145 research outputs found

    Orientation of the genetic variance-covariance matrix and the fitness surface for multiple male sexually selected traits

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    Stabilizing selection has been predicted to change genetic variances and covariances so that the orientation of the genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) becomes aligned with the orientation of the fitness surface, but it is less clear how directional selection may change G. Here we develop statistical approaches to the comparison of G with vectors of linear and nonlinear selection. We apply these approaches to a set of male sexually selected cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of Drosophila serrata. Even though male CHCs displayed substantial additive genetic variance, more than 99% of the genetic variance was orientated 74.9degrees away from the vector of linear sexual selection, suggesting that open-ended female preferences may greatly reduce genetic variation in male display traits. Although the orientation of G and the fitness surface were found to differ significantly, the similarity present in eigenstructure was a consequence of traits under weak linear selection and strong nonlinear ( convex) selection. Associating the eigenstructure of G with vectors of linear and nonlinear selection may provide a way of determining what long-term changes in G may be generated by the processes of natural and sexual selection

    The contribution of selection and genetic constraints to phenotypic divergence

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    Although divergent natural selection is common in nature, the extent to which genetic constraints bias evolutionary trajectories in its presence remains largely unknown. Here we develop a general framework to integrate estimates of divergent selection and genetic constraints to estimate their contributions to phenotypic divergence among natural populations. We apply these methods to estimates of phenotypic selection and genetic covariance from sexually selected traits that have undergone adaptive divergence among nine natural populations of the fly Drosophila serrata. Despite ongoing sexual selection within populations, differences in its direction among them, and genetic variance for all traits in all populations, divergent sexual selection only weakly resembled the observed pattern of divergence. Accounting for the influence of genetic covariance among the traits significantly improved the alignment between observed and predicted divergence. Our results suggest that the direction in which sexual selection generates divergence may depend on the pattern of genetic constraint in individual populations, ultimately restricting how sexually selected traits may diversify. More generally, we show how evolution is likely to proceed in the direction of major axes of genetic variance, rather than the direction of selection itself, when genetic variance-covariance matrices are ill conditioned and genetic variance is low in the direction of selection

    The impacts of positive selection on genomic variation in Drosophila serrata: Insights from a deep learning approach

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    This study explores the impact of positive selection on the genetic composition of a Drosophila serrata population in eastern Australia through a comprehensive analysis of 110 whole genome sequences. Utilizing an advanced deep learning algorithm (partialS/HIC) and a range of inferred demographic histories, we identified that approximately 14% of the genome is directly affected by sweeps, with soft sweeps being more prevalent (10.6%) than hard sweeps (2.1%), and partial sweeps being uncommon (1.3%). The algorithm demonstrated robustness to demographic assumptions in classifying complete sweeps but faced challenges in distinguishing neutral regions from partial sweeps and linked regions under demographic misspecification. The findings reveal the indirect influence of sweeps on nearly two-thirds of the genome through linkage, with an over-representation of putatively deleterious variants suggesting that positive selection drags deleterious variants to higher frequency due to hitchhiking with beneficial loci. Gene ontology enrichment analysis further supported our confidence in the accuracy of sweep detection as several traits expected to be under positive selection due to evolutionary arms races (e.g. immunity) were detected in hard sweeps. This study provides valuable insights into the direct and indirect contributions of positive selection in shaping genomic variation in natural populations.</p

    Divergent selection and the evolution of signal traits and mating preferences

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    Mating preferences are common in natural populations, and their divergence among populations is considered an important source of reproductive isolation during speciation. Although mechanisms for the divergence of mating preferences have received substantial theoretical treatment, complementary experimental tests are lacking. We conducted a laboratory evolution experiment, using the fruit fly Drosophila serrata, to explore the role of divergent selection between environments in the evolution of female mating preferences. Replicate populations of D. serrata were derived from a common ancestor and propagated in one of three resource environments: two novel environments and the ancestral laboratory environment. Adaptation to both novel environments involved changes in cuticular hydrocarbons, traits that predict mating success in these populations. Furthermore, female mating preferences for these cuticular hydrocarbons also diverged among populations. A component of this divergence occurred among treatment environments, accounting for at least 17.4% of the among- population divergence in linear mating preferences and 17.2% of the among-population divergence in nonlinear mating preferences. The divergence of mating preferences in correlation with environment is consistent with the classic by- product model of speciation in which premating isolation evolves as a side effect of divergent selection adapting populations to their different environments

    The phenome-wide distribution of genetic variance

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    A general observation emerging from estimates of additive genetic variance in sets of functionally or developmentally related traits is that much of the genetic variance is restricted to few trait combinations as a consequence of genetic covariance among traits. While this biased distribution of genetic variance among functionally related traits is now well documented, how it translates to the broader phenome and therefore any trait combination under selection in a given environment is unknown. We show that 8,750 gene expression traits measured in adult male Drosophila serrata exhibit widespread genetic covariance among random sets of five traits, implying that pleiotropy is common. Ultimately, to understand the phenome-wide distribution of genetic variance, very large additive genetic variance-covariance matrices (G) are required to be estimated. We draw upon recent advances in matrix theory for completing high-dimensional matrices to estimate the 8,750-trait G and show that large numbers of gene expression traits genetically covary as a consequence of a single genetic factor. Using gene ontology term enrichment analysis, we show that the major axis of genetic variance among expression traits successfully identified genetic covariance among genes involved in multiple modes of transcriptional regulation. Our approach provides a practical empirical framework for the genetic analysis of high-dimensional phenome-wide trait sets and for the investigation of the extent of high-dimensional genetic constraint

