725 research outputs found

    Vertical Dynamical Transport of Mesospheric Constituents by Dissipating Gravity Waves

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    Over 400 h of Na wind/temperature lidar observations, obtained at the Star5re Optical Range, NM, are used to study the vertical dynamical transport of Na in the mesopause region between 85 and 100 km. Dynamical transport occurs when dissipating, non-breaking gravity waves impart a net vertical displacement in atmospheric constituents as they propagate through a region. We show that the vertical constituent flux can be related in a simple way to the vertical heat flux. Breaking gravity waves also contribute to eddy transport by generating turbulence. Because eddy transport is a mixing process, it only occurs in the presence of a gradient in the concentration profile of the constituent, while dynamical transport can be sustained even in the absence of such a gradient. The dynamical Na flux is compared with the predicted eddy flux. The maximum downward dynamical flux of Na is −280 m/s cm3 at 88 km. The maximum downward eddy flux is −160 m/s cm3 at the same altitude assuming the diffusion coefficient is 200 m2/s. The observational results are consistent with theoretical predictions below 93 km and show that dynamical transport often exceeds the vertical transport associated with eddy diffusion. The theoretical models are used to predict the dynamical and eddy fluxes of atomic oxygen and show that for this constituent, dynamical transport is also a signifcant transport mechanism

    Vertical Heat and Constituent Transport in the Mesopause Region by Dissipating Gravity Waves at Maui, Hawaii (20.7ºN), and Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico (35ºN)

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    Vertical heat flux profiles induced by dissipating gravity waves in the mesopause region (85–100 km altitude) are derived from Na lidar measurements of winds and temperatures at Maui (20.7ºN, 156.3ºW), Hawaii, and compared with earlier results from Starfire Optical Range (SOR, 35.0ºN, 106.5ºW), New Mexico. The heat flux profile at SOR has a single downward maximum of 2.25 ± 0.3 K m/s at 88 km, while the profile at Maui has two downward maxima of 1.25 ± 0.5 K m/s and 1.40 ± 0.5 K m/s at 87 and 95 km, respectively. The common maximum below 90 km can be attributed to high probability of convective instability. Comparison of the horizontal wind shear suggests that the second maximum at 95 km at Maui may be associated with dynamic instability. The measured Na flux and predicted Na flux based on measured heat flux at Maui agree well, further confirming earlier findings using SOR data. The dynamical flux of atomic oxygen estimated from the heat flux is smaller at Maui compared with that at SOR, but both are comparable to or larger than the eddy flux. The results also suggest that weaker gravity wave dissipation at Maui may cause two opposite effects on the energy balance in the mesopause region, a reduced cooling from heat transport and reduced chemical heating from atomic oxygen transport

    Seasonal Variations of the Vertical Fluxes of Heat and Horizontal Momentum in the Mesopause Region at Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico

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    Lidar observations of wind and temperature profiles between 85 and 100 km, conducted at the Starfire Optical Range (SOR), New Mexico, are used to characterize the seasonal variations of the vertical fluxes of heat and horizontal momentum and their relationships to gravity wave activity in this region. The wind and temperature variances exhibit strong 6-month oscillations with maxima during the summer and winter that are about 3 times larger than the spring and fall minima. The vertical heat flux also exhibits strong 6-month oscillations with maximum downward flux during winter and summer. The downward heat flux peaks near 88 km where it exceeds -3 K m s-1 in mid-winter and is nearly zero during the spring and fall equinoxes. The heat flux is significantly different from zero only when the local instability probability exceeds 8%, i.e., the annual mean for the mesopause region. The momentum fluxes also exhibit strong seasonal variations, which are related to the horizontal winds. Two-thirds of the time the horizontal momentum flux is directed against the mean wind field

    First Na Lidar Measurements of Turbulence Heat Flux, Thermal Diffusivity, and Energy Dissipation Rate in the Mesopause Region

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    Turbulence is ubiquitous in the mesopause region, where the atmospheric stability is low and wave breaking is frequent. Measuring turbulence is challenging in this region and is traditionally done by rocket soundings and radars. In this work, we show for the first time that the modern Na wind/temperature lidar located at Andes Lidar Observatory in Cerro Pachón, Chile, is able to directly measure the turbulence perturbations in temperature and vertical wind between 85 and 100 km. Using 150 h of lidar observations, we derived the frequency (ω) and vertical wave number (m) spectra for both gravity wave and turbulence, which follow the power law with slopes consistent with theoretical models. The eddy heat flux generally decreases with altitude from about −0.5 Km s−1 at 85 km to −0.1 Km s−1 at 100 km, with a local maximum of −0.6 Km s−1 at 93 km. The derived mean turbulence thermal diffusivity and energy dissipation rate are 43 m2 s−1 and 37 mW kg−1, respectively. The mean net cooling resulted from the heat transport and energy dissipation is −4.9 ± 1.5 K d−1, comparable to that due to gravity wave transport at −7.9 ± 1.9 K d−1. Turbulence key parameters show consistency with turbulence theories

