5,354 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of osp(1|2) Integrable Spin Chain: Finite Size Correction

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    This note is a supplement to our previous papers: Mod. Phys. Lett. A14 (1999) 2427 (math-ph/9911010); Int. J. Mod. Phys. A15 (2000) 2329 (math-ph/9912014). The thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equation for an integrable spin chain related to the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2) is analyzed. The central charge determined by low temperature asymptotics of the specific heat can be expressed by the Rogers dilogarithmic function, and identified to be 1. Solving the TBA equation numerically, we evaluate the several thermodynamic quantities. The excited state TBA equation is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 70-

    Electromagnetic proton form factors in large NcN_{c} QCD

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    The electromagnetic form factors of the proton are obtained using a particular realization of QCD in the large NcN_c limit (QCD∞{QCD}_{\infty}), which sums up the infinite number of zero-width resonances to yield an Euler's Beta function (Dual-QCD∞{QCD}_{\infty}). The form factors F1(q2)F_1(q^2) and F2(q2)F_2(q^2), as well as GM(q2)G_M(q^2) agree very well with reanalyzed space-like data in the whole range of momentum transfer. In addition, the predicted ratio μpGE/GM\mu_p G_E/G_M is in good agreement with recent polarization transfer measurements at Jefferson Lab.Comment: 10 page

    Meso-scale transboundary units for the management of coral reefs in the South China Sea area

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    Local communities and local government units are recognized as the primary stakeholders and participants in the management of coral reef resources and the primary beneficiaries of small-scale fishing activities in the nearshore areas of the coastal zone. The issues relating to the management of the coastal zone are multi-faceted and some issues are largely intertwined with national policy and development goals. Thus, national governments have jurisdiction over these nearshore coastal resources to harmonize policies, monitor resource use and provide incentives for sustainable use. However, the natural boundaries of these reef resources, the processes that support reef ecosystems, and the local or national affiliation of the people who benefit from them may transcend the boundaries of the local and national management units. Therefore, efforts to arrest the decline in fish catch and loss of biodiversity for reefs require management interventions and assessment activities to be carried out at varying scales. In Southeast Asia, some aspects of reef and reef resources management — particularly in deciding the allocation of catch among competing fisheries, development of sustainable harvest strategies, use of broodstock for restocking or stock enhancement programs, protection of nursery and spawning areas, designation of systems of marine protected areas, and the identification of representative, adequate and comprehensive areas for biodiversity conservation in the region — may require the definition of larger management units. At the regional level, multi-country initiatives will need to define units for the transboundary management of resources. The use of large marine ecosystems (LMEs) to identify and manage fisheries resources may be a starting point; however, given the relatively sedentary nature of coral reef-dwelling and reef-associated organisms compared with other pelagic and demersal species, meso-scale transboundary units within the LMEs have to be defined. This paper provides suggestions for transboundary management units for coral reef and reef-associated resources in Southeast Asia based on information from genetic structures of model organisms in the region. In addition, specific reef areas are identified, which may be important beyond their national boundaries, as potential sources of recruits.Coral reefs, Resource management, Large marine ecosystems, Population genetics, Reef fisheries, Fishery management, South China Sea,

    Level Spacing Distribution of Critical Random Matrix Ensembles

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    We consider unitary invariant random matrix ensembles which obey spectral statistics different from the Wigner-Dyson, including unitary ensembles with slowly (~(log x)^2) growing potentials and the finite-temperature fermi gas model. If the deformation parameters in these matrix ensembles are small, the asymptotically translational-invariant region in the spectral bulk is universally governed by a one-parameter generalization of the sine kernel. We provide an analytic expression for the distribution of the eigenvalue spacings of this universal asymptotic kernel, which is a hybrid of the Wigner-Dyson and the Poisson distributions, by determining the Fredholm determinant of the universal kernel in terms of a Painleve VI transcendental function.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, REVTeX; restriction on the parameter stressed, figure replaced, refs added (v2); typos (factors of pi) in (35), (36) corrected (v3); minor changes incl. title, version to appear in Phys.Rev.E (v4

    Applying the cold plasma dispersion relation to whistler-mode chorus waves:EMFISIS wave measurements from the Van Allen Probes

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    Most theoretical wave models require the power in the wave magnetic field in order to determine the effect of chorus waves on radiation belt electrons. However, researchers typically use the cold plasma dispersion relation to approximate the magnetic wave power when only electric field data are available. In this study, the validity of using the the cold plasma dispersion relation in this context is tested using EMFISIS observations of both the electric and magnetic spectral intensities in the chorus wave band (0.1-0.9 fce). Results from this study indicate that the calculated wave intensity is least accurate during periods of enhanced wave activity. For observed wave intensities >10¯3 nT2, using the cold plasma dispersion relation results in an underestimate of the wave intensity by a factor of 2 or greater, 56% of the time over the full chorus wave band, 60% of the time for lower band chorus, and 59% of the time for upper band chorus. Hence during active periods, empirical chorus wave models that are reliant on the cold plasma dispersion relation will underestimate chorus wave intensities to a significant degree, thus causing questionable calculation of wave-particle resonance effects on MeV electrons

