991 research outputs found

    Quantum Uncertainty Equalities and Inequalities for Unitary Operators

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    We explore the uncertainty relation for unitary operators in a new way and find two uncertainty equalities for unitary operators, which are minimized by any pure states. Additionally, we derive two sets of uncertainty inequalities that unveil hierarchical structures within the realm of unitary operator uncertainty. Furthermore, we examine and compare our method for unitary uncertainty relations to other prevailing formulations. We provide explicit examples for better understanding and clarity. Results show that the hierarchical unitary uncertainty relations establish strong bounds. Moreover, we investigate the higher-dimensional limit of the unitary uncertainty equalities.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of magnesium ions on the thermal stability of human poly(A)-specific ribonuclease

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    AbstractPoly(A)-specific ribonuclease (PARN), a member of the DEDD family, is a key enzyme involved in the deadenylation of mRNA in higher eukaryotic cells. In this research, it was found that Mg2+ could protect PARN against thermal inactivation by increasing the midpoint of inactivation and decreasing the inactivation rate. This protective effect was unique to Mg2+ in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the thermal unfolding and aggregation was promoted by the addition of Mg2+ at high temperatures. These results revealed that Mg2+ might have dual effects on PARN stability: protecting the active site but endangering the overall structural stability

    Magmatic record of India-Asia collision

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    This work was financially co-supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB03010301) and other Chinese funding agencies (Project 973: 2011CB403102 and 2015CB452604; NSFC projects: 41225006, 41273044, and 41472061).New geochronological and geochemical data on magmatic activity from the India-Asia collision zone enables recognition of a distinct magmatic flare-up event that we ascribe to slab breakoff. This tie-point in the collisional record can be used to back-date to the time of initial impingement of the Indian continent with the Asian margin. Continental arc magmatism in southern Tibet during 80-40 Ma migrated from south to north and then back to south with significant mantle input at 70-43 Ma. A pronounced flare up in magmatic intensity (including ignimbrite and mafic rock) at ca. 52-51 Ma corresponds to a sudden decrease in the India-Asia convergence rate. Geological and geochemical data are consistent with mantle input controlled by slab rollback from ca. 70 Ma and slab breakoff at ca. 53 Ma. We propose that the slowdown of the Indian plate at ca. 51 Ma is largely the consequence of slab breakoff of the subducting Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere, rather than the onset of the India-Asia collision as traditionally interpreted, implying that the initial India-Asia collision commenced earlier, likely at ca. 55 Ma.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    In the mol­ecular structure of the title compound, C19H24ClNO3S, the six-membered ring of the bornane unit shows a boat form, while the five-membered ring of the sultam unit adopts a twist form. Intra­molecular C—H⋯N and C—H⋯O inter­actions are observed. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are connected by inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds into a chain running along the b axis. The crystal was a partial inversion twin with a twin ratio of 0.73 (1):0.27 (1)

    Assembly of the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes in central Tibet by divergent double subduction

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    This research was financially co-supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB03010301), the National Key Project for Basic Research of China (2011CB403102 and 2015CB452604), the Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (41225006, 41472061, and 40973026), and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (20120022110001)Integration of lithostratigraphic, magmatic, and metamorphic data from the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision zone in central Tibet (including the Bangong suture zone and adjacent regions of the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes) indicates assembly through divergent double sided subduction. This collision zone is characterized by the absence of Early Cretaceous high-grade metamorphic rocks and the presence of extensive magmatism with enhanced mantle contributions at ca. 120–110 Ma. Two Jurassic−Cretaceous magmatic arcs are identified from the Caima−Duobuza−Rongma−Kangqiong−Amdo magmatic belt in the western Qiangtang Terrane and from the Along Tso−Yanhu−Daguo−Baingoin−Daru Tso magmatic belt in the northern Lhasa Terrane. These two magmatic arcs reflect northward and southward subduction of the Bangong Ocean lithosphere, respectively. Available multidisciplinary data reconcile that the Bangong Ocean may have closed during the Late Jurassic−Early Cretaceous (most likely ca. 140–130 Ma) through arc-arc “soft” collision rather than continent-continent “hard” collision. Subduction zone retreat associated with convergence beneath the Lhasa Terrane may have driven its rifting and separation from the northern margin of Gondwana leading to its accretion within Asia.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Entanglement Structure: Entanglement Partitioning in Multipartite Systems and Its Experimental Detection Using Optimizable Witnesses

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    Creating large-scale entanglement lies at the heart of many quantum information processing protocols and the investigation of fundamental physics. For multipartite quantum systems, it is crucial to identify not only the presence of entanglement but also its detailed structure. This is because in a generic experimental situation with sufficiently many subsystems involved, the production of so-called genuine multipartite entanglement remains a formidable challenge. Consequently, focusing exclusively on the identification of this strongest type of entanglement may result in an all or nothing situation where some inherently quantum aspects of the resource are overlooked. On the contrary, even if the system is not genuinely multipartite entangled, there may still be many-body entanglement present in the system. An identification of the entanglement structure may thus provide us with a hint about where imperfections in the setup may occur, as well as where we can identify groups of subsystems that can still exhibit strong quantum-information-processing capabilities. However, there is no known efficient methods to identify the underlying entanglement structure. Here, we propose two complementary families of witnesses for the identification of such structures. They are based on the detection of entanglement intactness and entanglement depth, each requires only the implementation of solely two local measurements. Our method is also robust against noises and other imperfections, as reflected by our experimental implementation of these tools to verify the entanglement structure of five different eight-photon entangled states. We demonstrate how their entanglement structure can be precisely and systematically inferred from the experimental data. In achieving this goal, we also illustrate how the same set of data can be classically postprocessed to learn the most about the measured system.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figure