200 research outputs found

    Who Gains and Who Loses from China's Growth?

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    Emerging countries have been winning large market shares since the early 1990s. Among these, China stands out with the most remarkable performance: it almost tripled its world market share since 1994 reaching 16.1% in 2007. The present paper attempts to identify the countries that have profited the most from this increase in the size of the Chinese market. I use an econometric shift-share methodology, that permits to identify for each trade flow the share of growth arising from the capacity to target the products and markets with the highest increase in demand, and the share due exclusively to exporter’s performance.China, Export Performance, Shift-Share, International Relations/Trade, F12, F15,

    Border Effects and East-West Integration

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    A new method for measuring trade potential from border effects is developed and applied to manufactured trade between the old fifteen European Union (EU) members and twelve Central and East European (CEE) economies. Border effects are estimated with three theoretically compatible trade specifications, and much larger trade potentials are obtained than predicted by usual trade potential models. Even after a decade of regional trade liberalization, the integration of CEE and EU economies is two to three times weaker than intra-EU integration, revealing a large potential for East-West European trade.Trade potential, regional integration, border effects


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    During the 5000 years of economic evolution (considering the oldest textbooks available today) that produced an organic evolution and economic entanglement, but which led in our days at a turning point for the global economy. Why choose to present the economic spark from the beginning of the first recorded writings? Because we deal with the big picture – a framework that represents “life” and the economy that isn’t loaded with the evolution of ethics, moral and informational, the initial picture shows the purity of the early civilization, naked by the actual’ modernist add-ons. This research paper is an overview of the main ideas that molded the actual economic life by creating a bridge between the “pre-economy” period when trade was based on thievery or unvalued exchange till the development of today’s economic science, that has as defining point Adam Smith and his view on economic development through the its power engine – self interest and the human being.human development, business cycle, utility, enlightenment, consumption, self-interest

    Evaluarea stării de sănătate a cadrelor didactice

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    Hygiene discipline, Department of Preventive Medicine, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPhBackground. Teaching in schools has been defined as the profession with the most diverse risk factors that affect health. With almost 48 000 people currently working in educational institutions, teachers make up the largest occupational group in the Republic of Moldova. Objective of the study. Assessment of teachers' health in relation to risk factors in the living and working environment. Material and Methods. The study involved 500 teachers from pre-university educational institutions. For the selfassessment of the health status, a questionnaire was created which was applied online. The subjective assessment was performed by researching the entries in the medical cards. Results. The majority of respondents were women (91.4%), with a mean age of 45.6±7.5 years and a milking experience of 22.9±3.2 years. In (75.7%) health is satisfactory, only 3% have serious health problems and would require hospitalization. In 35.8% of cases, the presence of chronic diseases is registered, their top being led by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (33.8%), the cardiovascular system (29.2%) and endocrine (27.2%). The most common risk factors mentioned were: high levels of stress (53.5%); increased number of tasks (23.4%); lack of support from family and colleagues (22.9%). Conclusion. The health of teachers is influenced by a variety of risk factors. There were no correlations between the type of institution and the subject taught, which highlights the importance of studying the influence of factors in the occupational environment and the development of prevention measures.Introducere. Predarea în școli a fost definită ca profesia cu cei mai diverși factori de risc, care acționează asupra stării de sănătate. Cu aproape 48 000 de persoane care activează la moment în instituțiile de învățământ, profesorii formează cel mai mare grup ocupațional din Republica Moldova. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea stării de sănătate a cadrelor didactice în relație cu factorii de risc din mediul de trai și ocupațional. Material și Metode. În studiu au participat 500 de profesori din instituțiile preuniversitare de învățământ. Pentru autoevaluarea stării de sănătate a fost creat un chestionar, care a fost aplicat online. Evaluarea stării de sănătate a fost realizată și prin analiza datelor din cartelele medicale. Rezultate. Majoritatea respondenților au fost femei (91,4%), cu vârsta medie de 45,6±7,5 ani și o experiență de muncă de 22,9±3,2 ani. La 75,7% dintre respondenți starea de sănătate a fost satisfăcătoare, doar la 3% s-au atestat probleme grave de sănătate, care ar necesita internare în spital. În 35,8% cazuri se înregistrează prezența maladiilor cronice, topul acestora fiind condus de maladiile tractului gastro-intestinal – 33,8%, a aparatului cardiovascular – 29,2% și a celui endocrin – 27,2%. Cei mai frecvenți factori de risc menționați au fost: nivelul crescut de stres – 53,5%, numărul mare de sarcini – 23,4%, lipsa suportului din partea familiei și a colegilor – 22,9%. Concluzii. Sănătatea profesorilor este influențată de o varietate de factori de risc. Nu s-au înregistrat corelații între tipul instituției și materia predată, fapt ce evidenţiază importanța studierii influenței factorilor din mediul ocupațional și a elaborării măsurilor de prevenție

    Applying the gravity approach to sector trade: Who bears the trade costs?

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    Thanks to its empirical success, the gravity approach is widely used to explain trade patterns between countries. In this article we question the simple application of this approach to product/sector-level trade on two grounds. First, we demonstrate that the traditional Armington version of gravity must be altered to properly account for the fact that sector expenditures are not strictly equal to sector productions because some trade costs are incurred outside the sector of interest. Secondly, we test empirically the mis-measurement of the expenditures with both Armington (1969) and Helpman and Krugman (1985) approaches. We estimate trade flows and prices simultaneously with non linear techniques. Underestimated expenditure levels yield biased values of model parameters.gravity, trade, econometric simulation

    Border Effects and European Integration

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    A new method for measuring trade potential from border effects is developed and applied to manufactured trade between the old fifteen European Union (EU) members and twelve Central and East European (CEE) economies. Border effects are estimated with three theoretically compatible trade specifications, and much larger trade potentials are obtained than usually predicted by standard trade potential models. Even after a decade of regional trade liberalization, the integration of CEE and EU economies is two to three times weaker than intra-EU integration, revealing a large potential for East-West European trade

    The state of proteinic metabolism on the interaction of phentolamine and hyperbaric oxygen

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    Catedra Farmacologie şi Farmacie clinică, Centrul Ştiinţific în domeniul medicamentuluiThe state of proteinic metabolism on the interaction of phentolamine and hyperbaric oxygen A complex metabolic interaction on the level of proteinic metabolism on the simultaneous prescription of phentolamine and hyperbaric oxygen (3 ata, 60 min) was revealed. In some cases phentolamine and hyperbaric oxygen reciprocaly normalized the modification of parametres of metabolism, in others pharmacological agents act similarly manifesting a tendency of accumulation of the effects. La administrarea concomitentă a fentolaminei cu oxigenul hiperbaric (3 ata, 60 min) s-a depistat o interacţiune metabolică complexă la nivelul metabolismului proteic. În unele cazuri fentolamina şi oxigenul hiperbaric reciproc normalizează modificările parametrilor metabolismului, în altele – agenţii farmacologici acţionează similar manifestând tendinţă de acumulare a efectelor