216 research outputs found

    A Note on Stress-Tensors, Conservation and Equations of Motion

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    Some unusual relations between stress tensors, conservation and equations of motion are briefly reviewed.Comment: 4 pages. Invited contribution, A. Peres Festschrift, to be published in Found. Phy

    A Note on Matter Superenergy Tensors

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    We consider Bel-Robinson-like higher derivative conserved two-index tensors H_\mn in simple matter models, following a recently suggested Maxwell field version. In flat space, we show that they are essentially equivalent to the true stress-tensors. In curved Ricci-flat backgrounds it is possible to redefine H_\mn so as to overcome non-commutativity of covariant derivatives, and maintain conservation, but they become model- and dimension- dependent, and generally lose their simple "BR" form.Comment: 3 page

    Conserved Matter Superenergy Currents for Hypersurface Orthogonal Killing Vectors

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    We show that for hypersurface orthogonal Killing vectors, the corresponding Chevreton superenergy currents will be conserved and proportional to the Killing vectors. This holds for four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes with an electromagnetic field that is sourcefree and inherits the symmetry of the spacetime. A similar result also holds for the trace of the Chevreton tensor. The corresponding Bel currents have previously been proven to be conserved and our result can be seen as giving further support to the concept of conserved mixed superenergy currents. The analogous case for a scalar field has also previously been proven to give conserved currents and we show, for completeness, that these currents also are proportional to the Killing vectors.Comment: 13 page

    Conserved Matter Superenergy Currents for Orthogonally Transitive Abelian G2 Isometry Groups

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    In a previous paper we showed that the electromagnetic superenergy tensor, the Chevreton tensor, gives rise to a conserved current when there is a hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector present. In addition, the current is proportional to the Killing vector. The aim of this paper is to extend this result to the case when we have a two-parameter Abelian isometry group that acts orthogonally transitive on non-null surfaces. It is shown that for four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory with a source-free electromagnetic field, the corresponding superenergy currents lie in the orbits of the group and are conserved. A similar result is also shown to hold for the trace of the Chevreton tensor and for the Bach tensor, and also in Einstein-Klein-Gordon theory for the superenergy of the scalar field. This links up well with the fact that the Bel tensor has these properties and the possibility of constructing conserved mixed currents between the gravitational field and the matter fields.Comment: 15 page

    On the Energy-Momentum Density of Gravitational Plane Waves

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    By embedding Einstein's original formulation of GR into a broader context we show that a dynamic covariant description of gravitational stress-energy emerges naturally from a variational principle. A tensor TGT^G is constructed from a contraction of the Bel tensor with a symmetric covariant second degree tensor field Φ\Phi and has a form analogous to the stress-energy tensor of the Maxwell field in an arbitrary space-time. For plane-fronted gravitational waves helicity-2 polarised (graviton) states can be identified carrying non-zero energy and momentum.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    On the structure of the new electromagnetic conservation laws

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    New electromagnetic conservation laws have recently been proposed: in the absence of electromagnetic currents, the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor, HabH_{ab} is divergence-free in four-dimensional (a) Einstein spacetimes for test fields, (b) Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes. Subsequently it has been pointed out, in analogy with flat spaces, that for Einstein spacetimes the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor HabH_{ab} can be rearranged in the form of a generalised wave operator L\square_L acting on the energy momentum tensor TabT_{ab} of the test fields, i.e., Hab=LTab/2H_{ab}=\square_LT_{ab}/2. In this letter we show, for Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes in the full non-linear theory, that, although, the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor HabH_{ab} can again be rearranged in the form of a generalised wave operator G\square_G acting on the electromagnetic energy momentum tensor, in this case the result is also crucially dependent on Einstein's equations; hence we argue that the divergence-free property of the tensor Hab=GTab/2H_{ab}=\square_GT_{ab}/2 has significant independent content beyond that of the divergence-free property of TabT_{ab}

