11 research outputs found
Why and How to Write a High-Impact Review Paper: Lessons From Eight Years of Editorial Board Service to Reviews of Geophysics
High-impact review papers describe and synthesize the current state of the art, the open questions and controversies, and provide ideas for future investigations. They are written not only for a specific scientific discipline but also for the broader Earth and space science community. They not only summarize the literature, but they also create a framework from which to understand the progress, problems, and connections between different communities, observations, models, and approaches. Here we describe how to write a high-impact review paper, and why you should consider writing one for Reviews of Geophysics
Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Tectonic Tremors in the Collisional Orogen of Taiwan
Abstract Taiwan offers a distinctive tectonic setting as a collisional orogen, ideal for studying tectonic tremors and the slow deformation process in the mountain‐building process. Using continuous seismic data at many stations, which have become available recently, and employing the envelope correlation method, we detected ∼7,000 tremor events from 2012 to 2022, with waveform characteristics similar to tectonic tremors worldwide. Beyond the previously known tremor zone beneath the southern Central Range, where newly detected tremors align along a low‐angle thrust plane, we identified several new tremor “hotspots” spanning 200 km along the mountain belt. These hotspots are situated at the termination of the subducting slabs and around the deep (25–50 km) extension of the Central Range fault, where repeating earthquakes occur at a depth of 10–25 km. Our findings suggest a strong linkage between the tremor generation mechanism and the mountain‐building process, potentially influenced by underground fluid and temperature anomalies
High-frequency waves guided by the subducted plates underneath Taiwan and their association with seismic intensity anomalies
Energy from seismic events traveling up a subduction zone is frequently associated with significant large-amplitude, high-frequency signals with sustained long coda. Such seismic waves guided by the subducted plate with high wave velocity and high Q can
Probing the Variation in Aseismic Slip Behavior Around an Active Suture Zone: Observations of Repeating Earthquakes in Eastern Taiwan
International audienceAn examination of repeating earthquakes in eastern Taiwan revealed previously unrecognized quasiperiodic repetition of aseismic creep along two reverse faults in an active suture zone. Using 202 ML 2.0 to 4.6 repeating earthquake sequences (RES) during the period from 2000 to 2011, we studied where and how certain faults creep. The RES were found to be highly concentrated in the southern segment of the Longitudinal Valley fault (LVF) and in the northern segment of the Central Range fault (CRF). They are mainly located at a depth of 10-25 km and show strong regional differences in creep behavior. Using the moment release rate of RES and geodetically derived long-term slip rate, we re-estimate the empirical relationship between deep creep and seismic moment for creeping sections in eastern Taiwan. For the 30-km-long LVF, the creep rate increased dramatically from 1.5 to 12.3 cm/year under the influence of the ML 6.4 Chengkung earthquake of 2003. For the 80-km-long CRF, the high creep rate of 4.3 cm/year appears to have been stable over time and is descriptive of a previously unrecognized deep structure underneath the eastern flank of the Central Range. The quasiperiodic pulsing of the deep slip rate has a predominant interval of 1 year for both segments. After the ML 6.4 event, the predominant interval for the creeping LVF halved in duration. The time-dependent aseismic slip showed a strong correlation with the creepmeter data, suggesting that the positing of a common mechanism is needed to connect the surface and deep creep variation
Dynamic Characteristics of TAIPEI 101 Skyscraper from Rotational and Translation Seismometers
ABSTRACT Continuous data streams from translational and rotational seismometers installed in TAIPEI 101 enable monitoring of the natural frequencies on different time scales. Using the 2014 seismic data recorded on the 90th floor of this high-rise building and the meteorological data from a weather station located just 1 km away, we explored the characteristics and controlling factors of the ambient vibrations in TAIPEI 101. Using the random decrement technique, the three modal frequencies in translation were identified as 0.15 Hz (F1), 0.43 Hz (F2), and 0.78 Hz (F3). For rotation around the vertical axis, the modal frequencies were 0.23 Hz (R1), 0.59 Hz (R2), and 0.93 Hz (R3). In translation, TAIPEI 101 exhibits a trend of increasing modal frequency with increasing temperature but decreasing modal frequency with increasing wind velocity. The trend with temperature is reversed in rotation motion. The different frequency versus temperature relationship seen for rotational and translational motion demonstrates the importance of introducing rotational motion analysis into structural health monitoring. The change in modal frequencies were also found to decrease with growing amplitude. It is intriguing that F1 exhibits a weaker dependency with amplitude with respect to the higher modes, which may be associated with the suppression of F1 vibration caused by the damper installed in TAIPEI 101. Other than long-term (seasonable) variation, we also highlight the hourly variation of the first-mode amplitude throughout a day by comparing with weather and mobility data. Other than the atmospheric conditions that strongly influence the modal frequencies in long-term behavior, we found that human activities may play an important role in the short-term vibration characteristics of the building
Creeping faults: Good news, bad news?
The motion of the Earth's tectonic plates drive fault slip. Some faults slip in sudden movements, releasing great amounts of energy during large earthquake ruptures, while others slip in steadier movements which release energy more slowly. The latter, known as creeping faults, are believed to be less hazardous but there is mounting evidence that they are more complex than previously thought and can also pose a significant hazard. A recent review by Harris [2017] documents the earthquake potential of creeping faults in shallow continental fault zones from worldwide data. She presents a comprehensive review of prior studies; key insights into when, where, and why fault creep takes place and under which conditions creeping faults may represent high seismic hazard and suggests some directions for future research
Characteristics and impact of environmental shaking in the Taipei metropolitan area
Abstract Examining continuous seismic data recorded by a dense broadband seismic network throughout Taipei shows for the first time, the nature of seismic noise in this highly populated metropolitan area. Using 140 broadband stations in a 50 km × 69 km area, three different recurring, strong noise signals characterized by dominant frequencies of 2–20 Hz, 0.25–1 Hz, and 2 Hz band, however, is low, indicating a local source that changes on shorter length scales. Human activities responsible for the 2–40 Hz energy in the city, we discovered, are able to produce amplitudes approximately 2 to 1500 times larger than natural sources. Using the building array deployed in TAIPEI 101, the tallest building in Taiwan, we found the small but repetitive ground vibration induced by traffic has considerable effect on the vibration behavior of the high-rise building. This finding urges further investigation not only on the dynamic and continuous interaction between vehicles, roads, and buildings, but also the role of soft sediment on such interaction
Why and How to Write a High-Impact Review Paper: Lessons From Eight Years of Editorial Board Service to Reviews of Geophysics
High-impact review papers describe and synthesize the current state of the art, the open questions and controversies, and provide ideas for future investigations. They are written not only for a specific scientific discipline but also for the broader Earth and space science community. They not only summarize the literature, but they also create a framework from which to understand the progress, problems, and connections between different communities, observations, models, and approaches. Here we describe how to write a high-impact review paper, and why you should consider writing one for Reviews of Geophysics