    Atmospheric Stability and Gravity Wave Dissipation in the Mesopause Region

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    High-resolution temperature profile data collected at the Urbana Atmospheric Observatory (40ºN, 88ºW) and Starfire Optical Range, NM (35ºN, 106.5ºW) with a Na lidar are used to assess the stability of the mesopause region between 80 and 105 km. The mean diurnal and annual temperature profiles demonstrate that in the absence of gravity wave and tidal perturbations, the background atmosphere is statically stable throughout the day and year. Thin layers of instability can be generated only when the combined perturbations associated with tides and gravity waves induce large vertical shears in the horizontal wind and temperature profiles. There is a region of reduced stability below the mesopause between 80 and 90 km where the temperature lapse rate is large and the buoyancy parameter N2 is low. The vertical heat flux is maximum in this region which suggests that this is also a region of significant wave dissipation. There is also a region of enhanced stability above 95 km in the lower thermosphere where N2 is large. There appears to be little wave dissipation above 95 km because the temperature variance increases rapidly with increasing altitude in this region and the vertical heat flux is zero

    Measurements of Atmospheric Stability in the Mesopause Region at Starfire Optical Range, NM

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    The structure and seasonal variations of static (convective) and dynamic (shear) instabilities in the mesopause region (80–105 km) are examined using high-resolution wind and temperature data obtained with a Na lidar at the Starfire Optical Range, NM. The probabilities of static and dynamic instability are sensitive functions of N2/S2, where N is the buoyancy frequency and S is the total vertical shear in the horizontal winds. The mesopause region is most stable in summer when the mesopause is low, N is large and S is small. Monthly mean N2/S2 varies from a maximum value of about 1.06 in mid-summer to a minimum of 0.68 in January. The annual mean values of N and S are, respectively, 0.021 s−1 and 23 ms−1 km−1. The probabilities of static and dynamic instabilities are maximum in mid-winter when they average about 10% and 12%, respectively, and are minimum in summer when they average about 7% and 5%, respectively. The observations are generally consistent with theoretical predictions based on Gaussian models for the temperature and wind fluctuations induced by gravity waves. They also show that statically unstable conditions are generally preceded by dynamically unstable conditions. The instability probabilities vary considerably from night to night and the structure of the unstable regions are significantly influenced by atmospheric tides. Tides alone are usually not strong enough to induce instability but they can establish the environment for instabilities to develop. As the tidal temperature perturbations propagate downward, they reduce the stability on the topside of the positive temperature perturbation. Instabilities are then induced as gravity waves propagate through this layer of reduced static stability

    Seasonal and Nocturnal Variations of the Mesospheric Sodium Layer at Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico

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    The seasonal variations of the mesospheric sodium layer structure over Starfire Optical Range (SOR: 35ºN, 106.5ºW), New Mexico are characterized using 46 night data of Na wind/temperature lidar observations collected from Jan. 1998 to May 2000. The column abundance has a mean value of 5.06 x 109 cm -2 and strong annual oscillations of with a maximum in November and a minimum in June and July. The annual mean rms width of the sodium layer is 4.30 km and the mean centroid height is 91.60 km. Semiannual oscillations are evident in seasonal variations of the rms width and the centroid height. Their mean nocturnal variations show effects of tides. The photo-ionization during daytime and recombination processes of Na at night, as well as tidal dynamics, induce strong nocturnal variations in the sodium abundance with a minimum just before midnight and a maximum just before sunrise

    Bacterial Communities in Aerosols and Manure Samples from Two Different Dairies in Central and Sonoma Valleys of California

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    Aerosols have been suspected to transport food pathogens and contaminate fruits and vegetables grown in close proximity to concentrated animal feeding operations, but studies are lacking that substantiate such transport. To monitor the potential transport of bacteria originated from fresh or dry manure through aerosols on a dairy, we identified by 16S rRNA sequencing, bacteria in aerosols collected within 2 to 3 meters from dairy cows at two dairies. Gram-positive Firmicutes were predominant in aerosols from a dairy in Sonoma, California, and surrounded by vineyards, in contrast to sequences of Gram-negative Proteobacteria predominant in aerosols from a dairy in Modesto, California, also surrounded by other dairies. Although Firmicutes represented approximately 50% of the 10 most abundant sequences, aerosols from the Sonoma dairy also contained sequences of Bacteriodetes and Actinobacteria, identified previously with animal feces. While none of the top 10 sequences from fresh or dry manure from Modesto dairy were detected in aerosols, two of the sequences from the phylum Bacteriodetes and one from class Clostridia from fresh manure were detected in aerosols from Sonoma. Interestingly, none of the sequences from dry manure were in the top 10 sequences in aerosols from both dairies. The 10 most abundant sequences in aerosols from the Modesto dairy were all from Proteobacteria and nearly half of them were from genus Massilia, which have been isolated previously from immune-compromised people and aerosols. We conclude that the predominant bacteria in aerosols are diverse among locations and that they do not reflect the predominant species of bacteria present in cow feces and/or in close proximity to cows. These results suggest that the aerosol sequences did not originate from manure. Large volumes of aerosols would be required to determine if bacterial sequences from aerosols could be used to track bacteria in manure to crops grown in proximity
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