712 research outputs found

    Does nitrate reductase play a key role in photoinduction of carotenoid synthesis in Neurospora crassa?

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    Does nitrate reductase play a key role in photoinduction of caroteniod synthesis in Neurospora crassa

    Clinical significance of sensitization to house dust mite allergens using flow cytometry-based basophil activation test

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    Respiratory allergy takes a significant place among allergic diseases. Similar clinical manifestations occur in sensitized patients in response to various airborne allergens. Accordingly, the allergen testing by means of in vivo and in vitro techniques is necessary to identify a causally significant allergen. The main laboratory assay to estimate sensitization to the airborne allergens is based on detection of specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE). However, clinical manifestations cannot be always confirmed by this test. The aim of this work was to evaluate the potential of basophil activation test (BAT) using flow cytometry, in order to confirm sensitization to house dust mite allergens. The BAT was carried out with allergens from Dermatofagoides in 34 volunteers, 130 patients were examined at the Russian Centre of Emergency and Radiation Medicine (33 people with household and 97 people with polysensitization), and 10 patients with allergy to house dust mites confirmed by skin testing. The sensitization was assessed using two laboratory kits (Allergenicity and BD FastImmune). The total IgE and sIgE to house dust mites, as well as concentrations of eosinophilic cationic protein, were determined. Specificity of the BAT with Allergenicity kit for the house dust mites was 94%. The sensitivity was 88% in the patients with household sensitization, thus being comparable with skin testing results available from the literature. An absolute correlation was found between positive results of skin testing and the BAT. In patients with household sensitization, sIgE levels > 0.35 UA/mL were detected in 39% of cases. A positive correlation was shown between the indices of basophil activation in response to testing allergens, and total immunoglobulin E and sIgE concentrations. High degree of correlation was found between the results of Dermatofagoides sensitization testing with both BAT kits. It was shown that the use of H1 histamine receptor blockers had no effect on BAT results. A decrease in sensitivity assay for airborne allergens was revealed upon therapy with glucocorticosteroids. Due to the proven clinical significance of the basophil activation test for diagnosing sensitization to inhaled allergens, one may require to supplement the range of approved assays in Russian Clinical Guidelines with BAT testing to prove sensitization in patients with allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma, thus contributing to better diagnosis of causally significant allergens and, accordingly, administration of proper therapy

    Full Multiple Scattering Analysis of XANES at the Cd L 3- and O K- Edges in CdO Films Combined with a Soft-X-Ray Emission Investigation

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    X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) at the cadmium L3 and oxygen K edges for CdO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition method, is interpreted within the real-space multiple scattering formalism, FEFF code. The features in the experimental spectra are well reproduced by calculations for a cluster of about six and ten coordination shells around the absorber for L3 edge of Cd and K edge of O, respectively. The calculated projected electronic density of states is found to be in good agreement with unoccupied electronic states in experimental data and allows to conclude that the orbital character of the lowest energy of the conductive band is Cd 5s-O 2p[sigma]*. The charge transfer has been quantified and not purely ionic bonding has been found. Combined XANES and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering measurements allow us to determine the direct and indirect band gap of investigated CdO films to be ~2.4 eV and ~0.9 eV, respectively

    The use of {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] for detection of sentinel lymph nodes in cervical cancer patients

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of using {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3]- based radiopharmaceutical, a novel molecular imaging agent for sentinel lymph node detection in patients with invasive cervical cancer. The study included 23 cervical cancer patients (TlaNxMx- T[2]bNxMx) treated at the Tomsk Cancer Research Institute. At 18 hours before surgery, 80 MBq of the {99m}Tc-Al[2]O[3] were injected peritumorally, followed by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of the pelvis and intraoperative SLN identification. Twenty-seven SLNs were detected by SPECT, and 34 SLNs were identified by intraoperative gamma probe. The total number of identified SLNs per patient ranged from 1 to 3(the mean number of SLNs was 1.4 per patient). The most common site for SLN detection was the external iliac region (57.2%), followed by the internal iliac, obturator, presacral and retrosacral regions (they amounted to 14%, respectively),and the parametrial region (1%). Sensitivity in detecting SLNs was 100% for intraoperative SLN identification and 79% for SPECT image


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    In this work effect of accounting of additional resistances, that is caused switch apparatus, instrument transformer and contact coupling, on calculation of loses power and energy in network of 0.4 kV and valuation of energy efficiency and resource of energy conservation was analyzed.В представленной работе проанализировано влияние учета дополнительных сопротивлений, обусловленных коммутационными аппаратами, измерительными трансформаторами и контактными соединениями, на расчет потерь активной мощности и энергии в сетях напряжением 0,4 кВ, и, как следствие, оценку энергоэффективности и ресурса энергосбережения

