3 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Kriminal Terhadap Tindak Pidana Perzinahan Berdasarkan Hukum Pidana Positif dan Hukum Pidana Islam

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    Abstracts: The criminal policy against the crime of adultery in the Positive Criminal Law is contained in Article 284 of the Criminal Code, which criminalizes anyone who has sexual intercourse if one of the perpetrators or both of them is married. Adultery in this article is not comprehensive and fulfills a sense of justice for some people who think that adultery is not limited to that because it is not following the values ​​of the Indonesian people's customs and Islamic law, in which the majority of Indonesian people are Muslims. The Criminal Policy in the RKUHP includes an expansion of the meaning of adultery which criminalizes a person who commits adultery with the unconditional condition that one of the perpetrators or both of them is married, the RKUHP also includes cohabitation adultery and incestuous adultery (family ties). This writing does not only make a comparison between the criminal policies regulated in the Positive Criminal Law, namely Article 284 of the Criminal Code and the RKUHP, with Islamic Criminal Law. the problem of poverty which causes prostitution activities to still occur and religious marriage activities that are not registered by the state are carried out by some Indonesian people. Keywords: Islamic Criminal Law, Criminal Policy, Adulter

    Reevaluation and Reorientation of the Philosophy of Retributive Justice to Restorative Justice in Imposing Criminal Sanctions

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    In the last few decades, there has been a paradigm shift in the provision of criminal sanctions from retributive justice to restorative justice. Retributive justice assumes that criminal punishment must be based on the concept of revenge and retribution for the mistakes made by the perpetrator, while restorative justice emphasizes recovery for the victim and repairing the damaged relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. This study discusses the re-evaluation and reorientation of the philosophy of retributive justice to restorative justice in imposing criminal sanctions, as well as the purpose of punishment itself. This article presents the history and basic concepts of both types of justice, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. In addition, this research also discusses the application of restorative justice in sentencing practices and how this approach can help improve the relationship between perpetrators and victims, as well as prevent crimes from occurring in the future. By examining and considering both approaches, this research can help improve the existing penal system to achieve goals that are more effective and fairer for all parties involved in the sentencing process

    Legal Protection for Child Victims of Sexual Assault in a Restorative Justice Perspective

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    Sexual violence against child is a global problem today. Although international instruments have been ratified, they do not guarantee the realization of the rights of child victims. One reason is that not all countries’ legal systems support victims. The principles of redress for victims of child sexual violence are set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention recognizes the principle of non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, child survival and development, and values Child opinions. The problem you encountered is related to 1) your security system. 2). Reintegration, psychosocial support, treatment and recovery, protection and support in court proceedings. A model of restorative justice that protects the rights of victims of child sexual violence can use the victim-offender mediation model. This model provides an opportunity for communities to come together and find solutions together when offenders are willing to admit their mistakes and take responsibility according to the needs of the victim’s child. The implications of this research are hoped to make a real contribution to the nation by providing better protection for children who are victims of sexual violence and reducing the trauma they experience