217 research outputs found

    Chemodiversity of the Glucosinolate-Myrosinase System at the Single Cell Type Resolution

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    Glucosinolates (GLSs) are a well-defined group of specialized metabolites, and like any other plant specialized metabolites, their presence does not directly affect the plant survival in terms of growth and development. However, specialized metabolites are essential to combat environmental stresses, such as pathogens and herbivores. GLSs naturally occur in many pungent plants in the order of Brassicales. To date, more than 200 different GLS structures have been characterized and their distribution differs from species to species. GLSs co-exist with classical and atypical myrosinases, which can hydrolyze GLS into an unstable aglycone thiohydroximate-O-sulfonate, which rearranges to produce different degradation products. GLSs, myrosinases, myrosinase interacting proteins, and GLS degradation products constitute the GLS-myrosinase (GM) system (“mustard oil bomb”). This review discusses the cellular and subcellular organization of the GM system, its chemodiversity, and functions in different cell types. Although there are many studies on the functions of GLSs and/or myrosinases at the tissue and whole plant levels, very few studies have focused on different single cell types. Single cell type studies will help to reveal specific functions that are missed at the tissue and organismal level. This review aims to highlight (1) recent progress in cellular and subcellular compartmentation of GLSs, myrosinases, and myrosinase interacting proteins; (2) molecular and biochemical diversity of GLSs and myrosinases; and (3) myrosinase interaction with its interacting proteins, and how it regulates the degradation of GLSs and thus the biological functions (e.g., plant defense against pathogens). Future prospects may include targeted approaches for engineering/breeding of plants and crops in the cell type-specific manner toward enhanced plant defense and nutrition

    Genome-Wide Identification and Salt Stress Response Analysis of the bZIP Transcription Factor Family in Sugar Beet

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    As one of the largest transcription factor families in plants, bZIP transcription factors play important regulatory roles in different biological processes, especially in the process of stress response. Salt stress inhibits the growth and yield of sugar beet. However, bZIP-related studies in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) have not been reported. This study aimed to identify the bZIP transcription factors in sugar beet and analyze their biological functions and response patterns to salt stress. Using bioinformatics, 48 BvbZIP genes were identified in the genome of sugar beet, encoding 77 proteins with large structural differences. Collinearity analysis showed that three pairs of BvbZIP genes were fragment replication genes. The BvbZIP genes were grouped according to the phylogenetic tree topology and conserved structures, and the results are consistent with those reported in Arabidopsis. Under salt stress, the expression levels of most BvbZIP genes were decreased, and only eight genes were up-regulated. GO analysis showed that the BvbZIP genes were mainly negatively regulated in stress response. Protein interaction prediction showed that the BvbZIP genes were mainly involved in light signaling and ABA signal transduction, and also played a certain role in stress responses. In this study, the structures and biological functions of the BvbZIP genes were analyzed to provide foundational data for further mechanistic studies and for facilitating the efforts toward the molecular breeding of stress-resilient sugar beet

    Cytological and proteomic analyses of horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) spore germination

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    Spermatophyte pollen tubes and root hairs have been used as single-cell-type model systems to understand the molecular processes underlying polar growth of plant cells. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) is a perennial herb species in Equisetopsida, which creates separately growing spring and summer stems in its life cycle. The mature chlorophyllous spores produced from spring stems can germinate without dormancy. Here we report the cellular features and protein expression patterns in five stages of horsetail spore germination (mature spores, rehydrated spores, double-celled spores, germinated spores, and spores with protonemal cells). Using 2-DE combined with mass spectrometry, 80 proteins were found to be abundance changed upon spore germination. Among them, proteins involved in photosynthesis, protein turnover, and energy supply were over-represented. Thirteen proteins appeared as proteoforms on the gels, indicating the potential importance of post-translational modification. In addition, the dynamic changes of ascorbate peroxidase, peroxiredoxin, and dehydroascorbate reductase implied that reactive oxygen species homeostasis is critical in regulating cell division and tip-growth. The diverse expression patterns of proteins in photosynthesis, energy supply, lipid and amino acid metabolism indicated that heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism were necessary in light-dependent germination of the spores. Twenty-six proteins were involved in protein synthesis and fate, indicating that protein turnover is vital to spore germination. Furthermore, the altered abundance of small G protein Ran, 14-3-3 protein, actin, and Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase revealed that signaling transduction, vesicle trafficking, cytoskeleton dynamics, and cell wall modulation were critical to cell division and polar growth. These findings lay a foundation toward understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying fern spore asymmetric division and rhizoid polar growth

    Bifurcation of Arabidopsis NLR Immune Signaling via Ca2+-Dependent Protein Kinases

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    Nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat (NLR) protein complexes sense infections and trigger robust immune responses in plants and humans. Activation of plant NLR resistance (R) proteins by pathogen effectors launches convergent immune responses, including programmed cell death (PCD), reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and transcriptional reprogramming with elusive mechanisms. Functional genomic and biochemical genetic screens identified six closely related Arabidopsis Ca2+-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) in mediating bifurcate immune responses activated by NLR proteins, RPS2 and RPM1. The dynamics of differential CPK1/2 activation by pathogen effectors controls the onset of cell death. Sustained CPK4/5/6/11 activation directly phosphorylates a specific subgroup of WRKY transcription factors, WRKY8/28/48, to synergistically regulate transcriptional reprogramming crucial for NLR-dependent restriction of pathogen growth, whereas CPK1/2/4/11 phosphorylate plasma membrane-resident NADPH oxidases for ROS production. Our studies delineate bifurcation of complex signaling mechanisms downstream of NLR immune sensors mediated by the myriad action of CPKs with distinct substrate specificity and subcellular dynamics

    TILLING for allergen reduction and improvement of quality traits in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Allergic reactions to peanuts (<it>Arachis hypogaea </it>L.) can cause severe symptoms and in some cases can be fatal, but avoidance is difficult due to the prevalence of peanut-derived products in processed foods. One strategy of reducing the allergenicity of peanuts is to alter or eliminate the allergenic proteins through mutagenesis. Other seed quality traits could be improved by altering biosynthetic enzyme activities. Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING), a reverse-genetics approach, was used to identify mutations affecting seed traits in peanut.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two similar copies of a major allergen gene, <it>Ara h 1</it>, have been identified in tetraploid peanut, one in each subgenome. The same situation has been shown for major allergen <it>Ara h 2</it>. Due to the challenge of discriminating between homeologous genes in allotetraploid peanut, nested PCR was employed, in which both gene copies were amplified using unlabeled primers. This was followed by a second PCR using gene-specific labeled primers, heteroduplex formation, CEL1 nuclease digestion, and electrophoretic detection of labeled fragments. Using ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) as a mutagen, a mutation frequency of 1 SNP/967 kb (3,420 M<sub>2 </sub>individuals screened) was observed. The most significant mutations identified were a disrupted start codon in <it>Ara h 2.02 </it>and a premature stop codon in <it>Ara h 1.02</it>. Homozygous individuals were recovered in succeeding generations for each of these mutations, and elimination of Ara h 2.02 protein was confirmed. Several Ara h 1 protein isoforms were eliminated or reduced according to 2D gel analyses. TILLING also was used to identify mutations in fatty acid desaturase <it>AhFAD2 </it>(also present in two copies), a gene which controls the ratio of oleic to linoleic acid in the seed. A frameshift mutation was identified, resulting in truncation and inactivation of AhFAD2B protein. A mutation in <it>AhFAD2A </it>was predicted to restore function to the normally inactive enzyme.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work represents the first steps toward the goal of creating a peanut cultivar with reduced allergenicity. TILLING in peanut can be extended to virtually any gene, and could be used to modify other traits such as nutritional properties of the seed, as shown in this study.</p

    Proteomics and Phosphoproteomics of Heat Stress-Responsive Mechanisms in Spinach

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    Elevated temperatures limit plant growth and reproduction and pose a growing threat to agriculture. Plant heat stress response is highly conserved and fine-tuned in multiple pathways. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a cold tolerant but heat sensitive green leafy vegetable. In this study, heat adaptation mechanisms in a spinach sibling inbred heat-tolerant line Sp75 were investigated using physiological, proteomic, and phosphoproteomic approaches. The abundance patterns of 911 heat stress-responsive proteins, and phosphorylation level changes of 45 phosphoproteins indicated heat-induced calcium-mediated signaling, ROS homeostasis, endomembrane trafficking, and cross-membrane transport pathways, as well as more than 15 transcription regulation factors. Although photosynthesis was inhibited, diverse primary and secondary metabolic pathways were employed for defense against heat stress, such as glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, vitamin metabolism, and isoprenoid biosynthesis. These data constitute a heat stress-responsive metabolic atlas in spinach, which will springboard further investigations into the sophisticated molecular mechanisms of plant heat adaptation and inform spinach molecular breeding initiatives

    Tyrosine phosphorylation of protein kinase complex BAK1/BIK1 mediates Arabidopsis innate immunity

