37 research outputs found


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    This article presents an analysis of disease trends in selected age groups of the population of Irkutsk for the period of 1992-2009 and it is found that most of these trends are dependent on socio-economic factors. Built polynomial regression models revealed significant increase in morbidity of mental disorders in children, diseases of the nervous system and. the digestive system against opposing change prevalence of adolescent and. adult population for the analyzed period

    Применение серетида мульти­диска в лечении среднетяжелой бронхиальной астмы

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    The study was designed to assess efficacy, tolerability and opportunity to control bronchial asthma (BA) and to improve quality of life (QL) in patients with uncontrolled moderate BA under the treatment with Seretid Multidisk.Seventy-three moderate BA patients were observed. Before this study 65 (88%) of them received inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and 8 (12%) of them were treated with cromoglicic acid or sodium nedocromil together with specific immunotherapy. During the present study all the patients were given Seretid Multidisk 50/250 twice a day as the basic therapy for 12 weeks. The prospective monitoring during 1.5 yrs revealed a high effi­ciency of Seretid Multidisk in BA controlling, an opportunity for adjusting the dose to the patients' status and to a trigger influence, and good tolerability. The drug significantly improved the patients' quality of life.Целью исследования была оценка эффективности и переносимости, а также возможность достижения контроля и улучшения качества жизни (КЖ) у пациентов с неконтролируемой бронхиальной астмой (БА) среднетяжелого течения на фоне терапии серетидом мультидиском.Обследованы 73 человека с БА средней тяжести. До включения в исследование 65 (88%) больных получали ингаляционные глюкокортикостероиды (ИГКС), 8 (12%) — кромогликат или недокромил натрия в сочетании со специфической иммунотерапией. В рамках настоящего исследования у всех пациентов в течение 12 нед в качестве базисной терапии применялся серетид мультидиск 50/250 2 раза в сутки.Проспективное наблюдение в течение 1,5 года показало высокую эффективность препарата в контроле за симптомами БА, возможность удобного манипулирования дозами в зависимости от состояния больного и влияния провоцирующих факторов, хорошую переносимость препарата. Отмечено достоверное повышение КЖ больных БА

    Primary Outcome of Emotional Burnout Studies of Siberian Railway Locomotive Engineers

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    The article represents the primary outcome of studies of emotional burnout expression and development of Siberian railway locomotive engineers of various age groups and work experience. Most attention is drawn to the preservation problem of their health and stable working capacity that influence railroad-traffic safety. The information about absence of distinct connection between symptoms of emotional burnout and work experience became available. The materials of the studies allow verifying the existing in literature statement about the nature of emotional burnout and also bring out scientific discussion about influence of age and personal traits of specialists in various areas on emotional burnout expression. The results of the studies can be applied in comparative analysis of emotional burnout among representatives of related or other professions

    Production technology of synthetic and natural adhesives and sealants

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    The theoretical foundations of the production and use of the corresponding polymers for the production of adhesives and sealants are considered, laboratory works related to the manufacture of adhesives and sealants and their testing are considered, the influence of operational factors on their properties is determined. Adhesives are classified by the types of polymers used for their production, adhesives and sealants based on synthetic (thermosets, thermoplastics) and natural polymers, adhesive tapes and hot melt adhesives are considered, general information on the production technology of adhesives and sealants based on them is given. The characteristics of the main types of sealants, the preparation and research of sealants are provided. General information on the production technology of adhesives based on thermosetting plastics, thermoplastics, adhesives based on natural polymers, adhesive tapes and hot melt adhesives are given. Safety and environmental protection in the production of adhesives and sealants and work with them are provided. In addition to fundamental, theoretical and practical knowledge, they also consider issues of labor and environmental protection in the production and use of adhesives and sealants, as well as areas of application – household, mechanical engineering, aviation, construction, medicine, agriculture, etc

    Primary Outcome of Emotional Burnout Studies of Siberian Railway Locomotive Engineers

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    The article represents the primary outcome of studies of emotional burnout expression and development of Siberian railway locomotive engineers of various age groups and work experience. Most attention is drawn to the preservation problem of their health and stable working capacity that influence railroad-traffic safety. The information about absence of distinct connection between symptoms of emotional burnout and work experience became available. The materials of the studies allow verifying the existing in literature statement about the nature of emotional burnout and also bring out scientific discussion about influence of age and personal traits of specialists in various areas on emotional burnout expression. The results of the studies can be applied in comparative analysis of emotional burnout among representatives of related or other professions

    Change in the Microviscosity of Erythrocyte Membranes and Proteins in Blood Plasma after Graphene Oxide Addition: The ESR Spectroscopy Study

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    The change in the microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes and the proteins in blood plasma after graphene oxide addition is studied by the ESR spectroscopy exploiting two spin probes with different lipophilic components in the structures. Experiments with charged spin probe 2 embedded into the erythrocyte membrane showed that the introduction of graphene oxide in small concentrations (∼70 μg/ml) into a suspension of erythrocytes did not lead to significant changes in the microviscosity of their membranes. Correlation times of hydrophobic spin probe 1 adsorbed to hydrophobic pockets of plasma proteins demonstrate a gradual slowdown at the graphene oxide injection into blood plasma that indicates a small deformation of the hydrophobic cavity of protein at the adsorption. However, this protein binding with graphene oxide does not cause the displacement of the spin probe from their hydrophobic cavities, which is evidence about small changes in the protein secondary structure. The obtained results indicate the insignificant cytotoxicity effect of small concentrations of graphene oxide for erythrocytes and blood plasma

    Retinopathy of prematurity: indicators of cellular immunity in patients with various stages of the disease

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    Purpose: to study the role of cellular immunity in the development of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).Material and methods. 87 children were tested, including 60 with III — V stage ROP and posterior aggressive retinopathy that had gestational age from 25 to 32 weeks at birth, aged 1 month to 1 year (study group) and 27 healthy children of the same age (control group).Results. No statistically significant differences of immunological parameters were revealed within the groups of children aged 1 to 3 months, 3.5 to 6 months, and 6.5 to 12 months. The gestational age at birth had no effect on the parameters studied. With increasing severity of ROP amid reduced indicators of T-regulatory cells, the number of B-cells (CD19 +) grew, T-natural killer cells (CD3 -/CD16 +CD56 +) reduced significantly (p < 0.05), and the number of CD4+ T-cells reduced showing the significance of (p < 0.01–0.05).Conclusion. The obtained data testify to the emergence of autoimmune reactions and a decrease in the level of regulatory T-cells in a premature child, more pronounced in severe stages of ROP