8 research outputs found

    Intrathecal baclofen in cerebral palsy. A retrospective study of 25 wheelchair-assisted adults

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    ObjectiveTo study the efficacy and safety of intrathecal baclofen therapy (ITB) in wheelchair-dependent adults with cerebral palsy. Patients and methods A retrospective analysis and clinical examination of 25 wheelchair-assisted adults with cerebral palsy receiving ITB initiated between 1999 and 2009 in three different cities in western France. Results ITB improves spasticity and facilitates wheelchair comfort and nursing care. The therapy has an effect on motor disorders and pain. Eighty percent of the ITB patients were satisfied. Dissatisfaction was related to complications or adverse events and not lack of efficacy. Complications occurred in 32% of the patients and transient interruption of the treatment or surgical removal of the ITB pump was necessary in 16% of cases. Discussion and conclusion Wider use of ITB in this indication is likely and should lead to a better understanding of the drug\u27s pharmacological effects on motor disorders and pain. Use of the Goal Attainment Assessment Scale or Caregiver Questionnaire can help us

    The relation between alcohol and cardiovascular disease in Eastern Europe: explaining the paradox

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    BACKGROUND—Recent evidence from Eastern Europe of a positive association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease has challenged the prevailing view that drinking is cardioprotective. Consuming amounts of alcohol comparable to those consumed in France has been linked to detrimental cardiovascular effects. One possibility is that this could be related to the particular consequences of binge drinking, which is common in Russia.‹METHODS—A systematic review of literature on the relation between cardiovascular disease and heavy drinking and irregular (binge) drinking.‹RESULTS—Most existing reviews of the relation between alcohol and cardiovascular disease have examined the amount drunk per week or month and have not looked at the pattern of drinking. These have consistently shown that alcohol has a cardioprotective effect, even at high levels of consumption. In contrast, studies that have looked at pattern of drinking, either directly, or indirectly, using indicators such as frequency of hangovers or reports of the consequences of drunkenness, have consistently found an invcreased risk of cardiovascular death, particularly sudden death. A separate review of the physiological basis for a difference between regular heavy drinking and heavy binge drinking demonstrates that the two types of drinking have quite different effects.‹CONCLUSION—An association between binge drinking and cardiovascular death meets the standard criteria for causality. It is important that future studies of alcohol related harm examine the pattern of drinking as well as the amount drunk.‹‹‹Keywords: alcohol; cardiovascular diseas

    Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable

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    Cellular mechanisms in basic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatolog