7 research outputs found

    Network Planning at the Faculties of Physical Education and Sport in the Postmodern Era

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    The article aims to study the issues of university teachers and students from the faculties of physical education and sport to improve the educational process based on the principles of network planning. The article presents the results of the sociological questioning of the subjects of the educational process of physical education and sport faculties about the problems in the organization and planning of effective learning, as well as appropriate optimizing recommendations. A subject correlation matrix has been developed in the furtherance of this goal, in which each subject has a specific line and column. The analysis of the subjects’ matrix allows one to pre-determine the order of study of individual subjects in courses and cycles, their relationship and interframe sequence. Within the framework of the experiment, the authors of the article have surveyed 52 university teachers and 450 physical education students. The survey included questions relating to personal opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of the new curriculum and relevant programmes in 16 major subjects. Statistical data processing was carried out using the SPSS Statistics 17.0 software package. The recommended concentrated arrangement of the leading subjects of the biomedical cycle will allow one to create an interdisciplinary programme giving a complete vision of the structure, functions and biochemical processes occurring in various human body systems.</p

    Antiplatelet and antiproliferative action of disintegrin from Echis multisquamatis snake venom

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    Aim To purify the platelet aggregation inhibitor from Echis multisquamatis snake venom (PAIEM) and characterize its effect on platelet aggregation and HeLa cell proliferation. Methods Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and matrix assisted laser desorption/ ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) were used for PAIEM identification. Platelet aggregation in the presence of PAIEM was studied on aggregometer Solar-AP2110. The changes of shape and granularity of platelets in the presence of PAIEM were studied on flow cytometer COULTER EPICS XL, and degranulation of platelets was estimated using spectrofluorimetry. Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used for the determination of target of PAIEM on platelet surface. An assay based on 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide was used to evaluate the effect of PAIEM on the proliferation of HeLa cells in cell culture. Results The molecular weight of the protein purified from Echis multisquamatis venom was 14.9 kDa. Half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of PAIEM needed to inhibit adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation was 7 μM. PAIEM did not affect thrombin- or ADP-induced platelet activation, but it did prevent binding of the anti- IIb antibody to glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GPIIbIIIa)-receptor of adhered platelets and inhibited the viability of HeLa cells by 54%. Conclusion As a member of the disintegrin family, PAIEM inhibited platelet aggregation and cell proliferation possibly by blocking integrin-mediated interactions. However, it did not impair cellular signaling causing any changes in platelet shape and granularity and did not affect ADP-induced platelet degranulation. This disintegrin was shown to be a potent inhibitor of integrin-mediated cellular interactions including platelet aggregation or cancer cell proliferation

    Non-enzymatic activation of prothrombin induced by interaction with fibrin β26-42 region

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    We have discovered that addition of monomeric desAB fibrin to prothrombin leads to appearance of the thrombin-like activity of prothrombin towards S2238 chromogenic substrate. DesA and desABβ(15-42)2 fibrin forms did not cause any activation of prothrombin. From this observation we could suggested that amino acid residues of the 15-42 fragment of BβN-domain presented in desAB fibrin, cleaved in desABβ(15-42)2 fibrin and protected in desA fibrin, play a crucial role in the non-enzymatic activation of prothrombin. To identify the Bβ amino acid residues involved in the fibrin-prothrombin binding we used monoclonal antibodies 1-5G and 2d2a with epitopes in Bβ26-42 and Bβ12-26 fibrin fragments respectively. The thrombin-like activity in the mixture of prothrombin and desAB fibrin was monitored in the presence of each of these monoclonal antibodies. It was found that anti-Bβ12-26 antibody does not exhibit any inhibitory effect on the thombin-like activity of the mixture. In contrast, adding of Bβ26-42 antibody into the mixture of desAB fibrin with prothrombin diminished the thrombin-like activity by 70%. Recombinant dimeric peptides Bβ(15-44)2 and Bβ(15-66)2 that mimic amino acid residues in fibrin were also tested for their ability to activate prothrombin. It was found that both peptides were able to induce non-enzymatic activation of prothrombin. The activation was more evident in the case of Bβ(15-44)2 peptide. From the data obtained we can conclude that desAB fibrin binds to prothrombin through the Bβ26-42 amino acid residues and the formation of such a complex caused a non-enzymatic activation of prothrombin

    Порівняльна характеристика спільної діяльності футбольних команд різних вікових груп

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    The study purpose is to establish differences in the joint activities of soccer teams of different age. Materials and methods. Psychological methods for indicators of joint activity of sports teams were used. Statistical analysis was performed using non-parametric analysis of variance (Kruskal-Wallis H-test). The study involved 105 soccer players, including 37 boys aged 15–18, 45 juniors aged 19–21 and 23 adult athletes aged 22 and over. Results. In the young soccer players, group interaction, intellectual communication, psychological compatibility, as well as indicators of real and reflective group subjectivity are higher than in the adult and junior teams. The levels of group organization, diligence and success in performing sports tasks are dominant in the adult teams. At the same time, the integrative characteristic of joint sports activities is group efficiency, which is presumably the most pronounced in adults, thus characterizing the processes within the mental organization of joint activities of soccer players. It is the result of their cooperation, a transformed form of external teamwork. Conclusions. The organization of joint mental activity differs in different age groups. This affects the formation and development of intra-group position of the athletes, influencing their optimal involvement in the team in the performance of designed or creative functions. Keywords: soccer players, efficiency, interaction, subjectivity, organization.Мета дослідження – встановити відмінності спільної діяльності футбольних команд різних вікових груп. Матеріали і методи. Використовувалися психологічні методики показників спільної діяльності спортивних команд. Статистичний аналіз проводився з використанням непараметричного дисперсійного аналізу (Н-критерію) Крускала-Уолліса. У дослідженні брали участь 105 футболістів, з них 37 юнаків 15-18 років, 45 юніорів 19-21 року та 23 дорослі спортсмени 22 років і старші. Результати. У футболістів юнаків групова взаємодія, інтелектуальна комунікативність, психологічна сумісність, а також показники реальної та рефлексуючої групової суб'єктності вищі, ніж у командах дорослих та юніорів. У дорослих командах домінуючими є рівні групової організованості, спрацьованості та успішності у виконанні поставлених спортивних завдань. Разом з тим, інтегративна характеристика спільної спортивної діяльності – групова ефективність, що передбачувано найбільш виражена у дорослих, характеризуючи таким чином процеси всередині психічної організації спільної діяльності футболістів. Вона є результатом їхньої співпраці, перетвореною формою зовнішньої командної взаємодії.&nbsp; Висновки. Організація спільної психічної активності відрізняється у різних вікових групах. Це відбивається на формуванні та розвитку внутрішньогрупової позиції особи спортсменів, впливаючи на їх оптимальну включеність у дії команди у виконанні спроектованих або творчих функцій