32 research outputs found

    Estimating gold-ore mineralization potential within Topolninsk ore field (Gorny Altai)

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    Based on the results of ore and near-ore metasomatite composition analysis, the factors and indicators of gold-ore mineralization potential were proposed. Integration of the obtained data made it possible to outline magmatic, structural, and lithological factors, as well as direct and indirect indicators of gold-ore mineralization. Applying multidimensional analysis inherent to geochemical data, the spatial structure was investigated, as well as the potential mineralization was identified. Based on the developed and newly-identified mineralization, small (up to medium-sized) mineable gold-ore deposits in skarns characterized by complex geological setting was identified

    Государственная власть как правовая категория: понятие, сущность и признаки

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    This article analyzes the fundamental issues of the evolution of approaches to the legal category of state power. The authors consider the phenomenon of power as one of the most important types of social interaction. The authors show that during this evolution, along with the preservation of universal (essential) characteristics due to the nature and social purpose of the state, there is a modification of those properties and characteristics of state power that have a specific historical character and depend on many factors affecting ways of implementing state power. The article reveals the main types of state power and methods of its implementation. According to the authors, the power is not the result of only violence, the suppression of one person by another, but comes from the very nature of man. The authors reveal the category of “state power” by examining its content, characteristics, elements, subjects, and objects. They examine the ways of expressing political power as a type of domination of the corresponding social group depending on a particular historical type of society.Este artículo analiza los problemas fundamentales de la evolución de los enfoques a la categoría legal del poder estatal. Los autores consideran el fenómeno del poder como uno de los tipos más importantes de interacción social. Los autores muestran que, durante esta evolución, junto con la preservación de las características universales (esenciales) debido a la naturaleza y el propósito social del estado, hay una modificación de aquellas propiedades y características del poder estatal que tienen un carácter histórico específico y dependen de Muchos factores afectan las formas de implementar el poder del Estado. El artículo revela los principales tipos de poder estatal y los métodos para su implementación. Según los autores, el poder no es el resultado de solo violencia, la supresión de una persona por otra, sino que proviene de la naturaleza misma del hombre. Los autores revelan la categoría de "poder estatal" al examinar su contenido, características, elementos, sujetos y objetos. Examinan las formas de expresar el poder político como un tipo de dominación del grupo social correspondiente dependiendo de un tipo histórico particular de sociedad.В данной статье анализируются основные вопросы эволюции подходов к правовой категории государственной власти. Авторы рассматривают феномен власти как один из важнейших видов социального взаимодействия. Авторы показывают, что в ходе этой эволюции наряду с сохранением универсальных (существенных) характеристик, обусловленных природой и социальным предназначением государства, происходит модификация тех свойств и характеристик государственной власти, которые имеют специфический исторический характер и зависят от множество факторов, влияющих на способы осуществления государственной власти. В статье раскрыты основные виды государственной власти и методы ее реализации. По мнению авторов, власть не является результатом только насилия, подавления одного человека другим, а исходит из самой природы человека. Авторы раскрывают категорию «государственная власть», изучая ее содержание, характеристики, элементы, предметы и объекты. Они исследуют способы выражения политической власти как тип доминирования соответствующей социальной группы в зависимости от определенного исторического типа общества

    Estimating gold-ore mineralization potential within Topolninsk ore field (Gorny Altai)

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    Based on the results of ore and near-ore metasomatite composition analysis, the factors and indicators of gold-ore mineralization potential were proposed. Integration of the obtained data made it possible to outline magmatic, structural, and lithological factors, as well as direct and indirect indicators of gold-ore mineralization. Applying multidimensional analysis inherent to geochemical data, the spatial structure was investigated, as well as the potential mineralization was identified. Based on the developed and newly-identified mineralization, small (up to medium-sized) mineable gold-ore deposits in skarns characterized by complex geological setting was identified

    Technology Factors of Improving the Performance Properties of Anticorrosive Protective Coatings for Safety Enhancement of Coal Enterprises

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    Corrosion, aging, wear of the basic production assets of the of the Kuznetsk Basin coal industry enterprises lead to huge losses of natural resources and material supplies; labor costs being increased. Most failures, breakdowns, malfunctions at industrial facilities, except for cases of misuse, are caused by the above mentioned factors. Therefore, the primary task is to develop methods for protecting equipment from corrosion. In this paper, the measures to increase the longevity of polymer-silicate mastic protective coatings by studying and optimizing the group of internal properties of polymer-silicates that determine the properties of the coating as a whole are proposed

