329 research outputs found

    Low radiation dose to treat pneumonia and other inflammations

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    Infection, the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, causes reactive inflammation mediated by endogenous signals, with influx of leucocytes with distinct properties and capable of mounting a cellular or antibody response. Different forms of inflammation may also occur in response to tumours, in allergy and autoimmune disorders. Pneumonia, respiratory tract infection and septic shock for instance can arise as serious complications of the Covid-19 virus. While radiotherapy has been most widely used to control malignant tumours, it has also been used for treatment of non-malignant diseases, including acute and chronic inflammation in situations where anti-inflammatory drugs may be ineffective or contraindicated. The present review examines the history and prospects for low-dose anti-inflammatory radiation treatments, the present interest largely being motivated by the increased incidence of pulmonary disease associated Covid-19 infections. Evidence in support of the suggested efficacy are covered, together with an appraisal of one of the number of potential convenient sources that could complement external beam arrangements

    Low dose ionising radiation-induced hormesis: Therapeutic implications to human health

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    The concept of radiation-induced hormesis, whereby a low dose is beneficial and a high dose is detrimental, has been gaining attention in the fields of molecular biology, environmental toxicology and radiation biology. There is a growing body of literature that recognises the importance of hormetic dose response not only in the radiation field, but also with molecular agents. However, there is continuing debate on the magnitude and mechanism of radiation hormetic dose response, which could make further contributions, as a research tool, to science and perhaps eventually to public health due to potential therapeutic benefits for society. The biological phenomena of low dose ionising radiation (LDIR) includes bystander effects, adaptive response, hypersensitivity, radioresistance and genomic instability. In this review, the beneficial and the detrimental effects of LDIR-induced hormesis are explored, together with an overview of its underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms that may potentially provide an insight to the therapeutic implications to human health in the future

    Lower bounds on the dilation of plane spanners

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    (I) We exhibit a set of 23 points in the plane that has dilation at least 1.43081.4308, improving the previously best lower bound of 1.41611.4161 for the worst-case dilation of plane spanners. (II) For every integer n13n\geq13, there exists an nn-element point set SS such that the degree 3 dilation of SS denoted by δ0(S,3) equals 1+3=2.7321\delta_0(S,3) \text{ equals } 1+\sqrt{3}=2.7321\ldots in the domain of plane geometric spanners. In the same domain, we show that for every integer n6n\geq6, there exists a an nn-element point set SS such that the degree 4 dilation of SS denoted by δ0(S,4) equals 1+(55)/2=2.1755\delta_0(S,4) \text{ equals } 1 + \sqrt{(5-\sqrt{5})/2}=2.1755\ldots The previous best lower bound of 1.41611.4161 holds for any degree. (III) For every integer n6n\geq6 , there exists an nn-element point set SS such that the stretch factor of the greedy triangulation of SS is at least 2.02682.0268.Comment: Revised definitions in the introduction; 23 pages, 15 figures; 2 table

    Orthodontic treatment needs in the western region of Saudi Arabia: a research report

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    BACKGROUND: Evaluation of self perceived and actual need for orthodontic treatment helps in planning orthodontic services and estimating the required resources and man power. In the present study, the perceptive need as evaluated by patients and the actual need to orthodontic treatment, as assessed by orthodontists, were evaluated at two types of dental practices in the city of Jeddah using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). METHODS: A consecutive sample of 743 adults seeking orthodontic treatment at two different types of dental practices in Jeddah; King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Dentistry (KAAU) (Free treatment) and two private dental polyclinics (PDP) (Paid treatment), was examined for orthodontic treatment need using the dental health component (DHC) of the IOTN. The self-perceived need for orthodontic treatment was also determined using the aesthetic component (AC) of the IOTN. The IOTN score and the incidence of each variable were calculated statistically. AC and DHC categories were compared using the Chi-Square and a correlation between them was assessed using Spearman's correlation test. AC and DHC were also compared between the two types of dental practices using the Chi-Square. RESULTS: The results revealed that among the 743 patients studied, 60.6% expressed no or slight need for treatment, 23.3% expressed moderate to borderline need and only16.1% thought they needed orthodontic treatment. Comparing these estimates to professional judgments, only 15.2% conformed to little or no need for treatment, 13.2% were assessed as in borderline need and 71.6% were assessed as in need for treatment (p < 0.001). Spearman's correlation test proved no correlation (r = -.045) between the two components. Comparing the AC and the DHC between the KAAU group and PDP group showed significant differences between the two groups (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Patient's perception to orthodontic treatment does not always correlate with professional assessment. The IOTN is a valid screening tool that should be used in orthodontic clinics for better services especially, in health centers that provide free treatment

