208 research outputs found

    Raduga experiment: Multizonal photographing the Earth from the Soyuz-22 spacecraft

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    The main results of the scientific research and 'Raduga' experiment are reported. Technical parameters are presented for the MKF-6 camera and the MSP-4 projector. Characteristics of the obtained materials and certain results of their processing are reported

    Application of bent crystals at IHEP 70-GeV accelerator to enhance the efficiency of its usage

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    Bent crystal was extracting 70-GeV protons with average intensity 4*10^11 (as measured in external beamline) per spill of 1.6 s duration, in parallel to the simultaneous work of two internal targets in the accelerator ring. An additional crystal, placed in the external beamline, was deflecting a small part of the extracted beam with intensity 10^7 protons toward another physics experiment. Crystal-extracted beam had a typical size of 4 mm by 4 mm fwhm at the end of the external beamline. Measurements for the extraction efficiency and other characteristics at the simultaneous work of four experimental set-ups are presented. With crystal working in the above-said regime during one month, no degradation of channeling was observed. The studies of extraction efficiency have been continued with new crystals.Comment: 6pp. Presented at EPAC 200

    Crystal experiments on efficient beam extraction

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    Silicon crystal was channeling and extracting 70-GeV protons from the U-70 accelerator with efficiency of 85.3+-2.8% as measured for a beam of 10^12 protons directed towards crystals of 2 mm length in spills of 1-2 s duration. The experimental data follow very well the prediction of Monte Carlo simulations. This success is important to devise a more efficient use of the U-70 accelerator in Protvino and provides a crucial support for implementation of crystal-assisted collimation of gold ion beam in RHIC and slow extraction from AGS onto E952, now in preparation at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Future applications, spanning in the energy from sub-GeV (medical) to order of 1 GeV (scraping in the SNS, extraction from COSY) to order of 1 TeV and beyond (scraping in the Tevatron, LHC, VLHC), can benefit from these studies.Comment: 12pp. Presented at 19-th Intern. Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids (ICACS-19: Paris, July 29 - August 3, 2001

    Channeling and Volume Reflection Based Crystal Collimation of Tevatron Circulating Beam Halo (T-980)

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    The T980 crystal collimation experiment is underway at the Tevatron to determine if this technique could increase 980 GeV beam-halo collimation efficiency at high-energy hadron colliders such as the Tevatron and the LHC. T980 also studies various crystal types and parameters. The setup has been substantially enhanced during the Summer 2009 shutdown by installing a new O-shaped crystal in the horizontal goniometer, as well as adding a vertical goniometer with two alternating crystals (O-shaped and multi-strip) and additional beam diagnostics. First measurements with the new system are quite encouraging, with channeled and volume-reflected beams observed on the secondary collimators as predicted. Investigation of crystal collimation efficiencies with crystals in volume reflection and channeling modes are described in comparison with an amorphous primary collimator. Results on the system performance are presented for the end-of-store studies and for entire collider stores. The first investigation of colliding beam collimation simultaneously using crystals in both the vertical and horizontal plane has been made in the regime with horizontally channeled and vertically volume-reflected beams. Planning is underway for significant hardware improvements during the FY10 summer shutdown and for dedicated studies during the final year of Tevatron operation and also for a "post-collider beam physics running" period.Comment: 3 pp. 1st International Particle Accelerator Conference: IPAC'10, 23-28 May 2010: Kyoto, Japa

    Synthesis, Characterization and Luminescent Properties of Mg- and Cr-Doped Alumina Ceramics

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    The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project No 18-33-00085

    The measurement results of carbon ion beam structure extracted by bent crystal from U-70 accelerator

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    The carbon ion +6C beam with energy 25 GeV/nucleon was extracted by bent crystal from the U-70 ring. The bent angle of silicon crystal was 85 mrad. About 2*105 particles for 109 circulated ions in the ring were observed in beam line 4a after bent crystal. Geometrical parameters, time structure and ion beam structure were measure

    The Investigations Of Beam Extraction And Collimation At U-70 Proton Synchrotron Of IHEP By Using Short Silicon Crystals

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    The new results of using short (2-4mm) bent crystals for extraction and collimation of proton beam at IHEP 70 Gev proton synchrotron are reported. A broad range of energies from 6 to 65 GeV has been studied in the same crystal collimation set-up. The efficiency of extraction more than 85% and intensity more than 10E12 were obtained by using crystal with the length 2-mm and the angle 1 mrad. The new regime of extraction is applied now at the accelerator to deliver the beam for different experimental setups within the range of intensity 10E7-10E12ppp.Comment: Presented at EPAC 2002 (Paris, June 3-7), 3p

    Calculation of power consumption and issue of CO2 at various processes by the production of steel

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    Проведены сравнительные расчеты эмиссии диоксида углерода – парникового газа – при различных сочетаниях коксовых (доменная печь + конвертер, доменная печь + электродуговая печь или ЭДП) и бескоксовых (HyL-3 + ЭДП, MIDREX + ЭДП, ROMELT + ЭДП, COREX + ЭДП, ЭДП на ломе) процессов производства стали. Для сравнительной оценки технологических процессов приведено ранжирование по значению сквозной интегральной эмиссии парникового газа CO2. При производстве стали выявлены преимущества по значению эмиссии CO2 для процессов HyL-3 + ЭДП, Midrex + ЭДП.Comparative calculations of carbon dioxide emission - greenhouse gas at various combinations coke oven (a blast furnace – the converter, a blast furnace - the electric arc furnace or EAF) and the coke-free (HyL-3-EAF, MIDREX-EAF, ROMELT-EAF, COREX-EAF, EAF on scrap) processes for the production of steel are carried out. For comparative assessment of technological processes in the framework of the power-ecological analysis it is considered parameter of emission of CO2 greenhouse gas. Steel production advantages CO2 emissions when using processes of HyL-3 + EAF, Midrex + EAF are revealed