    Библиотеки в образовательном чтении школьников и студентов

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    The goal of the study was to reveal distinction between the reading practices at different educational levels and to specify the libraries’ place in these practices. The reading practices are determined not only by the new technological (digital) environment but also by the institutional and organizational context and social relationship within the educational environment. The case study of educa-tional institutions of Novosibirsk Academic Center (namely Novosibirsk State Uni-versity and the University’s specialized Academic Research Center) was accom-plished. The data was acquired through structured interviews, questionnaire-based survey supplemented with the statistical data of RAS SB State Public Scien-tific and Technological Library. The majority of high-graders use the library for textbooks and/or if recommended by the teacher. The university library is less involved in the educational process; the students visit the library occasionally (e.g. searching for rare publications or lacking alternatives). The university is not their source of digital documents or full texts either; the students prefer not to scruti-nize the specificity of every database and access procedure and turn to searchable Internet-resources. The library, in student’s opinion, needs modernization for less formal and disciplinary regulations, for more comfort, and polyfunctional envi-ronment of reading rooms.Цель представленного в статье исследования – выявить отличия практик чтения на разных образовательных ступенях и место библиотек в этих практиках. Практики чтения определяются не только новой технологической (цифровой) средой, но и институционально-организационным контекстом и социальными отношениями в образовательной среде. Исследование реализовано в стратегии case study на примере образовательных учреждений Новосибирского научного центра (Новосибирского государственного университета и Специализированного учебно-научного центра при университете). Методы сбора данных: структурированные интервью, анкетные опросы, дополненные статистической отчётностью ГПНТБ СО РАН. Большинство старшеклассников посещает библиотеку для получения обязательных учебников либо по рекомендации преподавателя. Университетская библиотека слабее включена в процесс обучения, студенты прибегают к её помощи эпизодически (поиск редких изданий), в случае отсутствия альтернативных вариантов. В качестве источника электронных документов и места поиска текстов библиотека также не является частью читательских практик; из-за необходимости вникать в особенности каждой базы и процедуры доступа студенты выбирают не их, а поисковые интернет-ресурсы. Библиотека, на взгляд студентов, нуждается в модернизации в сторону меньшей формализации и дисциплинарной строгости, большего комфорта, полифункциональности пространства читальных залов


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    Introduction. Proteins associated with cellular motility are known to play an important role in invasion and metastasis of cancer, however there is no evidence of their association with the development of malignant tumors including endometrial cancer (EC).The aim of the present study was to investigate the levels of actin-binding proteins, p45-Ser-β-catenin, and calpain activity in endometrial hyperplasia and in EC.Material and Methods. Total calpain activity, p45-Ser β-catenin, Arp3, gelsolin, cofillin and thymosin β-4 levels were evaluated in 43 postmenopausal patients with stage I–II endometrioid EC and 40 endometrial hyperplasia patients. Flow cytometry and Western blotting were used for expression determination of p45 Ser β-catenin and actin-biding proteins. Total calpain activity was estimated by fluorimetric method.Results. Levels of cofilin-1, thymosin β-4 and calpain activity were higher in cancer tissues than in endometrial hyperplasia. Cofilin-1 and thymosin β-4 levels were associated with the depth of myometrial invasion. The thymosin β-4 expression was correlated with the presence of tumor cervical invasion. Revealed correlations between the actin-binding proteins, p45-Ser-β-catenin and total calpain activity in endometrial hyperplasia tissue, but not in the tissue of cancer, is evidence of the involvement of these proteases in regulation of cell migration in endometrial hyperplasia. Levels of thymosin β-4, cofilin and total calpain activity are independent cancer risk factors in patients with endometrial hyperplasia.Conclusion. The level of actin-binding proteins as well as the total calpain activity were enhanced in endometrium carcinoma tissues compared to endometrial hyperplasia. The levels of thymosinβ-4, cofilin and total calpain activity in endometrial hyperplasia tissues are associated with a hyperplasia transition to cancer and may be considered as predictive biomarkers. Введение. Известно, что белки, связанные с клеточной подвижностью, играют важную роль в инвазии и метастазировании злокачественных опухолей, тем не менее нет данных об их связи с развитием новообразований, в том числе рака эндометрия (РЭ).Целью исследования было изучение уровня актин-связывающих белков, p45-Ser-β-катенина и активности кальпаинов при гиперплазии эндометрия и при РЭ.Материал и методы. Общая активность кальпаинов, уровни p45-Ser β-катенина, Arp3, гельзолина, кофиллина и тимозина β-4 были оценены у 43 больных раком эндометрия I–II стадии в постменопаузе и у 40 пациенток с гиперплазией эндометрия. Проточную цитометрию и вестерн-блоттинг использовали для определения экспрессии p45 Ser β-катенина и актин-связывающих белков. Общая активность кальпаинов оценивалась флуориметрическим методом.Результаты. Уровни кофилина-1, тимозина β-4 и активность кальпаинов были выше в тканях злокачественных опухолей, чем при гиперплазии эндометрия. Уровни кофилина-1 и тимозина β-4 были связаны с глубиной инвазии рака эндометрия в миометрий. Содержание тимозина β-4 коррелировало с наличием инвазии опухоли в шейку матки. Выявленные корреляции между актин-связывающими белками, р45-Ser-β-катенином и общей активностью кальпаинов в ткани гиперплазии эндометрия, но не в ткани рака свидетельствуют об участии этих протеаз в регуляции клеточной миграции при гиперплазии эндометрия. Уровни тимозина-4, кофилина и общая активность кальпаинов являются независимыми факторами риска развития рака у пациентов с гиперплазией эндометрия.Заключение. Уровень актин-связывающих белков, а также общая активность кальпаинов были повышены в тканях карциномы эндометрия по сравнению с гиперплазией эндометрия. Уровни тимозина-4, кофилина и общая активность кальпаинов в тканях гиперплазии эндометрия могут быть независимыми факторами риска развития рака.

