233 research outputs found

    Tools for estimating the effectiveness of import-substituting modernization : sase in the agriculture of Russia

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    The paper explores the approaches to estimate the effectiveness of import substitution, justifies the need to develop a new tool that allows conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of import substitution policies on economic modernization. The authors‘ methodology for estimating import-substituting modernization based on an integral indicator is proposed and its practical approval is carried out using agriculture in Russia as an example. The analysis of the results allows the authors to conclude that the import-substituting modernization process is uneven and slow. To activate and accelerate the processes, it is necessary to stimulate domestic demand. The developed tools react quite sensitively to changes in the industry and make it possible to identify cause-effect relationships in a structured factorial analysis of processes.peer-reviewe

    Adaptation of market strategies of TNCs in Russia in the context of import substitution policy

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    The policy of import substitution carried out in Russia objectively affected the interests of leading transnational corporations (TNCs) operating in the Russian markets. The restriction of imports of intermediate goods and the fall in the purchasing power of Russian consumers have formed for TNCs both new problems and new opportunities. The analysis of the integration of TNCs in the Russian policy of import substitution is carried out in the article; their role in the development of industries and agriculture is revealed. It is revealed that the strategies of TNCs are characterized by great flexibility, which allowed them to reduce the negative impact of sanctions and geopolitical tensions. TNCs widely use the strategy of acquisition of popular Russian brands. The weakening ruble and the cheapening of labor costs became additional decision-making factors for the localization of production and selection of local suppliers of intermediate goods, investing in modernization of production facilities, the establishment of added value chains with the involvement of national producers that contributed to the successful embedding of TNCs in the policy of import substitution.peer-reviewe

    Brand Marketing Trends in Russian Social Media

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    In the paper, the authors have reviewed common actions, an aim of which is consumer engagement in interactions with a brand in social media. They have also reviewed engagement types and effects of their use. Based on a literature review, in a clearer way, the authors have presented attributes of Internet marketing and explored brand-marketing challenges on the Internet. Authors have summarized the information on Russian users' efforts in social media. Based on empirical data, the researchers have made a portrait of media actors and the audience in Russian social media, identified target groups among consumers by a number of criteria. They have also completed an analysis of common ways for promotion of companies (brands) and their products and services, taking into account a structure of social media users and specifics of communication channels. Findings include identified most common lines of business for promotion in a competitive social media based on efficiency of the engagement response (rate) per brand/product-specific page or post. These data have made it possible to formalize strategic goals and possible results of brand marketing for various types of social media

    Специфика рецепции русской культуры в современной зарубежной прозе

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    The present article delves into the nuances of how Russian culture is portrayed in contemporary foreign literature. The primary goal of this research is to discern the distinctive features of the representation of Russian culture in three novels: Pawel Huelle's "Castorp" (2004), Hans Pleschinski's "Königsallee" (2013), and William Boyd's "Restless" (2006). The core focus of this study is intertwined with the enduring fascination of literary scholars with the concept of imagology and the scrutiny of how the "Other" or the "Foreign" is depicted within national literary contexts. The analysis of these Polish and German novels reveals that the image of Russia is largely influenced by the prominent German writer Thomas Mann, who serves as a bridge to understanding Russian culture. In William Boyd's case, Russian culture is closely associated with the works of A.P. Chekhov, whose influence significantly shapes the poetics of the British author's novels. The conducted analysis demonstrates that the portrayal of Russia in these novels relies on certain literary clichés and stereotypes that are ingrained in Western public consciousness. However, it is noteworthy that among contemporary writers who incorporate Russia into their works, Huelle, Pleschinski, and Boyd tend to adopt a more balanced perspective, refraining from aligning themselves with the more extreme views of its critics.The present article delves into the nuances of how Russian culture is portrayed in contemporary foreign literature. The primary goal of this research is to discern the distinctive features of the representation of Russian culture in three novels: Pawel Huelle's "Castorp" (2004), Hans Pleschinski's "Königsallee" (2013), and William Boyd's "Restless" (2006). The core focus of this study is intertwined with the enduring fascination of literary scholars with the concept of imagology and the scrutiny of how the "Other" or the "Foreign" is depicted within national literary contexts. The analysis of these Polish and German novels reveals that the image of Russia is largely influenced by the prominent German writer Thomas Mann, who serves as a bridge to understanding Russian culture. In William Boyd's case, Russian culture is closely associated with the works of A.P. Chekhov, whose influence significantly shapes the poetics of the British author's novels. The conducted analysis demonstrates that the portrayal of Russia in these novels relies on certain literary clichés and stereotypes that are ingrained in Western public consciousness. However, it is noteworthy that among contemporary writers who incorporate Russia into their works, Huelle, Pleschinski, and Boyd tend to adopt a more balanced perspective, refraining from aligning themselves with the more extreme views of its critics.В статье приводится анализ специфики рецепции русской культуры в современной зарубежной прозе. Цель работы состоит в выявлении особенностей изображения образа России в романах Павла Хюлле «Касторп» (2004), Ханса Плешински «Королевская Аллея» (2013) и Уильяма Бойда «Неугомонная» (2006). Ракурс исследования связан с неугасающим вниманием литературоведов к проблемам имагологии, к изучению специфики образов «Другого» («Чужого») в национальных литературах. Анализ немецкого и польского романов показал, что образ России формируется под влиянием взглядов великого немецкого писателя Томаса Манна, который становится «проводником» в постижении русской культуры. Для Уильяма Бойда русская культура неразрывно связана с творчеством А. П. Чехова, чье творчество оказало влияние на поэтику романов британского писателя. Проведенный анализ показал, что образ России в данных романах основан на ряде литературных клише и стереотипов, свойственных западному общественному сознанию. Однако в современной зарубежной художественной литературе о России Хюлле, Плешински и Бойд занимают скорее умеренную позицию, не относясь к радикальному крылу ее критиков

