29 research outputs found

    Konstruktivistische Ansätze in der Erwachsenenbildung und Weiterbildung

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    Theoretical approaches in the field of further education and advanced vocational training have to face multifaceted demands: the analysis of knowledge aquisition and knowledge transfer and its instructional support as well as the revealment of the mechanisms which influence further education on an organisational level in companies. This article describes, that herefore especially moderate constructivistic approaches are useful. After an introduction to the philosophical tradition of these approaches and important characteristics of adult learning, two examples of constructivistic models are being described particularly: The theory of situated learning environments and career counseling. Concluding it is shown, that a moderate constructive perspective fulfils important criteria for the theoretic modelling of further education processes.Theoretische Ansätze in der Erwachsenen- und insbesondere in der beruflichen Weiterbildung müssen sich vielfältigen Ansprüchen stellen: der Analyse des Wissenserwerbs und Wissenstransfers und seiner instruktionalen Unterstützung ebenso wie der Aufdeckung der Mechanismen, die in den Betrieben auf organisatorischer Ebene die Weiterbildung beeinflussen. In diesem Beitrag wird die Auffassung vertreten, daß dafür insbesondere liberalisierte konstruktivistische Ansätze gut geeignet sind. Nach einer Einführung in die philosophische Tradition dieser Ansätze und wichtiger Merkmale des Lernens im Erwachsenenalter werden zwei Beispiele konstruktivistischer Modelle genauer beschrieben: die Theorie situierter Lernumgebungen und das career counseling. Abschließend wird gezeigt, daß eine liberalisierte konstruktivistische Perspektive wichtige Kriterien für die theoretische Modellierung von Weiterbildungsprozessen erfüllt

    Projection of participant recruitment to primary care research: a qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: Recruitment to clinical trials remains a challenge, particularly in primary care settings. Initial projections of participant recruitment need to be as accurate as possible in order to avoid the financial, clinical and ethical costs of trial extensions or failures. However, estimation of recruitment rates is challenging and often poorly executed, if attempted at all. We used qualitative methods to explore the experiences and views of researchers on the planning of recruitment in this setting. METHODS: Participants had registered accrual to a UK-based primary care research study between April 2009 and March 2012. We conducted nine interviews with chief investigators or study managers, using a semi-structured topic guide. Analysis was conducted using the framework approach. RESULTS: Three themes are presented: 1) the factors affecting recruitment rates, 2) the use of planning techniques, and 3) influences on poor estimation. 1) A large number of factors affecting recruitment rates were discussed, including those relating to the study protocol, the clinical setting and the research setting. Use of targeted mail-outs to invite apparently eligible individuals to participate was preferred in order to eliminate some of the uncertainty in the recruitment rate associated with opportunistic clinician referrals. 2) The importance of pilot work was stressed. We identified significant uncertainty as to how best to schedule trial timelines to maximise efficiency. 3) Several potential sources of bias involved in the estimation of recruitment rates were explored and framed as technological, psychological or political factors. CONCLUSIONS: We found a large number of factors that interviewees felt impact recruitment rates to primary care research and highlighted the complexity of realistic estimation. Suitable early planning of the recruitment process is essential, and there may be potential to improve the projection of trial timelines by reducing biases involved in the process. Further research is needed to develop formal approaches that would be suitable for use in this setting

    Transnational education as enabler of access to quality higher education and its link to UN SDG4: The case of Greece

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    This chapter explores the impact of TNE in Greece with particular reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4. The context of the research is a TNE collaborative partnership case study which involves Queen Margaret University in Scotland and Metropolitan College in Greece. A qualitative approach is used to gather and analyse primary evidence from TNE students and graduates. The findings suggest that TNE has had a positive impact in enabling access to good quality higher education in Greece in three respects: (1) affordability; (2) access to courses not available in the domestic HE system; and (3) the use of the host country language in delivery and assessment. This case study suggests that TNE promotes access to good quality higher education and creates a number of benefits for direct participants and wider stakeholder groups with direct reference to UN SDG4.https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030436469https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-43647-6_5pubpu


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    Dewey Contexts, and Texts

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