    Anticorrosion Protection as a Factor in Improving Industrial Safety at Mining Enterprises

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    The issue of reliable and safe operation of equipment, the use of technical devices and materials, the repair and renewal of fixed production assets is relevant. Corrosion processes have a very negative impact on the technical condition and safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures. The reasons for the increasing damage to the fixed production assets are their physical wear, poor quality of rolled stock, reinforced concrete and polymers, non-compliance with processing technology, neglect of the requirements of technical and regulatory documentation. The measures of increasing the service life of fixed production assets through the use of polymer-silicate protective coatings are proposed in this paper. As a result of studying the compositions with various contents of water-repellent and plasticizing additives, it was found that if the content of each of them is 3%, the duration of setting of the polymeric silicate coating increases 1.5 times. At the same time, mechanical strength and setting time remain the same. Also, an increase in the setting time is ensured by the prolonged high-speed mixing of the polymer-silicate mixture

    Development of Chemical Compositions of Artificial Cement Stone Using Coal and Waste Rock

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    The use of cement support is being currently introduced during drivage. The correct, competent choice of grouting mortar formulations according to mining and geological conditions and their timely use can reduce unproductive labor, time and money, increase productivity and timely commissioning of the mine. An analysis of chemical composition of grouting mixtures using coal and waste rock required for their production was carried out using IR spectroscopic, chemical and X-ray fluorescence analyzes

    Study of the Processes of Rare and Rare-Earth Metal Extraction from Ash and Slag Materials

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    The problem of disposal of ash and slag waste in Russia and in the world is very urgent. Ash dumps occupy vast areas, damaging the ecosystem. At the same time, these wastes are independent deposits of rare and rare-earth metals, which are necessary for the production of modern high-tech devices. The efficiency of flotation and chemical methods of concentration of materials in order to extract valuable components are evaluated in the paper. The composition of the initial ash and slag samples and the resulting products of their processing were analyzed using IR spectroscopic and optical emission methods

    Recovery of valuable components from coal consumption waste

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    Today, more than 56% of all coal in Russia is mined in Kuzbass. As a result of its burning, about half a million ash and slag waste (ASW) is generated per year. Ash dumps with such waste are constantly dusting; mobile ions of inorganic substances are washed away by precipitation, polluting the environment. Burned coals, being natural sorbents, contain impurities of many valuable elements, including rare-earth and precious metals, while their content in ash increases several times and can reach payable concentrations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a technology for recovery of valuable components from ash and slag and using the remaining ash mass in construction and fertilizer industries. The efficiency of flotoextraction and chemical concentration methods for recovery of valuable components is assessed in the paper. The composition of the initial ash and slag samples and the resulting products of their processing were analyzed using infrared spectroscopic and optical emission methods

    Rare and Rare-Earth Metals in Coal Processing Waste

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    An urgent issue for power plants operating on solid fuels (coal) is the issue of utilization or use of accumulated production waste - ash and slag materials - in the related production. Ash-slag materials are classified as “waste”, usually grade 5; tens of millions of tons of them being pro-duced annually in the Kemerovo region, which threatens the ecology of the region. At the same time, ash and slag is a very promising raw material. The use of this material as a base for the final product allows us to signifi-cantly expand the possibilities of using coal. The most widespread is the system of ash and slag involving in construction or as a replacement for sand in road construction, or as an additive to building mixtures. However, there are both industrially valuable and environmentally dangerous ele-ments in ash-slag materials. Ash-slag materials can be considered as inde-pendent ore deposits located on the surface and requiring the costs of their extraction

    Rare and Rare-Earth Metals in Coal Processing Waste

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    An urgent issue for power plants operating on solid fuels (coal) is the issue of utilization or use of accumulated production waste - ash and slag materials - in the related production. Ash-slag materials are classified as “waste”, usually grade 5; tens of millions of tons of them being pro-duced annually in the Kemerovo region, which threatens the ecology of the region. At the same time, ash and slag is a very promising raw material. The use of this material as a base for the final product allows us to signifi-cantly expand the possibilities of using coal. The most widespread is the system of ash and slag involving in construction or as a replacement for sand in road construction, or as an additive to building mixtures. However, there are both industrially valuable and environmentally dangerous ele-ments in ash-slag materials. Ash-slag materials can be considered as inde-pendent ore deposits located on the surface and requiring the costs of their extraction