370 research outputs found

    Time-Polynomial Lieb-Robinson bounds for finite-range spin-network models

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    The Lieb-Robinson bound sets a theoretical upper limit on the speed at which information can propagate in non-relativistic quantum spin networks. In its original version, it results in an exponentially exploding function of the evolution time, which is partially mitigated by an exponentially decreasing term that instead depends upon the distance covered by the signal (the ratio between the two exponents effectively defining an upper bound on the propagation speed). In the present paper, by properly accounting for the free parameters of the model, we show how to turn this construction into a stronger inequality where the upper limit only scales polynomially with respect to the evolution time. Our analysis applies to any chosen topology of the network, as long as the range of the associated interaction is explicitly finite. For the special case of linear spin networks we present also an alternative derivation based on a perturbative expansion approach which improves the previous inequality. In the same context we also establish a lower bound to the speed of the information spread which yields a non trivial result at least in the limit of small propagation times.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum-capacity bounds in spin-network communication channels

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    Using the Lieb-Robinson inequality and the continuity property of the quantum capacities in terms of the diamond norm, we derive an upper bound on the values that these capacities can attain in spin-network communication i.i.d. models of arbitrary topology. Differently from previous results we make no assumptions on the encoding mechanisms that the sender of the messages adopts in loading information on the network.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Critical exponents in stochastic sandpile models

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    We present large scale simulations of a stochastic sandpile model in two dimensions. We use moments analysis to evaluate critical exponents and finite size scaling method to consistently test the obtained results. The general picture resulting from our analysis allows us to characterize the large scale behavior of the present model with great accuracy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Invited talk presented at CCP9

    Quantum Information Capacities for Networks and Higher Dimensional Channels

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    Partially Coherent Direct Sum Channels

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    We introduce Partially Coherent Direct Sum (PCDS) quantum channels, as a generalization of the already known Direct Sum quantum channels. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions to identify the subset of those maps which are degradable, and provide a simplified expression for their quantum capacities. Interestingly, the special structure of PCDS allows us to extend the computation of the quantum capacity formula also for quantum channels which are explicitly not degradable (nor antidegradable). We show instances of applications of the results to dephasing channels, amplitude damping channels and combinations of the two

    Resonant Multilevel Amplitude Damping Channels

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    We introduce a new set of quantum channels: resonant multilevel amplitude damping (ReMAD) channels. Among other instances, they can describe energy dissipation effects in multilevel atomic systems induced by the interaction with a zero-temperature bosonic environment. At variance with the already known class of multilevel amplitude damping (MAD) channels, this new class of maps allows the presence of an environment unable to discriminate transitions with identical energy gaps. After characterizing the algebra of their composition rules, by analyzing the qutrit case, we show that this new set of channels can exhibit degradability and antidegradability in vast regions of the allowed parameter space. There we compute their quantum capacity and private classical capacity. We show that these capacities can be computed exactly also in regions of the parameter space where the channels aren't degradable nor antidegradable

    Quantum capacity analysis of multi-level amplitude damping channels

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    The set of Multi-level Amplitude Damping (MAD) quantum channels is introduced as a generalization of the standard qubit Amplitude Damping Channel to quantum systems of finite dimension dd. In the special case of d=3d=3, by exploiting degradability, data-processing inequalities, and channel isomorphism, we compute the associated quantum and private classical capacities for a rather wide class of maps, extending the set of solvable models known so far. We proceed then to the evaluation of the entanglement assisted, quantum and classical, capacities

    A module for Data Centric Storage in ns-3

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    Demo in Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3 2015). 13 to 14, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.Management of data in large wireless sensor networks presents many hurdles, mainly caused by the limited energy available to the sensors, and by the limited knowledge of the sensors regarding the topology of the network. The first problem has been targeted by the introduction of in-network storage of sensed data, which can save much communication energy. The second issue found some relief with the introduction of geographical protocols that do not need knowledge regarding the network at large. Data Centric Storage systems such as QNiGHT [1][2] assume that each sensor knows its own geographical location, and they use geographical routing such as the Enhanced Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (EGPSR) protocol, sketched in Figure 1, to deliver packets to the sensor closest to a given point in the sensing area

    An Integration Gateway for Sensing Devices in Smart Environments

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    Smart Environments, and in particular Smart Homes, have recently attracted the attention of many researchers and industrial vendors. The proliferation of low-power sensing devices requires integration gateways hiding the complexity of heterogeneous technologies. We propose a ZigBee integration gateway to access and integrate low-power ZigBee devices
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