    Distinct gene subsets in pterygia formation and recurrence: dissecting complex biological phenomenon using genome wide expression data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pterygium is a common ocular surface disease characterized by fibrovascular invasion of the cornea and is sight-threatening due to astigmatism, tear film disturbance, or occlusion of the visual axis. However, the mechanisms for formation and post-surgical recurrence of pterygium are not understood, and a valid animal model does not exist. Here, we investigated the possible mechanisms of pterygium pathogenesis and recurrence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>First we performed a genome wide expression analysis (human Affymetrix Genechip, >22000 genes) with principal component analysis and clustering techniques, and validated expression of key molecules with PCR. The controls for this study were the un-involved conjunctival tissue of the same eye obtained during the surgical resection of the lesions. Interesting molecules were further investigated with immunohistochemistry, Western blots, and comparison with tear proteins from pterygium patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Principal component analysis in pterygium indicated a signature of matrix-related structural proteins, including fibronectin-1 (both splice-forms), collagen-1A2, keratin-12 and small proline rich protein-1. Immunofluorescence showed strong expression of keratin-6A in all layers, especially the superficial layers, of pterygium epithelium, but absent in the control, with up-regulation and nuclear accumulation of the cell adhesion molecule CD24 in the pterygium epithelium. Western blot shows increased protein expression of beta-microseminoprotein, a protein up-regulated in human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Gene products of 22 up-regulated genes in pterygium have also been found by us in human tears using nano-electrospray-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry after pterygium surgery. Recurrent disease was associated with up-regulation of sialophorin, a negative regulator of cell adhesion, and <it>never in mitosis a</it>-5, known to be involved in cell motility.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Aberrant wound healing is therefore a key process in this disease, and strategies in wound remodeling may be appropriate in halting pterygium or its recurrence. For patients demonstrating a profile of 'recurrence', it may be necessary to manage as a poorer prognostic case and perhaps, more adjunctive treatment after resection of the primary lesion.</p

    Poly(Glycerol Adipate-co-ω-Pentadecalactone) Spray-Dried Microparticles as Sustained Release Carriers for Pulmonary Delivery

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    Purpose The aim of this work was to optimize biodegradable polyester poly(glycerol adipate-co-ω-pentadecalactone), PGA-co-PDL, microparticles as sustained release (SR) carriers for pulmonary drug delivery. Methods Microparticles were produced by spray drying directly from double emulsion with and without dispersibility enhancers ( L -arginine and L -leucine) (0.5–1.5%w/w) using sodium fluorescein (SF) as a model hydrophilic drug. Results Spray-dried microparticles without dispersibility enhancers exhibited aggregated powders leading to low fine particle fraction (%FPF) (28.79 ± 3.24), fine particle dose (FPD) (14.42 ± 1.57 μg), with a mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) 2.86 ± 0.24 μm. However, L -leucine was significantly superior in enhancing the aerosolization performance ( L- arginine:%FPF 27.61 ± 4.49–26.57 ± 1.85; FPD 12.40 ± 0.99–19.54 ± 0.16 μg and MMAD 2.18 ± 0.35–2.98 ± 0.25 μm, L -leucine:%FPF 36.90 ± 3.6–43.38 ± 5.6; FPD 18.66 ± 2.90–21.58 ± 2.46 μg and MMAD 2.55 ± 0.03–3.68 ± 0.12 μm). Incorporating L -leucine (1.5%w/w) reduced the burst release (24.04 ± 3.87%) of SF compared to unmodified formulations (41.87 ± 2.46%), with both undergoing a square root of time (Higuchi’s pattern) dependent release. Comparing the toxicity profiles of PGA-co-PDL with L -leucine (1.5%w/w) (5 mg/ml) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide), (5 mg/ml) spray-dried microparticles in human bronchial epithelial 16HBE14o- cell lines, resulted in cell viability of 85.57 ± 5.44 and 60.66 ± 6.75%, respectively, after 72 h treatment. Conclusion The above data suggest that PGA-co-PDL may be a useful polymer for preparing SR microparticle carriers, together with dispersibility enhancers, for pulmonary delivery