168 research outputs found

    Deep Context Resolution

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    Conversations depend on information from the context. To go beyond one-round conversation, a chatbot must resolve contextual information such as: 1) co-reference resolution, 2) ellipsis resolution, and 3) conjunctive relationship resolution. There are simply not enough data to avoid these problems by trying to train a sequence-to-sequence model for multi-round conversation similar to that of one-round conversation. The contributions of this paper are: 1) We formulate the problem of context resolution for conversation; 2) We present deep learning models, including an end-to-end network for context resolution; 3) We propose a way of creating a huge amount o

    HEDNet: A Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder Network for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds

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    3D object detection in point clouds is important for autonomous driving systems. A primary challenge in 3D object detection stems from the sparse distribution of points within the 3D scene. Existing high-performance methods typically employ 3D sparse convolutional neural networks with small kernels to extract features. To reduce computational costs, these methods resort to submanifold sparse convolutions, which prevent the information exchange among spatially disconnected features. Some recent approaches have attempted to address this problem by introducing large-kernel convolutions or self-attention mechanisms, but they either achieve limited accuracy improvements or incur excessive computational costs. We propose HEDNet, a hierarchical encoder-decoder network for 3D object detection, which leverages encoder-decoder blocks to capture long-range dependencies among features in the spatial space, particularly for large and distant objects. We conducted extensive experiments on the Waymo Open and nuScenes datasets. HEDNet achieved superior detection accuracy on both datasets than previous state-of-the-art methods with competitive efficiency. The code is available at https://github.com/zhanggang001/HEDNet.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 202

    Public Awareness of Dengue Fever and Willingness-to-Pay for vaccine of Dengue Fever : Case Study of south part of Taiwan

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    University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Co-movement Pattern Mining from Videos

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    Co-movement pattern mining from GPS trajectories has been an intriguing subject in spatial-temporal data mining. In this paper, we extend this research line by migrating the data source from GPS sensors to surveillance cameras, and presenting the first investigation into co-movement pattern mining from videos. We formulate the new problem, re-define the spatial-temporal proximity constraints from cameras deployed in a road network, and theoretically prove its hardness. Due to the lack of readily applicable solutions, we adapt existing techniques and propose two competitive baselines using Apriori-based enumerator and CMC algorithm, respectively. As the principal technical contributions, we introduce a novel index called temporal-cluster suffix tree (TCS-tree), which performs two-level temporal clustering within each camera and constructs a suffix tree from the resulting clusters. Moreover, we present a sequence-ahead pruning framework based on TCS-tree, which allows for the simultaneous leverage of all pattern constraints to filter candidate paths. Finally, to reduce verification cost on the candidate paths, we propose a sliding-window based co-movement pattern enumeration strategy and a hashing-based dominance eliminator, both of which are effective in avoiding redundant operations. We conduct extensive experiments for scalability and effectiveness analysis. Our results validate the efficiency of the proposed index and mining algorithm, which runs remarkably faster than the two baseline methods. Additionally, we construct a video database with 1169 cameras and perform an end-to-end pipeline analysis to study the performance gap between GPS-driven and video-driven methods. Our results demonstrate that the derived patterns from the video-driven approach are similar to those derived from groundtruth trajectories, providing evidence of its effectiveness

    Open Vocabulary Object Detection with Pseudo Bounding-Box Labels

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    Despite great progress in object detection, most existing methods work only on a limited set of object categories, due to the tremendous human effort needed for bounding-box annotations of training data. To alleviate the problem, recent open vocabulary and zero-shot detection methods attempt to detect novel object categories beyond those seen during training. They achieve this goal by training on a pre-defined base categories to induce generalization to novel objects. However, their potential is still constrained by the small set of base categories available for training. To enlarge the set of base classes, we propose a method to automatically generate pseudo bounding-box annotations of diverse objects from large-scale image-caption pairs. Our method leverages the localization ability of pre-trained vision-language models to generate pseudo bounding-box labels and then directly uses them for training object detectors. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art open vocabulary detector by 8% AP on COCO novel categories, by 6.3% AP on PASCAL VOC, by 2.3% AP on Objects365 and by 2.8% AP on LVIS. Code is available at https://github.com/salesforce/PB-OVD.Comment: ECCV 202