    Dense Plasma Focus: physics and applications (radiation material science, single-shot disclosure of hidden illegal objects, radiation biology and medicine, etc.)

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    The paper presents some outcomes obtained during the year of 2013 of the activity in the frame of the International Atomic Energy Agency Co-ordinated research project "Investigations of Materials under High Repetition and Intense Fusion-Relevant Pulses". The main results are related to the effects created at the interaction of powerful pulses of different types of radiation (soft and hard X-rays, hot plasma and fast ion streams, neutrons, etc. generated in Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) facilities) with various materials including those that are counted as perspective ones for their use in future thermonuclear reactors. Besides we discuss phenomena observed at the irradiation of biological test objects. We examine possible applications of nanosecond powerful pulses of neutrons to the aims of nuclear medicine and for disclosure of hidden illegal objects. Special attention is devoted to discussions of a possibility to create extremely large and enormously diminutive DPF devices and probabilities of their use in energetics, medicine and modern electronics

    Comparison of quality of life in patients with primary postoperative and autoimmune hypothyreosis

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    Background. Achieving a high level of quality of life is one of the priorities in the treatment of chronic diseases. Focusing on the quality of life, it is possible to optimally adjust the treatment plan for patients, influencing the link that suffers most in this pathology. Hypothyroidism is mainly formed as a result of surgery on the thyroid gland, or autoimmune thyroiditis, and at the same time is one of the most common endocrine diseases, is of great social importance due to the potentially adverse effect on most organs and systems, resulting in a decrease in quality of life.The aim. To analyze the impact of primary hypothyroidism (postoperative hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis) on the quality of life of patients.Materials and methods. During the study, a clinical, laboratory and psychological study of 78 women with uncompensated primary hypothyroidism was carried out: 40 women aged 32–76 years with postoperative hypothyroidism (main group) and 38 women aged 36–60 years with autoimmune thyroiditis (comparison group). The quality of life was judged by the indicators of the MOS SF-36 questionnaire.Conclusion. In the examined patients with primary hypothyroidism, an association between an increase in TSH levels and a decrease in all indicators of the quality of life was revealed. First, indicators of physical functioning, general health, role and emotional functioning worsened. The dependence of indicators on the MOS SF-36 scales with the age of patients, the duration of hypothyroidism, and the level of TSH was revealed. The quality of life in patients with postoperative hypothyroidism was significantly reduced compared to patients who had hypothyroidism due to autoimmune thyroiditis

    Processing of aluminum-graphite particulate metal matrix composites by advanced shear technology

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    Copyright @ 2009 ASM International. This paper was published in Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 18(9) and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of ASM International. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic or multiple reproduction, distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means, duplications of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of this paper are prohibited.To extend the possibilities of using aluminum/graphite composites as structural materials, a novel process is developed. The conventional methods often produce agglomerated structures exhibiting lower strength and ductility. To overcome the cohesive force of the agglomerates, a melt conditioned high-pressure die casting (MC-HPDC) process innovatively adapts the well-established, high-shear dispersive mixing action of a twin screw mechanism. The distribution of particles and properties of composites are quantitatively evaluated. The adopted rheo process significantly improved the distribution of the reinforcement in the matrix with a strong interfacial bond between the two. A good combination of improved ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and tensile elongation (e) is obtained compared with composites produced by conventional processes.EPSR