5,472 research outputs found

    A general weak nonlinearity model for LNAs

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    This paper presents a general weak nonlinearity model that can be used to model, analyze and describe the distortion behavior of various low noise amplifier topologies in both narrowband and wideband applications. Represented by compact closed-form expressions our model can be easily utilized by both circuit designers and LNA design automation algorithms.\ud Simulations for three LNA topologies at different operating conditions show that the model describes IM components with an error lower than 0.1% and a one order of magnitude faster response time. The model also indicates that for narrowband IM2@w1-w2 all the nonlinear capacitances can be neglected while for narrowband IM3 the nonlinear capacitances at the drainterminal can be neglected

    India-China: Intersecting Universalities

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    This collection of articles is mainly the result of an international conference organised by the Chair of Chinese Intellectual History at the Collège de France in June 2017. Entitled “India-China: Intersecting Universalities”, it brought together scholars from Asia, America and Europe who have been interested in one aspect or other of the cultural interactions between India and China. The diversity of the topics testifies to the lively interest raised by the intersection of two heavyweights of area and cultural studies. What makes the relationship between “China” and “India” so remarkably interesting is that one can hardly imagine two civilisational worlds as radically different from each other, which yet managed somehow to come into contact and to interact. The aim of the present volume is to look at various aspects of the cultural exchanges between India and China at different points of history. It is to try and remedy a certain indifference and mutual ignorance in our day and age that we bring forward this collective venture with the hope of offering to our readers alternative approaches to the connections between these two “giants of Asia”, other than the merely geopolitical ones that fill our media today


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    This collection of articles is partly the result of an international conference organised by the Chair of Chinese Intellectual History at the Collège de France in June 2017, which has benefited from the scientific collaboration of Mr. Sanchit Kumar, the technical contribution of Mr. Jean-Michel Roynard, and the financial support of the Fondation Hugot du Collège de France. The conference, entitled “India-China: Intersecting Universalities”, came after a first one, held two years earlier and e..

    Late Quaternary Pollen Records and Vegetation History of the Southwest Yukon Territory: A Review

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    This paper is a summary of all known late Quaternary palynostratigraphic records from the southwest Yukon Territory. Thirty two pollen sites available by the end of 1988 are reviewed. Most pollen records in the region are of Holocene age. During the late-glacial to early Holocene, the southwest Yukon supported a herb-dominated tundra vegetation which was replaced by a birch-dominated shrub-tundra at about 10,000 yr BP. Spruce invaded the area between 9000 and 8600 yr BP at different localities, and a southward time transgression is visible in the Aishihik Basin. The current regional vegetation has been stable since 7600-8000 yr BP when dense spruce forest and/or spruce forest-tundra was established in most localities. In the Snag area, however, dense spruce forest developed only around 5700 yr BP, which is about 2000 years later than in the Aishihik Basin. The exotic pine pollen records in the region exhibit an interesting pattern, suggesting a frequent shift of the atmospheric circulation system. Anomalous records of alder pollen from the Aishihik Basin and adjacent regions suggest that alder has never been widespread in these areas due to aridity, and alder pollen is greatly overrepresented in pollen spectra. Spruce arrival dates suggest that further investigations in the Tintina Valley, Yukon River Valley, and Car-macks region might provide useful information concerning the spruce migration routes.Cet article est un compte rendu synthétique de tous les diagrammes palynostratigraphiques connus du sud-ouest du Yukon. Les 32 profils disponibles à la fin de 1988 ont été compilés. La plupart des séquences datent de I'Holocene. Durant le tardiglaciaire et au début de l'Holocène, le sud-ouest du Yukon était occupé par une toundra dominé par les herbes. Ce paysage a rapidement été remplacé par une toundra arbustive dominée par le bouleau vers 10 000 BP. L'épinette a colonisé la région entre 9000 et 8600 BP à différents endroits et un métachronisme vers le sud est visible dans le bassin d'Aishihik. La végétation régionale est devenue stable depuis 7600-8000 BP avec l'établissement d'une forêt d'épinettes dense ou d'une toundra forestière à épinettes dans la plupart des endroits. Dans la région de Snag, cependant, la forêt d'épi-nettes s'est développée vers 5700 BP, soit 2000 ans plus tard que dans le bassin d'Aishihik. Les fréquences du pollen exotique du pin ont un patron intéressant qui montrent de fréquents changements de circulations atmosphériques. Les fréquences anormales de l'aulne dans le bassin d'Aishihik et les régions voisines incitent à penser que l'aulne n'a jamais occupé la région en raison de l'aridité, et le pollen d'aulne est grandement surreprésenté dans les spectres polliniques. Les dates d'arrivée de l'épinette permettent de penser que des recherches dans la vallée Tintina, dans la vallée du fleuve Yukon et dans la région de Carmacks devraient fournir des renseignements utiles sur les voies de migration de l'épinette.Dieser Aufsatz ist eine Zusammenstellung aller bekannten palynostratigraphischen Belege vom sùdwestlichen Yukon-Gebiet aus dem spàten Quaternàr. ZweiunddreiBig Pollen-Fundplâtze, die Ende 1988 zur Verfùgung standen, werder kompiiiert. Die meisten Pollen-Belege derGegend stammen aus dem Holozàn. Wàhrend der Spàtglazialzeit bis zum frùhen Holozàn gab es in Sùdwest-Yukon eine von Gras beherrschte Tundra-Vegetation, die urn etwa 10 000 Jahre v.u.Z. von einer durch Birke beherr-schten Busch-Tundra abgelôst wurde. Rottanne drang in das Gebiet zwischen 9000 und 8600 Jahren v.u.Z. an verschiedenen Plâtzen ein, und im Aishihik-Becken ist eine Zeittransgression sûdwârts erkennbar. Die gegen-wartige régionale Vegetation existiert seit 7600-8000 Jahren v.u.Z., als dichter Rottan-nenwald und/oder Rottannenwaltundra sich an den meisten Orten ansiedelte. Jedoch entwickelte sich im Snag-Gebiet dichter Rottannenwald erst urn 5700 Jahre v.u.Z., d.h. etwa 2000 Jahre spâter als im Aishihik-Becken. Die exotischen Kiefernpollenbelege in der Gegend weisen ein intéressantes Muster auf, welches einen hâufigen Wechsel der atmosphàrischen Strômungen vermuten IaBt. UnregelmàBige Belege von Erlen-Pollen aus dem Aishihik-Becken und angrenzenden Gebieten legen nahe, daB Erlen wegen der Trockenheit in diesen Gebieten nie weitverbreitet waren, und Erlenpollen ist in den Pollen-Spektren in hohem MaBe ùberrepràsentiert. Die Ankunftsdaten der Rottanne deuten darauf hin, daB weitere Forschungen im Tintina-Tal, YukonfluB-Tal und der Gegend von Carmacks nùtzliche Informationen ùber die Wanderrouten der Rottanne ergeben kônnten

