7 research outputs found

    ABC transporter genes ABC-C6 and ABC-G33 alter plant-microbeparasite interactions in the rhizosphere

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 27 Dec 2019Plants are master regulators of rhizosphere ecology, secreting a complex mixture of compounds into the soil, collectively termed plant root exudate. Root exudate composition is highly dynamic and functional, mediating economically important interactions between plants and a wide range of soil organisms. Currently we know very little about the molecular basis of root exudate composition, which is a key hurdle to functional exploitation of root exudates for crop improvement. Root expressed transporters modulate exudate composition and could be manipulated to develop beneficial plant root exudate traits. Using Virus Induced Gene silencing (VIGS), we demonstrate that knockdown of two root-expressed ABC transporter genes in tomato cv. Moneymaker, ABC-C6 and ABC-G33, alters the composition of semi-volatile compounds in collected root exudates. Root exudate chemotaxis assays demonstrate that knockdown of each transporter gene triggers the repulsion of economically relevant Meloidogyne and Globodera spp. plant parasitic nematodes, which are attracted to control treatment root exudates. Knockdown of ABC-C6 inhibits egg hatching of Meloidogyne and Globodera spp., relative to controls. Knockdown of ABC-G33 has no impact on egg hatching of Meloidogyne spp. but has a substantial inhibitory impact on egg hatching of G. pallida. ABC-C6 knockdown has no impact on the attraction of the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens, or the plant growth promoting Bacillus subtilis, relative to controls. Silencing ABC-G33 induces a statistically significant reduction in attraction of B. subtilis, with no impact on attraction of A. tumefaciens. By inoculating selected differentially exuded compounds into control root exudates, we demonstrate that hexadecaonic acid and pentadecane are biologically relevant parasite repellents. ABC-C6 represents a promising target for breeding or biotechnology intervention strategies as gene knockdown leads to the repulsion of economically important plant parasites and retains attraction of the beneficial rhizobacterium B. subtilis. This study exposes the link between ABC transporters, root exudate composition, and ex planta interactions with agriculturally and economically relevant rhizosphere organisms, paving the way for new approaches to rhizosphere engineering and crop protection

    The nutritional profiles of five important edible insect species from West Africa – an analytical and literature synthesis

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    Background: Undernutrition is a prevalent, serious, and growing concern, particularly in developing countries. Entomophagy—the human consumption of edible insects, is a historical and culturally established practice in many regions. Increasing consumption of nutritious insect meal is a possible combative strategy and can promote sustainable food security. However, the nutritional literature frequently lacks consensus, with interspecific differences in the nutrient content of edible insects generally being poorly resolved. Aims and methods: Here we present full proximate and fatty acid profiles for five edible insect species of socio-economic importance in West Africa: Hermetia illucens (black soldier fly), Musca domestica (house fly), Rhynchophorus phoenicis (African palm weevil), Cirina butyrospermi (shea tree caterpillar), and Macrotermes bellicosus (African termite). These original profiles, which can be used in future research, are combined with literature-derived proximate, fatty acid, and amino acid profiles to analyse interspecific differences in nutrient content. Results: Interspecific differences in ash (minerals), crude protein, and crude fat contents were substantial. Highest ash content was found in H. illucens and M. domestica (~10 and 7.5% of dry matter, respectively), highest crude protein was found in C. butyrospermi and M. domestica (~60% of dry matter), whilst highest crude fat was found in R. phoenicis (~55% of dry matter). The fatty acid profile of H. illucens was differentiated from the other four species, forming its own cluster in a principal component analysis characterized by high saturated fatty acid content. Cirina butyrospermi had by far the highest poly-unsaturated fatty acid content at around 35% of its total fatty acids, with α-linolenic acid particularly represented. Amino acid analyses revealed that all five species sufficiently met human essential amino acid requirements, although C. butyrospermi was slightly limited in leucine and methionine content. Discussion: The nutritional profiles of these five edible insect species compare favorably to beef and can meet human requirements, promoting entomophagy's utility in combatting undernutrition. In particular, C. butyrospermi may provide a source of essential poly-unsaturated fatty acids, bringing many health benefits. This, along with its high protein content, indicates that this species is worthy of more attention in the nutritional literature, which has thus-far been lacking

    Mediation of a plant-spider association by specific volatile compounds

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    Evarcha culicivora, an East African jumping spider (Salticidae), is the only spider for which there is evidence of innate olfactory affinity for particular plant species. E. culicivora also actively chooses as preferred prey the females of Anopheles mosquitoes, and both sexes of Anopheles are known to visit plants for nectar meals. Here we identify compounds present in the headspace of one of these species in Kenya, Lantana camara, and then use 11 of these compounds in olfactometer experiments. Our findings show that three terpenes ((E)-β-caryophyllene, α-humulene and 1,8 cineole) can be discriminated by, and are salient to, E. culicivora. The spiders experienced no prior training with plants or the compounds we used. This is the first experimental demonstration of specific phytochemicals being innately attractive to a spider, a group normally characterized as predators

    Glutathione, an Antioxidant Tripeptide: Dual Roles in Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention

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