18 research outputs found

    Violent victimization among immigrants: Using the National Violent Death Reporting System to examine foreign-born homicide victimization in the United States

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    Limited research attention has focused on homicides involving foreign-born victims. Using data from the National Violent Death Reporting System, we examined 9428 homicides that occurred in 2017 in the United States across 32 states and D.C. Approximately 8% of homicide victims were foreign-born. Homicide victimization rates were substantially lower for foreign-born persons, compared to U.S.-born persons. However, foreign-born persons from Honduras, El Salvador, and Jamaica had a substantially higher risk of homicide victimization. Notably, few homicides involving foreign-born victims were gang- or drug-trade-related. With the growing number of immigrants in the United States, policy and prevention efforts should be guided by research

    Transduction of the MPG-tagged fusion protein into mammalian cells and oocytes depends on amiloride-sensitive endocytic pathway

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    BACKGROUND: MPG is a cell-permeable peptide with proven efficiency to deliver macromolecular cargoes into cells. In this work, we examined the efficacy of MPG as an N-terminal tag in a fusion protein to deliver a protein cargo and its mechanism of transduction. RESULTS: We examined transduction of MPG-EGFP fusion protein by live imaging, flow cytometry, along with combination of cell biological and pharmacological methods. We show that MPG-EGFP fusion proteins efficiently enter various mammalian cells within a few minutes and are co-localized with FM4-64, a general marker of endosomes. The transduction of MPG-EGFP occurs rapidly and is inhibited at a low temperature. The entry of MPG-EGFP is inhibited by amiloride, but cytochalasin D and methyl-β-cyclodextrin did not inhibit the entry, suggesting that macropinocytosis is not involved in the transduction. Overexpression of a mutant form of dynamin partially reduced the transduction of MPG-EGFP. The partial blockade of MPG-EGFP transduction by a dynamin mutant is abolished by the treatment of amiloride. MPG-EGFP transduction is also observed in the mammalian oocytes. CONCLUSION: The results show that the transduction of MPG fusion protein utilizes endocytic pathway(s) which is amiloride-sensitive and partially dynamin-dependent. Collectively, the MPG fusion protein could be further developed as a novel tool of "protein therapeutics", with potentials to be used in various cell systems including mammalian oocytes

    Small, Clickable, and Monovalent Magnetofluorescent Nanoparticles Enable Mechanogenetic Regulation of Receptors in a Crowded Live-Cell Microenvironment

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    Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles have shown great promise as next-generation imaging and perturbation probes for deciphering molecular and cellular processes. As a consequence of multicomponent integration into a single nanosystem, pre-existing nanoprobes are typically large and show limited access to biological targets present in a crowded microenvironment. Here, we apply organic-phase surface PEGylation, click chemistry, and charge-based valency discrimination principles to develop compact, modular, and monovalent magnetofluorescent nanoparticles (MFNs). We show that MFNs exhibit highly efficient labeling to target receptors present in cells with a dense and thick glycocalyx layer. We use these MFNs to interrogate the E-cadherin-mediated adherens junction formation and F-actin polymerization in a three-dimensional space, demonstrating the utility as modular and versatile mechanogenetic probes in the most demanding single-cell perturbation applications. © 2019 American Chemical Societ

    Enhancement of Organic Photovoltaic Efficiency via Nanomorphology Control using Conjugated Polymers Incorporating Fullerene Compatible Side-Chains

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    We present controls of nanomorphology of polymer:fullerene BHJ films via synthesis of a series of pushpull-type copolymers with various molar percentages of side chains terminated with o-dichlorobenzyl (DCBZ) groups. As the molar percentage of the DCBZ-containing repeat units increases, the miscibility of the polymers in the series with PC71BM increases with respect to that of the polymer (PTBBO) that does not contain DCBZ. In the optimal film morphology, which consists of a polymer containing 25 mol % DCBZ-terminated side chains in the electron-pull unit (PTBDCB25), the polymer/PC71BM interface area is sufficiently large for efficient charge separation and percolated pathways is present for efficient charge carrier transport. In contrast, the BHJ film prepared from PTBBO has smaller interfaces and larger PC71BM aggregates. Furthermore, the intermolecular interaction between PC71BM and DCBZ induced changes in the PC71BMs electronic structure at the polymer:PC71BM interface, resulting in an increase of the PC71BMs LUMO level and thereby the improved open-circuit voltage. As a result, the BHJ solar cell device fabricated with PTBDCB25 exhibits significantly improved performance with a PCE of 8.30%, whereas the PCE of PTBBO is 6.90%

    Biomimetic hydrogel blanket for conserving and recovering intrinsic cell properties

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    Abstract Background Cells in the human body experience different growth environments and conditions, such as compressive pressure and oxygen concentrations, depending on the type and location of the tissue. Thus, a culture device that emulates the environment inside the body is required to study cells outside the body. Methods A blanket-type cell culture device (Direct Contact Pressing: DCP) was fabricated with an alginate-based hydrogel. Changes in cell morphology due to DCP pressure were observed using a phase contrast microscope. The changes in the oxygen permeability and pressure according to the hydrogel concentration of DCP were analyzed. To compare the effects of DCP with normal or artificial hypoxic cultures, cells were divided based on the culture technique: normal culture, DCP culture device, and artificial hypoxic environment. Changes in phenotype, genes, and glycosaminoglycan amounts according to each environment were evaluated. Based on this, the mechanism of each culture environment on the intrinsic properties of conserving chondrocytes was suggested. Results Chondrocytes live under pressure from the surrounding collagen tissue and experience a hypoxic environment because collagen inhibits oxygen permeability. By culturing the chondrocytes in a DCP environment, the capability of DCP to produce a low-oxygen and physical pressure environment was verified. When human primary chondrocytes, which require pressure and a low-oxygen environment during culture to maintain their innate properties, were cultured using the hydrogel blanket, the original shapes and properties of the chondrocytes were maintained. The intrinsic properties could be recovered even in aged cells that had lost their original cell properties. Conclusions A DCP culture method using a biomimetic hydrogel blanket provides cells with an adjustable physical pressure and a low-oxygen environment. Through this technique, we could maintain the original cellular phenotypes and intrinsic properties of human primary chondrocytes. The results of this study can be applied to other cells that require special pressure and oxygen concentration control to maintain their intrinsic properties. Additionally, this technique has the potential to be applied to the re-differentiation of cells that have lost their original properties