    Dynamic Rate Adaptation and Multiuser Downlink Beamforming Using Mixed Integer Conic Programming

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    Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, 201

    Post-Glacial Vegetation History of the Ittlemit Lake Basin, Southwest Yukon Territory

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    The pollen record of a 240 cm peat profile in the Ittlemit Lake area in southwest Yukon Territory presents a vegetation development history of the last 9000 radiocarbon years. Spruce migrated into the area at least 9000 radiocarbon years ago. From 9000 yr BP to approximately 5000 yr BP the area supported a sparse Picea-Salix-Betula forest-tundra vegetation. By 5000 yr BP local environmental change created a different habitat primarily affecting the local taxa. Alnus invaded the general area shortly after 5000 yr BP. A local Betula-dominated community replaced the previous Cyperaceae-dominated one at about 3000 yr BP. A Cyperaceae-dominated community again occupied the area at about 1900 yr BP. Although the local community changed several times, the present regional forest-tundra vegetation has had little change during the last 9000 radiocarbon years.Key words: pollen analysis, paleovegetation, southwest YukonMots clés: analyse pollinique, paléovégétation, sud-ouest du Yuko

    Ultracold molecules: vehicles to scalable quantum information processing

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    We describe a novel scheme to implement scalable quantum information processing using Li-Cs molecular state to entangle 6^{6}Li and 133^{133}Cs ultracold atoms held in independent optical lattices. The 6^{6}Li atoms will act as quantum bits to store information, and 133^{133}Cs atoms will serve as messenger bits that aid in quantum gate operations and mediate entanglement between distant qubit atoms. Each atomic species is held in a separate optical lattice and the atoms can be overlapped by translating the lattices with respect to each other. When the messenger and qubit atoms are overlapped, targeted single spin operations and entangling operations can be performed by coupling the atomic states to a molecular state with radio-frequency pulses. By controlling the frequency and duration of the radio-frequency pulses, entanglement can either be created or swapped between a qubit messenger pair. We estimate operation fidelities for entangling two distant qubits and discuss scalability of this scheme and constraints on the optical lattice lasers
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