    Wireless sensor network system for indoor air quality supervision

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    U okviru diplomskog rada razvijen je sustav nadzora kvalitete zraka u zatvorenim prostorima. Sustav je razvijen koristeći koncept bežične senzorske mreže. Sustav prikuplja podatke s terena čiji su izvori senzorski čvorovi, a ponori distribuirane instance korisničke aplikacije. Senzorska mreže u konačnici prikuplja podatke o: • zadimljenosti prostorije, • količini lebdećih čestica u zraku, • grubu detekciju količine štetnog plina u prostoriji, • mjerenje temperature i • iznos relativne vlažnosti zraka. Senzorski čvorovi raspoređeni su u promatranom objektu, a prikupljeni podaci su proslijeđeni centralnom poslužitelju. Centralni poslužitelj je realiziran Internet aplikacijom. U okviru rada obrađene su osnove kakvoće zraka, zatim je opisan osnovni princip definiranja sustava (bežične senzorske mreže) s predloškom za izvedbu zadanog sustava. Obrađene su potrebne jedinice, među kojima su senzori za mjerenje potrebnih fizikalnih veličina, bežični komunikacijski moduli i mikroupravljački uređaji. Opisana je priprema okoline i konfiguracije, primjerice na usmjerniku za definiranu funkcionalnost prenošenja podataka iz senzorske mreže do korisničke aplikacije. Opisana je izrada korisničke aplikacije čime je dovršena izrada funkcionalnosti sustava. U konačnici izvedena su mjerenja prijema paketa kako bi se doznala ograničenja sustava, vezana uz domet i strategiju postavljanja komunikacijskih čvorova. U zaključku su predložena moguća unapređenja postojećeg rješenja ili mogućnosti prenamjene sustava.This thesis goes through a study and a practical development of a system of indoor air quality management. Indoor air quality management system is been developed with the wireless sensor network concept in its focus. This system is capable of collecting data from a distributed network of sensor nodes. Visualization of data is made by a service of user applications which are distributed to network clients. Sensor network collects data about: • amount of smoke in an object, • amount of particle matter in the air of an object, • approximation on the amount of harmful gas or gases in the object, • current temperature, • and amount of relative humidity. Sensor nodes are deployed to a selected complex, collected data is been forwarded to a central server. Server is implemented as a web application. Thesis elaborates the basic principle of defining the system (of wireless sensor networks) with its model for the performance measurement. Study on all necessary components is been presented, including sensors, wireless modules and microcontrollers. Basic settings and preparation of the environment is been defined, e.g. for the functionality of relaying data from sensor network to the user application. Afterwards, one can find notations on a development of the user application which completes the functionality of the proposed system. Finally, measurement are been presented on the packet reception rate, which can indicate on the limitations of the system doe to the propagation of packets in indoor environment. Measurement can be used as a indication for strategies on setting up network configuration and node distribution. In the conclusion there are proposed improvements for the selected solution or possibilities of functionality conversion

    Effect of critical illness insurance on the medical expenditures of rural patients in China: an interrupted time series study for universal health insurance coverage.

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to determine if critical illness insurance (CII) promotes the universal health coverage to reduce out-of-pocket (OOP) medical expenditures and improve the effective reimbursement rate (ERR) in rural China. STUDY DESIGN: The 5-year monthly hospitalisation data, starting 2 years before the CII (ie, the 'intervention') began, were collected. Interrupted time series analysis models were used to evaluate the immediate and gradual effects of CII on OOP payment and ERR. SETTING: The study was conducted in Xiantao County, Hubei Province, China. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 511 221 inpatients within 5 years were included in the analysis. RESULTS: In 2016, 100 288 patients received in-patient services, among which 4137 benefited from CII. After the implementation of CII, OOP expenses increased 32.2% (95% CI 24.8% to 39.5%, p<0.001). Compared with the preintervention periods, the trend changes decline at a rate of 0.7% per month after the implementation of CII. Similarly, a significant decrease was observed in log ERR after the intervention started. The rate of level change is 16% change (95% CI -20.0% to -12.1%, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: CII did not decrease the OOP payments of rural inpatients in 2011-2016 periods. The limited extents of population coverage and financing resources can be attributed to these results. Therefore, the Chinese government must urgently raise the funds of CII and improve the CII policy reimbursement rate

    RUNDC3A regulates SNAP25-mediated chemotherapy resistance by binding AKT in gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma (GNEC)

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    Gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma (GNEC) is a common type of neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) with a poor prognosis and limited therapeutic options. The underlying mechanisms of chemoresistance in patients with GNEC and those with NEC are largely unknown, and thus, reliable biomarkers and therapeutic targets that could improve treatment outcomes in patients with NECs are lacking. The aim of this study was to identify specific targets and investigate their roles in GNEC progression and treatment resistance. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified in GNEC specimens and were further analysed by focusing on their roles in chemoresistance. Gene Ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment analyses of GNEC DEGs revealed that synapse-related function was the most prominent cellular function perturbed in GNEC. SNAP25 was identified as the target gene involved in most of the enriched pathways. In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that SNAP25 plays a role in proliferation and chemoresistance in GNEC cell lines. AKT has been identified as a downstream target, and SNAP25 binds to AKT protein and promotes AKT protein half-life. Further analysis of other types of NEC as well as small cell lung cancer, which resembles NEC on a molecular level, has identified RUNDC3A as an upstream molecule that regulates SNAP25 expression and the associated phenotypes that could enhance chemoresistance in NECs. Our results show that SNAP25 expression in GNEC is mediated by RUNDC3A and promotes GNEC progression and chemoresistance via posttranslational modification of AKT. Thus, our results suggest that the RUNDC3A/SNAP25/Akt axis could be a potential therapeutic target in GNEC

    Evaluation of paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty for the treatment of symptomatic intracranial in-stent restenosis

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    BackgroundSymptomatic intracranial in-stent restenosis (sISR) poses a major challenge in the management of cerebrovascular diseases, often requiring effective and safe treatment options.ObjectivesThis study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of paclitaxel-coated balloon (PCB) angioplasty for treating sISR.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective analysis of five patients aged 49-74 years, who were treated with PCB angioplasty between January 2017 and June 2022. Treatment procedures included pre-operative digital subtraction angiography, antiplatelet therapy, and the use of the SeQuent Please balloon. Patients received aspirin and clopidogrel prior to and after the procedure.ResultsThe procedure achieved a 100% success rate. The degree of ISR was significantly reduced from an average pre-operative rate of 72±18.9% to a post-operative rate of 34±8.22%. Long-term follow-up showed that the majority of patients did not experience restenosis, confirming the long-term effectiveness of the treatment.ConclusionsPCB angioplasty demonstrates significant potential as an effective and safe treatment option for patients with sISR, especially those considered to be at high risk. This study supports further investigation into PCB angioplasty as a standard treatment for sISR
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