    An expressed sequence tag (EST) library for Drosophila serrata, a model system for sexual selection and climatic adaptation studies

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    The native Australian fly Drosophila serrata belongs to the highly speciose montium subgroup of the melanogaster species group. It has recently emerged as an excellent model system with which to address a number of important questions, including the evolution of traits under sexual selection and traits involved in climatic adaptation along latitudinal gradients. Understanding the molecular genetic basis of such traits has been limited by a lack of genomic resources for this species. Here, we present the first expressed sequence tag (EST) collection for D. serrata that will enable the identification of genes underlying sexually-selected phenotypes and physiological responses to environmental change and may help resolve controversial phylogenetic relationships within the montium subgroup

    Maintenance of quantitative genetic variance in complex, multitrait phenotypes:the contribution of rare, large effect variants in 2 Drosophila species

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    The interaction of evolutionary processes to determine quantitative genetic variation has implications for contemporary and future phenotypic evolution, as well as for our ability to detect causal genetic variants. While theoretical studies have provided robust predictions to discriminate among competing models, empirical assessment of these has been limited. In particular, theory highlights the importance of pleiotropy in resolving observations of selection and mutation, but empirical investigations have typically been limited to few traits. Here, we applied high-dimensional Bayesian Sparse Factor Genetic modeling to gene expression datasets in 2 species, Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila serrata, to explore the distributions of genetic variance across high-dimensional phenotypic space. Surprisingly, most of the heritable trait covariation was due to few lines (genotypes) with extreme [>3 interquartile ranges (IQR) from the median] values. Intriguingly, while genotypes extreme for a multivariate factor also tended to have a higher proportion of individual traits that were extreme, we also observed genotypes that were extreme for multivariate factors but not for any individual trait. We observed other consistent differences between heritable multivariate factors with outlier lines vs those factors without extreme values, including differences in gene functions. We use these observations to identify further data required to advance our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics and nature of standing genetic variation for quantitative traits

    Effective but Costly, Evolved Mechanisms of Defense against a Virulent Opportunistic Pathogen in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Drosophila harbor substantial genetic variation for antibacterial defense, and investment in immunity is thought to involve a costly trade-off with life history traits, including development, life span, and reproduction. To understand the way in which insects invest in fighting bacterial infection, we selected for survival following systemic infection with the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in wild-caught Drosophila melanogaster over 10 generations. We then examined genome-wide changes in expression in the selected flies relative to unselected controls, both of which had been infected with the pathogen. This powerful combination of techniques allowed us to specifically identify the genetic basis of the evolved immune response. In response to selection, population-level survivorship to infection increased from 15% to 70%. The evolved capacity for defense was costly, however, as evidenced by reduced longevity and larval viability and a rapid loss of the trait once selection pressure was removed. Counter to expectation, we observed more rapid developmental rates in the selected flies. Selection-associated changes in expression of genes with dual involvement in developmental and immune pathways suggest pleiotropy as a possible mechanism for the positive correlation. We also found that both the Toll and the Imd pathways work synergistically to limit infectivity and that cellular immunity plays a more critical role in overcoming P. aeruginosa infection than previously reported. This work reveals novel pathways by which Drosophila can survive infection with a virulent pathogen that may be rare in wild populations, however, due to their cost

    The origin and maintenance of metabolic allometry in animals

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    Organisms vary widely in size, from microbes weighing 0.1 pg to trees weighing thousands of megagrams - a 10-fold range similar to the difference in mass between an elephant and the Earth. Mass has a pervasive influence on biological processes, but the effect is usually non-proportional; for example, a tenfold increase in mass is typically accompanied by just a four- to sevenfold increase in metabolic rate. Understanding the cause of allometric scaling has been a long-standing problem in biology. Here, we examine the evolution of metabolic allometry in animals by linking microevolutionary processes to macroevolutionary patterns. We show that the genetic correlation between mass and metabolic rate is strong and positive in insects, birds and mammals. We then use these data to simulate the macroevolution of mass and metabolic rate, and show that the interspecific relationship between these traits in animals is consistent with evolution under persistent multivariate selection on mass and metabolic rate over long periods of time

    University faculty and administrator responses to job strains

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    This study reports the relationships between job strain and several quality of life (QOL) indicators for a group of university faculty and administrators. The QOL indicators were in the domain of job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and health. Variables presumed to moderate the relationship between job strain and QOL were tested for their ability to buffer the strain effects. Analyses were carried out on faculty's and administrators' responses. The strong correlations obtained have both theoretical and practical consequences. Intervention strategies are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43599/1/11162_2004_Article_BF00991876.pd