111 research outputs found

    Висловлювання вибачення як прямий і непрямий мовленнєвий акт (THE UTTERANCE OF APOLOGY AS DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH ACT)

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    У статті запропоновано результати аналізу висловлювання вибачення як прямого так і непрямого мовленнєвого акту. Висловлювання вибачення були розглянуті з точки зору прагматики мовленнєвого акту, синтаксичної будо- ви та лексичного наповнення. Проаналізовані висловлювання вибачення були об’єднані у функціонально-семантичне поле на підставі понятійної спільності, центральні та периферійні члени якого були визначені згідно кількісної ознаки вживання. (The aim of the article is to study functional semantic field of the verbal forms of apology. The topicality of the study is conditioned by the general trend of modern linguistics to study the functional aspect of language and analysis of verbal influence. The utterance of apology has not been studied before, therefore it needs further investigation. We analyzed 140 extracts which contain the utterance of apology and which were taken from the works of contemporary writers. The presents the results of the analysis of the utterance of apology as direct and indirect speech act. In our study we have come to the conclusion that the direct speech act contains a lexical unit with the meaning of apology, unlike the indirect speech act, which may be identified as such only from the context. Indirect speech acts are very few in our material. The utterances of apology have been analyzed from the point of view of pragmatics of the speech act, syntactic construction and lexical content. The analyzed utterances of apology have been grouped into functional semantic field based on the conceptual community. The central and peripheral members of the functional semantic field were determined according to the quantitative criteria of usage.

    Scattering theory for a class of non-selfadjoint extensions of symmetric operators

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    This work deals with the functional model for a class of extensions of symmetric operators and its applications to the theory of wave scattering. In terms of Boris Pavlov's spectral form of this model, we find explicit formulae for the action of the unitary group of exponentials corresponding to almost solvable extensions of a given closed symmetric operator with equal deficiency indices. On the basis of these formulae, we are able to construct wave operators and derive a new representation for the scattering matrix for pairs of such extensions in both self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint situations.Comment: 32 pages; This is the continuation of arXiv:1703.06220 (and formerly contained in v1); this version is as accepted by the journal (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications

    Мовні засоби вираження вибачення (Language means used to experss apology)

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    У статті запропоновано результати аналізу мовних засобів вираження вибачення в англійській мові. Висловлювання вибачення були розглянуті з точки зору синтаксичної структури та лексичного наповнення. Було проаналізовано частотність використання тих чи інших мовленнєвих засобів для вираження вибачення в англійській мові. (The article presents results of analysis of utterances of apology in English language. Syntactic structure, lexical means used to express utterances of apology was analyzed. Frequency of their occurrence was presented in quantitative expression. The topicality of the study is conditioned by the general trend of modern linguistics to study the functional aspect of language and analysis of verbal influence. The utterance of apology has not been studied before, therefore it needs further investigation. We analyzed 140 extracts which contain the utterance of apology and which were taken from the works of contemporary writers.

    Modeling of systems

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    The handbook contains the fundamentals of modeling of complex systems. The classification of mathematical models is represented and the methods of their construction are given. The analytical modeling of the basic types of processes in the complex systems is considered. The principles of simulation, statistical and business processes modeling are described. The handbook is oriented on students of higher education establishments that obtain a degree in directions of “Software engineering” and “Computer science” as well as on lecturers and specialists in the domain of computer modeling

    Functional model for boundary-value problems and its application to the spectral analysis of transmission problems

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    We develop a functional model for operators arising in the study of boundary-value problems of materials science and mathematical physics. We provide explicit formulae for the resolvents of the associated extensions of symmetric operators in terms of the associated generalised Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps, which can be utilised in the analysis of the properties of parameter-dependent problems as well as in the study of their spectra.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Functional model for extensions of symmetric operators and applications to scattering theory

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    On the basis of the explicit formulae for the action of the unitary group of exponentials corresponding to almost solvable extensions of a given closed symmetric operator with equal deficiency indices, we derive a new representation for the scattering matrix for pairs of such extensions. We use this representation to explicitly recover the coupling constants in the inverse scattering problem for a finite non-compact quantum graph with δ-type vertex conditions.</p

    Operator-norm resolvent asymptotic analysis of continuous media with high-contrast inclusions

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    Using a generalisation of the classical notion of Dirichlet-to-Neumann map and the related formulae for the resolvents of boundary-value problems, we analyse the asymptotic behaviour of solutions to a "transmission problem" for a high-contrast inclusion in a continuous medium, for which we prove the operator-norm resolvent convergence to a limit problem of "electrostatic" type for functions that are constant on the inclusion. In particular, our results imply the convergence of the spectra of high-contrast problems to the spectrum of the limit operator, with order-sharp convergence estimates.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Continuation of: arXiv:1907.08144. As accepted by: Math. Note