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    The sessile plants have evolved a large number of receptor-like kinases (RLKs) and receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases (RLCKs) to modulate diverse biological processes, including plant innate immunity. Phosphorylation of the RLK/RLCK complex constitutes an essential step to initiate immune signaling. Two Arabidopsis plasma membrane-resident RLKs, flagellin-sensing 2 and brassinosteroid insensitive 1-associated kinase 1 (BAK1), interact with RLCK Botrytis-induced kinase 1 (BIK1) to initiate plant immune responses to bacterial flagellin. BAK1 directly phosphorylates BIK1 and positively regulates plant immunity. Classically defined as a serine/threonine kinase, BIK1 is shown here to possess tyrosine kinase activity with mass spectrometry, immunoblot, and genetic analyses. BIK1 is autophosphorylated at multiple tyrosine (Y) residues in addition to serine/threonine residues. Importantly, BAK1 is able to phosphorylate BIK1 at both tyrosine and serine/threonine residues. BIK1Y150 is likely catalytically important as the mutation blocks both tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase activity, whereas Y243 and Y250 are more specifically involved in tyrosine phosphorylation. The BIK1 tyrosine phosphorylation plays a crucial role in BIK1-mediated plant innate immunity as the transgenic plants carrying BIK1Y150F, Y243F, or Y250F (the mutation of tyrosine to phenylalanine) failed to complement the bik1 mutant deficiency in immunity. Our data indicate that plant RLCK BIK1 is a nonreceptor dual-specificity kinase and both tyrosine and serine/threonine kinase activities are required for its functions in plant immune signaling. Together with the previous finding of BAK1 to be autophosphorylated at tyrosine residues, our results unveiled the tyrosine phosphorylation cascade as a common regulatory mechanism that controls membrane-resident receptor signaling in plants and metazoans

    miR-16-2* Interferes with WNT5A to Regulate Osteogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Background/Aims: Osteoporosis is a bone metabolic disease characterized by a systemic impairment of bone mass, which results in increased propensity of fragility fractures. A reduction in the differentiation of MSCs into osteoblasts contributes to the impaired bone formation observed in osteoporosis. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are induced to differentiate into preosteoblasts, which are regulated by the signaling cascades initiated by the various signals, including miRNAs. miR-16-2* is a newly discovered miRNA that participates in diagnosis and prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, cervical cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. However, the effect of miR-16-2* on the regulation of osteoblast differentiation and the mechanism responsible are still unclear. Here we discuss the contribution of miR-16-2* to osteoporosis, osteoblast differentiation and mineralization. Methods: The expression pattern of miR-16-2* during osteogenesis or in osteoporosis bone samples was validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSCs) were induced to differentiate into osteoblasts by osteogenic induced medium containing dexamethasone, ascorbate-2-phosphat, beta-glycerophosphate and vitamin-D3. The target genes of miR-16-2* were predicted by TargetScan and PicTar. The mRNA and protein levels of osteogenic key markers were detected using qRT-PCR or western blot respectively. The WNT signal activity was analyzed by TOP/FOP reporter assay. Results: The expression of miR-16-2* in patient bone tissue with osteoporosis was negatively correlated with bone formation related genes. During osteoblast differentiation process, the expression of miR-16-2* was significantly decreased. Upregulation of miR-16-2* in hBMSCs impaired the osteogenic differentiation while the downregulation of miR-16-2* increased this process. Upregulation the expression of miR-16-2* could also block the WNT signal pathway by directly target WNT5A. Furthermore, knockdown of miR-16-2* could promote the activation of RUNX2, possibly by lifting the inhibitory effect of miR-16-2* on WNT pathway. Conclusion: Taken together, we report a novel biological role of miR-16-2* in osteogenesis through regulating WNT5A response for the first time. Our data support the potential utilization of miRNA-based therapies in regenerative medicine

    Genome-wide analysis of WD40 protein family and functional characterization of BvWD40-82 in sugar beet

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    Sugar beet is one of the most important sugar crops in the world. It contributes greatly to the global sugar production, but salt stress negatively affects the crop yield. WD40 proteins play important roles in plant growth and response to abiotic stresses through their involvement in a variety of biological processes, such as signal transduction, histone modification, ubiquitination, and RNA processing. The WD40 protein family has been well-studied in Arabidopsis thaliana, rice and other plants, but the systematic analysis of the sugar beet WD40 proteins has not been reported. In this study, a total of 177 BvWD40 proteins were identified from the sugar beet genome, and their evolutionary characteristics, protein structure, gene structure, protein interaction network and gene ontology were systematically analyzed to understand their evolution and function. Meanwhile, the expression patterns of BvWD40s under salt stress were characterized, and a BvWD40-82 gene was hypothesized as a salt-tolerant candidate gene. Its function was further characterized using molecular and genetic methods. The result showed that BvWD40-82 enhanced salt stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings by increasing the contents of osmolytes and antioxidant enzyme activities, maintaining intracellular ion homeostasis and increasing the expression of genes related to SOS and ABA pathways. The result has laid a foundation for further mechanistic study of the BvWD40 genes in sugar beet tolerance to salt stress, and it may inform biotechnological applications in improving crop stress resilience

    Correction:Structural and Functional Insights into an Archaeal Lipid Synthase

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    (Cell Reports 33, 108294-1–9.e1–e4; October 20, 2020) In the originally published version of this article, the supplemental information file containing Figures S1–S7 and Table S1 was inadvertently removed. The complete supplemental information file is now included with the paper online. The production team regrets this error