101 research outputs found

    Subnational institutions and open innovation: evidence from China

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how subnational institutions within a country explain the performance consequences of open innovation (OI) in emerging market enterprises (EMEs). Design/methodology/approach: The paper conducts a regression analysis by using a novel panel data set comprising of 438 innovative Chinese firms over the period of 2008-2011. Findings: The authors show that although on average openness to external actors improves innovation performance this effect is pronounced for EMEs that operate in subnational regions with a higher level of intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement and of factor market development. The findings point to the context-dependent nature of OI strategy and the complementary effect of institutional parameters in emerging markets and help to reconcile the contrasting findings regarding the effect of OI in the prior literature. Originality/value: This paper extends the literature on OI by suggesting that the analysis of the performance consequences of OI strategy should go beyond the nexus between OI and firm performance, and instead, focus on subnational-specific institutions, such as region-specific IPR enforcement, factor market development and intermediation market development, that may facilitate or constrain the effect of OI model

    Crack initiation characteristics and fatigue property of a high-strength steel in VHCF regime under different stress ratios

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    Crack initiation characteristics and fatigue property of a high-strength steel in very-high-cycle fatigue (VHCF) regime under different stress ratios were investigated in this paper. Fatigue tests were performed at stress ratios of -1, -0.5, 0.1 and 0.3 by using an ultrasonic fatigue testing machine. The difference of S-N data and the characteristics of crack initiation under different stress ratios were examined. It is shown that the magnitude of stress ratio has a substantial effect on the fatigue strength that decreases with the increase of stress ratio. However, the variation tendency of the S-N data from low-cycle fatigue to VHCF regime is similar for the four cases. SEM observations of the fracture surface indicate that fatigue crack initiates from the surface of specimen in low-cycle regime and initiates mostly from the inclusion in the interior of specimen in high-cycle and VHCF regimes, which is irrespective of the state of stress ratio. By means of Focused Ion Beam technique, the samples of crack initiation region were prepared then observed via TEM. The observations show the microscopic morphology of the crack initiation region, showing the different crack initiation characteristics and revealing the mechanism of crack initiation for different stress ratios. Moreover, the effect of inclusion size on fatigue life is discussed with the results showing that the effect of stress ratio and inclusion size on fatigue strength is well described by our proposed formula

    Offline and Online Blended Machine Learning for Lithium-Ion Battery Health State Estimation

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    This article proposes an adaptive state of health (SOH) estimation method for lithium-ion batteries using machine learning. Practical problems with feature extraction, cell inconsistency, and online implementability are specifically solved using a proposed individualized estimation scheme blending offline model migration with online ensemble learning. First, based on the data of pseudo-open-circuit voltage measured over the battery lifespan, a systematic comparison of different incremental capacity features is conducted to identify a suitable SOH indicator. Next, a pool of candidate models, composed of slope-bias correction (SBC) and radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs), are trained offline. For online operation, the prediction errors due to cell inconsistency in the target new cell are then mitigated by a proposed modified random forest regression (mRFR) based ensemble learning process with high adaptability. The results show that compared to prevailing methods, the proposed SBC-RBFNN-mRFR-based scheme can achieve considerably improved SOH estimation accuracy (15%) with only a small amount of early-age data and online measurements are needed for practical operation. Furthermore, the applicability of the proposed SBC-RBFNN-mRFR algorithms to real-world operation is validated using measured data from electric vehicles, and it is shown that a 38% improvement in estimation accuracy can be achieved

    Single-Locus and Multi-Locus Genome-Wide Association Studies in the Genetic Dissection of Fiber Quality Traits in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    A major breeding target in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is to improve the fiber quality. To address this issue, 169 diverse accessions, genotyped by 53,848 high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and phenotyped in four environments, were used to conduct genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for fiber quality traits using three single-locus and three multi-locus models. As a result, 342 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) controlling fiber quality traits were detected. Of the 342 QTNs, 84 were simultaneously detected in at least two environments or by at least two models, which include 29 for fiber length, 22 for fiber strength, 11 for fiber micronaire, 12 for fiber uniformity, and 10 for fiber elongation. Meanwhile, nine QTNs with 10% greater sizes (R2) were simultaneously detected in at least two environments and between single- and multi-locus models, which include TM80185 (D13) for fiber length, TM1386 (A1) and TM14462 (A6) for fiber strength, TM18616 (A7), TM54735 (D3), and TM79518 (D12) for fiber micronaire, TM77489 (D12) and TM81448 (D13) for fiber uniformity, and TM47772 (D1) for fiber elongation. This indicates the possibility of marker-assisted selection in future breeding programs. Among 455 genes within the linkage disequilibrium regions of the nine QTNs, 113 are potential candidate genes and four are promising candidate genes. These findings reveal the genetic control underlying fiber quality traits and provide insights into possible genetic improvements in Upland cotton fiber quality

