152 research outputs found

    Indefinite LQ Optimal Control with Terminal State Constraint for Discrete-Time Uncertain Systems

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    Uncertainty theory is a branch of mathematics for modeling human uncertainty based on the normality, duality, subadditivity, and product axioms. This paper studies a discrete-time LQ optimal control with terminal state constraint, whereas the weighting matrices in the cost function are indefinite and the system states are disturbed by uncertain noises. We first transform the uncertain LQ problem into an equivalent deterministic LQ problem. Then, the main result given in this paper is the necessary condition for the constrained indefinite LQ optimal control problem by means of the Lagrangian multiplier method. Moreover, in order to guarantee the well-posedness of the indefinite LQ problem and the existence of an optimal control, a sufficient condition is presented in the paper. Finally, a numerical example is presented at the end of the paper

    Self-Ensemble Protection: Training Checkpoints Are Good Data Protectors

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    As data become increasingly vital for deep learning, a company would be very cautious about releasing data, because the competitors could use the released data to train high-performance models, thereby posing a tremendous threat to the company's commercial competence. To prevent training good models on the data, imperceptible perturbations could be added to it. Since such perturbations aim at hurting the entire training process, they should reflect the vulnerability of DNN training, rather than that of a single model. Based on this new idea, we seek adversarial examples that are always unrecognized (never correctly classified) in training. In this paper, we uncover them by modeling checkpoints' gradients, forming the proposed self-ensemble protection (SEP), which is very effective because (1) learning on examples ignored during normal training tends to yield DNNs ignoring normal examples; (2) checkpoints' cross-model gradients are close to orthogonal, meaning that they are as diverse as DNNs with different architectures in conventional ensemble. That is, our amazing performance of ensemble only requires the computation of training one model. By extensive experiments with 9 baselines on 3 datasets and 5 architectures, SEP is verified to be a new state-of-the-art, e.g., our small =2/255\ell_\infty=2/255 perturbations reduce the accuracy of a CIFAR-10 ResNet18 from 94.56\% to 14.68\%, compared to 41.35\% by the best-known method.Code is available at https://github.com/Sizhe-Chen/SEP

    Wind power ramp detection algorithms based on slope point correction

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    Wind power ramp event refers to the large fluctuation of wind power in a short time interval, which will seriously affect the safe and stable operation of power grid system. In order to maintain the stable operation of power grid system, wind power ramp detection is extremely necessary. Therefore, how to improve the accuracy of wind power ramp detection is a problem worthy of study. In the existing wind power ramp detection algorithms, the accuracy of the ramp endpoint is not considered. Aiming at the problem of end-point accuracy in climbing section, this work proposes a wind power climbing detection algorithm RPCRD (ramp point correct climbing detection) based on ramp point correction, which considers the detection accuracy of wind power climbing point for the first time. In this algorithm, a merging method of climbing sections is proposed to solve the fracture problem, and a scoring mechanism for selecting climbing points is proposed to find the two extreme points that most conform to the climbing characteristics, and the climbing points at both ends of the climbing section of wind power are modified

    Research on system of ultra-flat carrying robot based on improved PSO algorithm

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    Ultra-flat carrying robots (UCR) are used to carry soft targets for functional safety road tests of intelligent driving vehicles and should have superior control performance. For the sake of analyzing and upgrading the motion control performance of the ultra-flat carrying robot, this paper develops the mathematical model of its motion control system on the basis of the test data and the system identification method. Aiming at ameliorating the defects of the standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, namely, low accuracy, being susceptible to being caught in a local optimum, and slow convergence when dealing with the parameter identification problems of complex systems, this paper proposes a refined PSO algorithm with inertia weight cosine adjustment and introduction of natural selection principle (IWCNS-PSO), and verifies the superiority of the algorithm by test functions. Based on the IWCNS-PSO algorithm, the identification of transfer functions in the motion control system of the ultra-flat carrying robot was completed. In comparison with the identification results of the standard PSO and linear decreasing inertia weight (LDIW)-PSO algorithms, it indicated that the IWCNS-PSO has the optimal performance, with the number of iterations it takes to reach convergence being only 95 and the fitness value being only 0.117. The interactive simulation model was constructed in MATLAB/Simulink, and the critical proportioning method and the IWCNS-PSO algorithm were employed respectively to complete the tuning and optimization of the Proportional-Integral (PI) controller parameters. The results of simulation indicated that the PI parameters optimized by the IWCNS-PSO algorithm reduce the adjustment time to 7.99 s and the overshoot to 13.41% of the system, and the system is significantly improved with regard to the control performance, which basically meets the performance requirements of speed, stability, and accuracy for the control system. In conclusion, the IWCNS-PSO algorithm presented in this paper represents an efficient system identification method, as well as a system optimization method

    Peeling the Onion: Hierarchical Reduction of Data Redundancy for Efficient Vision Transformer Training

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    Vision transformers (ViTs) have recently obtained success in many applications, but their intensive computation and heavy memory usage at both training and inference time limit their generalization. Previous compression algorithms usually start from the pre-trained dense models and only focus on efficient inference, while time-consuming training is still unavoidable. In contrast, this paper points out that the million-scale training data is redundant, which is the fundamental reason for the tedious training. To address the issue, this paper aims to introduce sparsity into data and proposes an end-to-end efficient training framework from three sparse perspectives, dubbed Tri-Level E-ViT. Specifically, we leverage a hierarchical data redundancy reduction scheme, by exploring the sparsity under three levels: number of training examples in the dataset, number of patches (tokens) in each example, and number of connections between tokens that lie in attention weights. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed technique can noticeably accelerate training for various ViT architectures while maintaining accuracy. Remarkably, under certain ratios, we are able to improve the ViT accuracy rather than compromising it. For example, we can achieve 15.2% speedup with 72.6% (+0.4) Top-1 accuracy on Deit-T, and 15.7% speedup with 79.9% (+0.1) Top-1 accuracy on Deit-S. This proves the existence of data redundancy in ViT.Comment: AAAI 202