    The Chevreton Tensor and Einstein-Maxwell Spacetimes Conformal to Einstein Spaces

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    In this paper we characterize the source-free Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes which have a trace-free Chevreton tensor. We show that this is equivalent to the Chevreton tensor being of pure-radiation type and that it restricts the spacetimes to Petrov types \textbf{N} or \textbf{O}. We prove that the trace of the Chevreton tensor is related to the Bach tensor and use this to find all Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes with a zero cosmological constant that have a vanishing Bach tensor. Among these spacetimes we then look for those which are conformal to Einstein spaces. We find that the electromagnetic field and the Weyl tensor must be aligned, and in the case that the electromagnetic field is null, the spacetime must be conformally Ricci-flat and all such solutions are known. In the non-null case, since the general solution is not known on closed form, we settle with giving the integrability conditions in the general case, but we do give new explicit examples of Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes that are conformal to Einstein spaces, and we also find examples where the vanishing of the Bach tensor does not imply that the spacetime is conformal to a CC-space. The non-aligned Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes with vanishing Bach tensor are conformally CC-spaces, but none of them are conformal to Einstein spaces.Comment: 22 pages. Corrected equation (12

    Multi-site observations of Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql and 8 Aql (a new Delta Scuti variable): The twelfth STEPHI campaign in 2003

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    We present an analysis of the pulsation behaviour of the Delta Scuti stars 7 Aql (HD 174532) and 8 Aql (HD 174589) -- a new variable star -- observed in the framework of STEPHI XII campaign during 2003 June--July. 183 hours of high precision photometry were acquired by using four-channel photometers at three sites on three continents during 21 days. The light curves and amplitude spectra were obtained following a classical scheme of multi-channel photometry. Observations in different filters were also obtained and analyzed. Six and three frequencies have been unambiguously detected above a 99% confidence level in the range 0.090 mHz--0.300 mHz and 0.100 mHz-- 0.145 mHz in 7 Aql and 8 Aql respectively. A comparison of observed and theoretical frequencies shows that 7 Aql and 8 Aql may oscillate with p modes of low radial orders, typical among Delta Scuti stars. In terms of radial oscillations the range of 8 Aql goes from n=1 to n=3 while for 7 Aql the range spans from n=4 to n=7. Non-radial oscillations have to be present in both stars as well. The expected range of excited modes according to a non adiabatic analysis goes from n=1 to n=6 in both stars.Comment: 8 pages, 7 fugures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Positivity and conservation of superenergy tensors

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    Two essential properties of energy-momentum tensors T_{\mu\nu} are their positivity and conservation. This is mathematically formalized by, respectively, an energy condition, as the dominant energy condition, and the vanishing of their divergence \nabla^\mu T_{\mu\nu}=0. The classical Bel and Bel-Robinson superenergy tensors, generated from the Riemann and Weyl tensors, respectively, are rank-4 tensors. But they share these two properties with energy momentum tensors: the Dominant Property (DP) and the divergence-free property in the absence of sources (vacuum). Senovilla defined a universal algebraic construction which generates a basic superenergy tensor T{A} from any arbitrary tensor A. In this construction the seed tensor A is structured as an r-fold multivector, which can always be done. The most important feature of the basic superenergy tensors is that they satisfy automatically the DP, independently of the generating tensor A. In a previous paper we presented a more compact definition of T{A} using the r-fold Clifford algebra. This form for the superenergy tensors allowed to obtain an easy proof of the DP valid for any dimension. In this paper we include this proof. We explain which new elements appear when we consider the tensor T{A} generated by a non-degree-defined r-fold multivector A and how orthogonal Lorentz transformations and bilinear observables of spinor fields are included as particular cases of superenergy tensors. We find some sufficient conditions for the seed tensor A, which guarantee that the generated tensor T{A} is divergence-free. These sufficient conditions are satisfied by some physical fields, which are presented as examples.Comment: 19 pages, no figures. Language and minor changes. Published versio