    Comparative Analyses of H3K4 and H3K27 Trimethylations Between the Mouse Cerebrum and Testis

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    AbstractThe global features of H3K4 and H3K27 trimethylations (H3K4me3 and H3K27me3) have been well studied in recent years, but most of these studies were performed in mammalian cell lines. In this work, we generated the genome-wide maps of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 of mouse cerebrum and testis using ChIP-seq and their high-coverage transcriptomes using ribominus RNA-seq with SOLiD technology. We examined the global patterns of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 in both tissues and found that modifications are closely-associated with tissue-specific expression, function and development. Moreover, we revealed that H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 rarely occur in silent genes, which contradicts the findings in previous studies. Finally, we observed that bivalent domains, with both H3K4me3 and H3K27me3, existed ubiquitously in both tissues and demonstrated an invariable preference for the regulation of developmentally-related genes. However, the bivalent domains tend towards a ā€œwinner-takes-allā€ approach to regulate the expression of associated genes. We also verified the above results in mouse ES cells. As expected, the results in ES cells are consistent with those in cerebrum and testis. In conclusion, we present two very important findings. One is that H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 rarely occur in silent genes. The other is that bivalent domains may adopt a ā€œwinner-takes-allā€ principle to regulate gene expression

    Large-scale collection and annotation of gene models for date palm (Phoenix dactylifera, L.)

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    The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), famed for its sugar-rich fruits (dates) and cultivated by humans since 4,000 B.C., is an economically important crop in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and increasingly other places where climates are suitable. Despite a long history of human cultivation, the understanding of P. dactylifera genetics and molecular biology are rather limited, hindered by lack of basic data in high quality from genomics and transcriptomics. Here we report a large-scale effort in generating gene models (assembled expressed sequence tags or ESTs and mapped to a genome assembly) for P. dactylifera, using the long-read pyrosequencing platform (Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium) in high coverage. We built fourteen cDNA libraries from different P. dactylifera tissues (cultivar Khalas) and acquired 15,778,993 raw sequencing readsā€”about one million sequencing reads per libraryā€”and the pooled sequences were assembled into 67,651 non-redundant contigs and 301,978 singletons. We annotated 52,725 contigs based on the plant databases and 45 contigs based on functional domains referencing to the Pfam database. From the annotated contigs, we assigned GO (Gene Ontology) terms to 36,086 contigs and KEGG pathways to 7,032 contigs. Our comparative analysis showed that 70.6Ā % (47,930), 69.4Ā % (47,089), 68.4Ā % (46,441), and 69.3Ā % (47,048) of the P. dactylifera gene models are shared with rice, sorghum, Arabidopsis, and grapevine, respectively. We also assigned our gene models into house-keeping and tissue-specific genes based on their tissue specificity. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11103-012-9924-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Rod genesis driven by mafba in an nrl knockout zebrafish model with altered photoreceptor composition and progressive retinal degeneration

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    Neural retina leucine zipper (NRL) is an essential gene for the fate determination and differentiation of the precursor cells into rod photoreceptors in mammals. Mutations in NRL are associated with the autosomal recessive enhanced S-cone syndrome and autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. However, the exact role of Nrl in regulating the development and maintenance of photoreceptors in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a popular animal model used for retinal degeneration and regeneration studies, has not been fully determined. In this study, we generated an nrl knockout zebrafish model via the CRISPR-Cas9 technology and observed a surprising phenotype characterized by a reduced number, but not the total loss, of rods and over-growth of green cones. We discovered two waves of rod genesis, nrl-dependent and -independent at the embryonic and post-embryonic stages, respectively, in zebrafish by monitoring the rod development. Through bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing, we characterized the gene expression profiles of the whole retina and each retinal cell type from the wild type and nrl knockout zebrafish. The over-growth of green cones and mis-expression of green-cone-specific genes in rods in nrl mutants suggested that there are rod/green-cone bipotent precursors, whose fate choice between rod versus green-cone is controlled by nrl. Besides, we identified the mafba gene as a novel regulator of the nrl-independent rod development, based on the cell-type-specific expression patterns and the retinal phenotype of nrl/mafba double-knockout zebrafish. Gene collinearity analysis revealed the evolutionary origin of mafba and suggested that the function of mafba in rod development is specific to modern fishes. Furthermore, the altered photoreceptor composition and abnormal gene expression in nrl mutants caused progressive retinal degeneration and subsequent regeneration. Accordingly, this study revealed a novel function of the mafba gene in rod development and established a working model for the developmental and regulatory mechanisms regarding the rod and green-cone photoreceptors in zebrafish
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