducing resilience along with physiological, psychological relaxation and emotional well-being