175 research outputs found

    Diversification of transit risks of Russia as a basis for economic and energy security in European countries

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    The paper examines the dependence of energy security against the European Union (EU) and Russia, where the main threats are the insufficient diversification of supplies, the difficulties in gas transportation and the high transit tariffs. It covers the threats of location of the gas transportation system in Ukraine, through the territory of which a significant volume of gas purchases to the EU countries is delivered. The ways of diversifying transit risks have been identified through the Yamal-Europe, Blue Stream, and Nord Stream gas pipelines, as well as by the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. This will allow diversifying the EU transit risks and supplying gas to Austria through the territory of Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In turn could be determined by political and economic instability. In the methodological part of the paper, an analysis of gas consumption in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe was made, which showed fairly stable consumption with a slight decrease in demand.peer-reviewe

    Software selection based on analysis and forecasting methods, practised in 1C

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    The research focuses on the problem of a "1C: Enterprise 8" platform inboard mechanisms for data analysis and forecasting. It is important to evaluate and select proper software to develop effective strategies for customer relationship management in terms of sales, as well as implementation and further maintenance of software. Research data allows creating new forecast models to schedule further software distribution

    Spoken-behavioral analysis of the poem by M.Y. Lermontov "song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov"

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    Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov had drawn attention of many scientists [Lominadze, Golstein, Kiseleva, Komar], who were considering it in literary key, at this - in different aspects, including religious, detecting contradictions in estimation of Christian attitude of the poet. Along with that, the poem of M.Y. Lermontov is interesting from language culturological positions, as language has an ability to accumulate culture (including religious) of people speaking it. Methods of research are description and language culturological. Research was conducted with reliance on conception of spokenbehavioral tactics of E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov and figured by them spoken-behavioral tactics of the central fragment of Russian national culture - the culture of guilt and apology. In work are analyzed spoken-behavioral tactics of delict (guilt of any kind) admission and its obliteration and also their verbal realizations. There were separated spoken-behavioral tactics of forced guilt admission, guilt admission and also singular and abstinative spoken-behavioral tactics showing divergence of world vision of M.Y. Lermontov with ethic of the New Testament. In result was made a conclusion abut the fact that setting for religiousness of M.Y. Lermontov in considered poem does not correspond to truly Christian school of thought

    Spoken-behavioral analysis of the poem by M.Y. Lermontov "song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov"

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    Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and brave merchant Kalashnikov had drawn attention of many scientists [Lominadze, Golstein, Kiseleva, Komar], who were considering it in literary key, at this - in different aspects, including religious, detecting contradictions in estimation of Christian attitude of the poet. Along with that, the poem of M.Y. Lermontov is interesting from language culturological positions, as language has an ability to accumulate culture (including religious) of people speaking it. Methods of research are description and language culturological. Research was conducted with reliance on conception of spokenbehavioral tactics of E.M. Vereshchagin and V.G. Kostomarov and figured by them spoken-behavioral tactics of the central fragment of Russian national culture - the culture of guilt and apology. In work are analyzed spoken-behavioral tactics of delict (guilt of any kind) admission and its obliteration and also their verbal realizations. There were separated spoken-behavioral tactics of forced guilt admission, guilt admission and also singular and abstinative spoken-behavioral tactics showing divergence of world vision of M.Y. Lermontov with ethic of the New Testament. In result was made a conclusion abut the fact that setting for religiousness of M.Y. Lermontov in considered poem does not correspond to truly Christian school of thought

    Effect of agrochemical AminoPlus brand: Amino ZN on growth and production processes, corn plant yields

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    Corn is one of the most widespread and popular grain crops in the world, which is due to its widespread use in the food industry, forage production and for technical purposes. In the world, the largest acreage of corn is concentrated in the USA and China; in the Russian Federation – in the Krasnodar Territory, in which more than 500 thousand hectares are sown with corn annually. The problem of increasing corn production can be solved, first of all, by increasing its yield. Given the high responsiveness of corn plants to organomineral fertilizers, an increase in yield and gross grain yields can be achieved by optimizing the nutrition regime. The tested agrochemical AminoPlus brand: Amino Zn is an organomineral fertilizer, which provides systemic and dosed foliar fertilization of corn plants (in phases 4-6 and 8-10 leaves), optimally providing the plant with nutrients, enhanced plant growth, the process of formation of reproductive organs and, ultimately, corn yield. The maximum yield of corn in grain – 53.5 centners per hectare (in the control – 44.4 centners per hectare) was obtained during foliar fertilizing of corn plants with the agrochemical AminoPlus brand: Amino Zn at a dose of 2.0 l/ha; the consumption of the spray material – 300 l/ha

