256 research outputs found

    Jet quenching in shock waves

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    We study the propagation of an ultrarelativistic light quark jet inside a shock wave using the holographic principle. The maximum stopping distance and its dependency on the energy of the jet is obtained

    Defect formation beyond kibble-zurek mechanism and holography

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    We study the dynamic after a smooth quench across a continuous transition from the disordered phase to the ordered phase. Based on scaling ideas, linear response and the spectrum of unstable modes, we develop a theoretical framework, valid for any second order phase transition, for the early-time evolution of the condensate in the broken phase. Our analysis unveils a novel period of non-adiabatic evolution after the system passes through the phase transition, where a parametrically large amount of coarsening occurs before a well-defined condensate forms. Our formalism predicts a rate of defect formation parametrically smaller than the Kibble-Zurek prediction and yields a criterion for the break-down of Kibble-Zurek scaling for sufficiently fast quenches. We numerically test our formalism for a thermal quench in a 2 + 1 dimensional holographic superfluid. These findings, of direct relevance in a broad range of fields including cold atom, condensed matter, statistical mechanism and cosmology, are an important step towards a more quantitative understanding of dynamical phase transitions.We thank Laurence Yaffe for useful discussions. The work of P. M. C. is supported by the Fundamental Laws Initiative of the Center for the Fundamental Laws of Nature at Harvard University. The work of H. L. is partially supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Cooperative Research Agreement No. DE-FG0205ER41360. A. M. G.-G. was supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Grant No. EP/I004637/1; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Grant No. PTDC/FIS/111348/2009; and a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant No. PIRG07-GA-2010-268172.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from APS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.5.02101

    Thermalization from gauge/gravity duality: Evolution of singularities in unequal time correlators

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    We consider a gauge/gravity dual model of thermalization which consists of a collapsing thin matter shell in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter space. A central aspect of our model is to consider a shell moving at finite velocity as determined by its equation of motion, rather than a quasi-static approximation as considered previously in the literature. By applying a divergence matching method, we obtain the evolution of singularities in the retarded unequal time correlator GR(t,t′)G^R(t,t'), which probes different stages of the thermalization. We find that the number of singularities decreases from a finite number to zero as the gauge theory thermalizes. This may be interpreted as a sign of decoherence. Moreover, in a second part of the paper, we show explicitly that the thermal correlator is characterized by the existence of singularities in the complex time plane. By studying a quasi-static state, we show the singularities at real times originate from contributions of normal modes. We also investigate the possibility of obtaining complex singularities from contributions of quasi-normal modes.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    Heavy quarks in a magnetic field

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    The motion of a heavy charged quark in a magnetic field is analyzed in the vacuum of strongly coupled CFT. The motion of the quark is dissipative. It moves in spiral until it eventually comes to rest. The world-sheet geometry is locally AdS_2 but has a time dependent horizon. The string profile in the static gauge extends from the boundary till a point where an embedding singularity exists. Connections with other circular string motions are established.Comment: (v3) Misprints corrected, discussion on moving horizons improved and enhance

    Jet quenching in hot strongly coupled gauge theories simplified

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    Theoretical studies of jet stopping in strongly-coupled QCD-like plasmas have used gauge-gravity duality to find that the maximum stopping distance scales like E^{1/3} for large jet energies E. In recent work studying jets that are created by finite-size sources in the gauge theory, we found an additional scale: the typical (as opposed to maximum) jet stopping distance scales like (EL)^{1/4}, where L is the size of the space-time region where the jet is created. In this paper, we show that the results of our previous, somewhat involved computation in the gravity dual, and the (EL)^{1/4} scale in particular, can be very easily reproduced and understood in terms of the distance that high-energy particles travel in AdS_5-Schwarzschild space before falling into the black brane. We also investigate how stopping distances depend on the conformal dimension of the source operator used to create the jet.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Meson Thermalization in Various Dimensions

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    In gauge/gravity duality framework the thermalization of mesons in strongly coupled (p+1)-dimensional gauge theories is studied for a general Dp-Dq system, q>=p, using the flavour Dq-brane as a probe. Thermalization corresponds to the horizon formation on the flavour Dq-brane. We calculate the thermalization time-scale due to a time-dependent change in the baryon number chemical potential, baryon injection in the field theory. We observe that for such a general system it has a universal behaviour depending only on the t'Hooft coupling constant and the two parameters which describe how we inject baryons into the system. We show that this universal behaviour is independent of the details of the theory whether it is conformal and/or supersymmetric.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Time singularities of correlators from Dirichlet conditions in AdS/CFT

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    Within AdS/CFT, we establish a general procedure for obtaining the leading singularity of two-point correlators involving operator insertions at different times. The procedure obtained is applied to operators dual to a scalar field which satisfies Dirichlet boundary conditions on an arbitrary time-like surface in the bulk. We determine how the Dirichlet boundary conditions influence the singularity structure of the field theory correlation functions. New singularities appear at boundary points connected by null geodesics bouncing between the Dirichlet surface and the boundary. We propose that their appearance can be interpreted as due to a non-local double trace deformation of the dual field theory, in which the two insertions of the operator are separated in time. The procedure developed in this paper provides a technical tool which may prove useful in view of describing holographic thermalization using gravitational collapse in AdS space.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures. Version as in JHE

    The Gluonic Field of a Heavy Quark in Conformal Field Theories at Strong Coupling

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    We determine the gluonic field configuration sourced by a heavy quark undergoing arbitrary motion in N=4 super-Yang-Mills at strong coupling and large number of colors. More specifically, we compute the expectation value of the operator tr[F^2+...] in the presence of such a quark, by means of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Our results for this observable show that signals propagate without temporal broadening, just as was found for the expectation value of the energy density in recent work by Hatta et al. We attempt to shed some additional light on the origin of this feature, and propose a different interpretation for its physical significance. As an application of our general results, we examine when the quark undergoes oscillatory motion, uniform circular motion, and uniform acceleration. Via the AdS/CFT correspondence, all of our results are pertinent to any conformal field theory in 3+1 dimensions with a dual gravity formulation.Comment: 1+38 pages, 16 eps figures; v2: completed affiliation; v3: corrected typo, version to appear in JHE
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