    Decision Problems for Nash Equilibria in Stochastic Games

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    We analyse the computational complexity of finding Nash equilibria in stochastic multiplayer games with ω\omega-regular objectives. While the existence of an equilibrium whose payoff falls into a certain interval may be undecidable, we single out several decidable restrictions of the problem. First, restricting the search space to stationary, or pure stationary, equilibria results in problems that are typically contained in PSPACE and NP, respectively. Second, we show that the existence of an equilibrium with a binary payoff (i.e. an equilibrium where each player either wins or loses with probability 1) is decidable. We also establish that the existence of a Nash equilibrium with a certain binary payoff entails the existence of an equilibrium with the same payoff in pure, finite-state strategies.Comment: 22 pages, revised versio

    Mathematical Modeling for Studying the Sustainability of Plants Subject to the Stress of Two Distinct Herbivores

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    Viability of plants, especially endangered species, are usually affected by multiple stressors, including insects, herbivores, environmental factors and other plant species. We present new mathematical models, based on systems of ordinary differential equations, of two distinct herbivore species feeding (two stressors) on the same plant species. The new feature is the explicit functional form modeling the simultaneous feedback interactions (synergistic or additive or antagonistic) between the three species in the ecosystem. The goal is to investigate whether the coexistence of the plant and both herbivore species is possible (a sustainable system) and under which conditions sustainability is feasible. Our theoretical analysis of the novel model without including competitions among the two herbivores reveals that the number of equilibrium states and their local stability depends on the type of interaction between the stressors: synergistic or additive or antagonistic. Our numerical results, based on value of parameters available, suggest that a sustainable system requires significant herbivore inter- or intra-species competition or both types. Additionally, our numerical findings indicate that competition and interaction of additive type promotes coexistence equilibrium states with the highest plant biomass. Furthermore, the system can exhibit periodic behavior and show the potential for multi-stability

    Preparation and ferroelectric properties of (124)-oriented SrBi4Ti4O15 ferroelectric thin film on (110)-oriented LaNiO3 electrode

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    A (124)-oriented SrBi4Ti4O15 (SBTi) ferroelectric thin film with high volume fraction of {\alpha}SBTi(124)=97% was obtained using a metal organic decomposition process on SiO2/Si substrate coated by (110)-oriented LaNiO3 (LNO) thin film. The remanent polarization and coercive field for (124)-oriented SBTi film are 12.1 {\mu}C/cm2 and 74 kV/cm, respectively. No evident fatigue of (124)-oriented SBTi thin film can be observed after 1{\times}10e9 switching cycles. Besides, the (124)-oriented SBTi film can be uniformly polarized over large areas using a piezoelectric-mode atomic force microscope. Considering that the annealing temperature was 650{\deg}C and the thickness of each deposited layer was merely 30 nm, a long-range epitaxial relationship between SBTi(124) and LNO(110) facets was proposed. The epitaxial relationship was demonstrated based on the crystal structures of SBTi and LNO.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, published in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics (JMSE), 19 (2008), 1031-103

    Multi-agent deep Q-network-based metaheuristic algorithm for Nurse Rostering Problem

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    The Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) aims to create an efficient and fair work schedule that balances both the needs of employees and the requirements of hospital operations. Traditional local search-based metaheuristic algorithms, such as adaptive neighborhood search (ANS) and variable neighborhood descent (VND), mainly focus on optimizing the current solution without considering potential long-term consequences, which may easily get stuck in local optima and limit the overall performance. Thus, we propose a multi-agent deep Q-network-based metaheuristic algorithm (MDQN-MA) for NRP to harness the strengths of various metaheuristics. Each agent encapsulates a metaheuristic algorithm, where its available actions represent different perspectives of the problem environment. By combining their strengths and various perspectives, these agents can work collaboratively to navigate and search for a broader range of potential solutions effectively. Furthermore, to improve the performance of an individual agent, we model its neighborhood search as a Markov Decision Process model and integrate a deep Q-network to consider long-term impacts for its neighborhood sequential decision-making. The experimental results clearly show that an individual agent in MDQN-MA can outperform ANS and VND, and multiple agents in MDQN-MA even perform better, achieving the best results among metaheuristic algorithms on the Second International Nurse Rostering Competition dataset

    Creating Bell states and decoherence effects in quantum dots system

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    We show how to improve the efficiency for preparing Bell states in coupled two quantum dots system. A measurement to the state of driven quantum laser field leads to wave function collapse. This results in highly efficiency preparation of Bell states. The effect of decoherence on the efficiency of generating Bell states is also discussed in this paper. The results show that the decoherence does not affect the relative weight of ∣00>|00> and ∣11>|11> in the output state, but the efficiency of finding Bell states.Comment: 4 pages, 2figures, corrected some typo
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