7 research outputs found

    Chrysomya bezziana (Diptera: Calliphoridae) infestation: case report of three dogs in Malaysia treated with spinosad/milbemycin

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    BACKGROUND:Infestation of wounds with the larvae of Callophorid flies is relatively common in countries where these parasites are found. The most common species associated with infections in Southeast Asia is Chrysomya bezziana (Ch. bezziana), the Old World screw worm. Treatment consists of either subcutaneous injection of ivermectin or oral administration of nitenpyram combined with aggressive tissue debridement under general anaesthesia. OBJECTIVES: To describe the treatment of cutaneous myiasis in three dogs caused by the larvae of Ch. bezziana in Malaysia and their treatment with spinosad plus milbemycin. RESULTS: In all dogs, a single oral dose of spinosad plus milbemycin at the recommended dosage of 31-62 mg/kg and 0.5-1.0 mg/kg, respectively, was able to kill all larvae within 8 h. Most dead larvae fell off the host and those remaining on the host were dead and easily removed with simple saline flushing and gentle debridement. Neither general anaesthesia nor aggressive mechanical debridement were needed in any patient. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Oral spinosad plus milbemycin is a safe, licensed and effective treatment at the recommended dose for the rapid elimination of Ch. bezziana myiasis, with no need for sedation or anaesthesia

    The effects of peripheral and central warming on body temperature during canine laparotomy

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    Actively warming patients during surgery is considered the best method of preventing inadvertent hypothermia due to multiple causes: anaesthetic depression of the hypothalamic thermoregulatory centre, cutaneous vasodilatation, reduction of heat production by skeletal muscles, cold intravenous fluid administration and heat loss from opened body cavities. To compare the effects of active peripheral skin warming and trunk warming on body temperature during surgery, 15 dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy were studied using a prospective randomised trial design. Dogs were randomised into two groups: one group was warmed by compress leg pads (n=7) on limbs and the other group by a circulating warm water mattress (n=8), applied to the trunk. The rectal, oesophageal and room temperatures and relative humidity were measured. The results showed that the compress leg pads (active peripheral warming) were significantly (

    The major acute phase proteins of bovine milk in a commercial dairy herd

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    Background Milk acute phase proteins (APP) have been identified and show promise as biomarkers of mastitis. However analysis of their profile in dairy cows from a production herd is necessary in order to confirm their benefits in mastitis diagnosis. The profiles of milk haptoglobin (Hp), mammary associated serum amyloid A3 (M-SAA3) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were determined in 54 composite milk (milk from all functional quarters of a cow’s udder collected in a common receptacle) samples (CMS) from a commercial dairy farm. Milk Hp was also determined in individual quarter milk (milk from a single udder quarter) samples (QMS) (n = 149) of the cows. An ELISA was developed and validated for the determination of milk Hp while commercial kits were used for M-SAA3 and CRP assay respectively. Composite milk APP results were compared with cow factors including parity, stage of lactation, percentage protein and fat as well as somatic cell counts (SCC). Results Composite milk Hp ranged from <0.4–55 μg/ml with a median of 3.5 μg/ml; composite milk M-SAA3 ranged from <0.6–50 μg/ml and had a median of 1.2 μg/ml, while CRP ranged from <1.80–173 ng/ml and had a median of 24.6 ng/ml. Significant correlations were found between composite SCC and Hp (P-value <0.009) as well as parity and Hp (P < 0.009), but not between M-SAA3 and SCC, M-SAA3 and Hp, M-SAA3 and CRP or M-SAA3 and parity. Milk CRP was correlated with % fat (P = 0.002) and % protein (P = 0.001) of the milk samples. The lack of correlation of SCC with the M-SAA3 and CRP could result from these APP being more sensitive to intra-mammary infection than SCC. Quarter milk Hp had a range of <0.4–420 μg/ml with a median value of 3.6 μg/ml, with 92 % of samples below 20 μg/ml. Conclusion Baseline values of Hp, M-SAA3 and CRP were established in composite milk from cows with normal SCC on the dairy farm. Parity was recognized as a possible confounding factor when diagnosing mastitis using Hp. The value of the APP, Hp, M-SAA3 and CRP as substitutes or to complement SCC in indicating udder inflammation, was demonstrated