    Role of MNCs in changing preferences for food consumption in Russia under import substitution

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    The paper analyses the changes in the food market in terms of supply and demand in the context of import substitution and a decrease in the purchasing power of the population. It explores the reasons behind a rise in food prices, studies consumer preferences and criteria for choosing food products, and reveals the distinguishing features of Russian consumers’ behavior in the food market under the conditions of the import substitution policy. The article shows that, in general, multinational companies engaged in the food industry have managed to successfully integrate into the import substitution policy in the context of post-crisis development.peer-reviewe

    Russian industry in global value-added chains

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    The paper analyzes Russia's participation in global value-added chains in the context of global trends in their development and the challenges facing the Russian economy in modernizing its industry. The analysis is based on the OECD’s TiVA indicators. The results indicate that the extent of Russia's involvement in GVACs is very significant, but the nature of this participation is purely raw. The specificity of the participation of the Russian Federation in the international fragmentation of production within GVACs is that most of the links in value chains are bottom-up. Russia is extremely limited in using imported flows to create export products with high added value. The study confirms that in the international division of labor, Russia retains a historically established specialization, with predominance in the export of mineral and agricultural raw materials, which determines the current profile of Russia's participation in global value-added chains.peer-reviewe

    Priority National Projects as a Tool of Social, Economic and Political Modernization of Old Industrial Regions of the South of Russia

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    Introduction. In the current political process in Russia, national projects occupy an important place, working as one of the main tools for the achievement of national goals. The projects are usually made more specific at the regional level of administration and include the strategic goal of regional development, the amount of resources allocated for their achievement, as well as the responsibility of the officials for their use. The article examines the impact of implementing national projects of the “first wave” (from 2006–2010 to 2018) and the first results of the projects of the “second wave” (designed for 2019–2024) on solving the problems of effectiveness growth of public administration of the balanced development of old industrial regions of Southern Russia – Volgograd and Rostov regions. The problems of this study are justified by the expansion of using program-targeted methods in the organizational environment of regional management, what implies the need to assess the compliance of the results achieved during the implementation of projects with the goals of state regional policy. Methodology and methods. The research methodology is based on the provisions of the concept of sustainable development, as well as the system paradigm of G.B. Kleiner devoted to the need for the interconnected development of the object, environment and control subsystems. In the study of the effectiveness of national projects and their impact on the balanced development of old industrial regions of the South of Russia, the effective approach and the comparative analysis method were used. Analysis. The study shows that the degree of involvement of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in implementing program activities of national projects is determined by the volumes of regional budgets, as well as the priorities facing a region. From the standpoint of sustainability and balance of regional development, there is a disagreement in the processes of modernization changes in the subsystems of the object, environment and management, what leads to the underutilization of the resource potential of the regions in the achievement of national goals. Results. The priorities of goal setting in Volgograd and Rostov regions in the implementation of national projects are studied. The feedbacks of the regional system to the measures mentioned in national projects, as well as limiting factors for the achievement of their objectives are identified. The idea of the coordinated development of the object, environment and management subsystems of a region for the effectiveness growth of public administration of the balanced regional development is substantiated. It is concluded that the administration and management of modern national projects is not so much a managerial task but rather a political one, and therefore their implementation implies the solution of such political goals as carefulness in setting goals and choosing priorities, building effective mechanisms of the interaction between federal and regional authorities, and also with local target population

    Role of SNP markers on chromosome 10 in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common tachyarrhythmias, contributing to both environmental and genetic factors, a clear understanding of which can be extremely important for determining management tactics and predicting the disease course. The article provides a brief overview of studies on genetic predictors of AF, in particular, SNP markers found on chromosome 10. Establishing a relationship between the identified SNPs on chromosome 10 and functional genes, changes in the structure or regulation of which can affect the development of AF, opens the veil of understanding how these SNPs affect the pathogenesis of AF

    Brand Marketing Trends in Russian Social Media

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    In the paper, the authors have reviewed common actions, an aim of which is consumer engagement in interactions with a brand in social media. They have also reviewed engagement types and effects of their use. Based on a literature review, in a clearer way, the authors have presented attributes of Internet marketing and explored brand-marketing challenges on the Internet. Authors have summarized the information on Russian users' efforts in social media. Based on empirical data, the researchers have made a portrait of media actors and the audience in Russian social media, identified target groups among consumers by a number of criteria. They have also completed an analysis of common ways for promotion of companies (brands) and their products and services, taking into account a structure of social media users and specifics of communication channels. Findings include identified most common lines of business for promotion in a competitive social media based on efficiency of the engagement response (rate) per brand/product-specific page or post. These data have made it possible to formalize strategic goals and possible results of brand marketing for various types of social media

    Genetic factors in the development of pulmonary embolism

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    The article presents a literature review on the study of the relationship of FGA, FGB, F2, F5, PAI, ITGA2 gene polymorphisms with the development of pulmonary embolism (PE). We concluded that genetic factors in the development of PE are to a greater extent mutations in the F2, F5, PAI, ITGA2 genes. There is a positive correlation between the presence of combined genetic mutations and the development of PE. The study of allelic polymorphism of hemostasis genes makes it possible to predict coagulation system disorders, including PE