    Diffuse versus square-well confining potentials in modelling AA@C60_{60} atoms

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    Attention: this version-22 of the manuscript differs from its previously uploaded version-11 (arXiv:1112.6158v1) and subsequently published in 2012 J. Phys. B \textbf{45} 105102 only by a removed typo in Eq.(2) of version-11; there was the erroneous factor "2" in both terms in the right-hand-side of the Eq.(2) of version-11. Now that the typo is removed, Eq.(2) is correct. A perceived advantage for the replacement of a discontinuous square-well pseudo-potential, which is often used by various researchers as an approximation to the actual C60_{60} cage potential in calculations of endohedral atoms AA@C60_{60}, by a more realistic diffuse potential is explored. The photoionization of endohedral H@C60_{60} and Xe@C60_{60} is chosen as the case study. The diffuse potential is modelled by a combination of two Woods-Saxon potentials. It is demonstrated that photoionization spectra of AA@C60_{60} atoms are largely insensitive to the degree η\eta of diffuseness of the potential borders, in a reasonably broad range of η\eta's. Alternatively, these spectra are found to be insensitive to discontinuity of the square-well potential either. Both potentials result in practically identical calculated spectra. New numerical values for the set of square-well parameters, which lead to a better agreement between experimental and theoretical data for AA@C60_{60} spectra, are recommended for future studies.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    NbS3_{3}: A unique quasi one-dimensional conductor with three charge density wave transitions

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    Through transport, compositional and structural studies, we review the features of the charge-density wave (CDW) conductor of NbS3_{3} (phase II). We highlight three central results: 1) In addition to the previously reported CDW transitions at TP1T_{P1} = 360\,K and TP2T_{P2} = 150\,K, another CDW transition occurs at a much higher temperature TP0T_{P0} = 620-650\,K; evidence for the non-linear conductivity of this CDW is presented. 2) We show that CDW associated with the TP2T_{P2} - transition arises from S vacancies acting as donors. Such a CDW transition has not been observed before. 3) We show exceptional coherence of the TP1T_{P1}-CDW at room-temperature. Additionally, we report on the effects of uniaxial strain on the CDW transition temperatures and transport.Comment: 16 pages, 18 figure


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    Imperfect decrease of systolic and diastolic pressure at night is observed according to 24-hour blood pres-sure monitoring at patients with metabolic syndrome and senilism. According to average daily pulse arte-rial pressure 55.0 (51.0; 60.0) mm. of mercury column the patients with senilism are referred to the risk group to appear cardiovascular complicationsУ пациентов с метаболическим синдромом и преждевременным старением по результатам суточного мониторирования артериального давления наблюдается недостаточное снижение систолического и диастолического давления в ночное время. На основании значения среднесуточного пульсового артериального давления 55,0 (51,0; 60,0) мм рт. ст. пациентов с преждевременным старением можно отнести в группу риска по возникновению сердечно-сосудистых осложнений

    YV-plasty in the treatment of patients with recurrent bladder neck stenosis

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    Introduction. Bladder neck stenosis (BNS) is a late complication of surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Available methods of endoscopic correction in primary BNS have limited effectiveness, while in recurrent cases their use does not lead to satisfactory results at all. YV-plasty of the bladder neck (BN) is one of the available methods of treatment for recurrent BNS.Purpose of the study. To evaluate the treatment results of patients with recurrent BNS using endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the BN.Materials and methods. We retrospectively analyzed the treatment results of 8 patients with recurrent BNS who underwent endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the BN in the Urology Division No.1 of the St. Luke St. Petersburg Clinical Hospital from 2019 to 2021.Results. Endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the bladder neck was successfully performed in all 8 patients. The mean preoperative Qmax was 3.7 ml/s (1.8 – 5.7). At 6 months after surgery, the mean Qmax was 21.4 mL/s (16.7 – 24.1). The mean preoperative I-PSS score was 20.5 (17 – 24). The mean I-PSS score 6 months after surgery was 7.1 (5.0 – 9.0). No cases of de-novo stress urinary incontinence were registered.Conclusions. Endovideoscopic YV-plasty of the BN may be an effective and safe method of treatment of patients with recurrent BNS. However, further studies are needed to obtain long-term results

    The impact of participation of students of dental faculty in clinical evaluation of new hygiene on the development of training programs

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    The clinical reflection of the dentist is formed with professional experience and it is very important to develop desire from a student’s bench and to interest the student to knowledge of the specialty. Necessary components of clinical thinking are the analysis and synthesis of the arriving information. The clinician has to broaden constantly the professional horizons, be improved, seize new knowledge, abilities. Therefore began to determine by a research objective the importance of participation of students of stomatologic faculty in clinical approbation of new agents of hygiene for development of the program of training. For realization of the purpose at department of a therapeutic odontology of UGMU researches of new agents of hygiene for the purpose of confirmation of the declared properties are conducted.Клиническая рефлексия врача-стоматолога формируется с профессиональным опытом, и очень важно со студенческой скамьи развить желание и заинтересовать студента в познании своей специальности. Необходимыми составляющими клинического мышления являются анализ и синтез поступающей информации. Клиницист должен постоянно расширять свой профессиональный кругозор, совершенствоваться, овладевать новыми знаниями, умениями. Поэтому целью исследования стало определить значимость участия студентов стоматологического факультета в клинической апробации новых средств гигиены на освоение программы обучения. Для реализации цели на кафедре терапевтической стоматологии УГМУ проведены исследования новых средств гигиены с целью подтверждения заявленных свойств