9 research outputs found

    FEBUKO and MODMEP: Field measurements and modelling of aerosol and cloud multiphase processes

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    An overview of the two FEBUKO aerosol–cloud interaction field experiments in the ThĂŒringer Wald (Germany) in October 2001 and 2002 and the corresponding modelling project MODMEP is given. Experimentally, a variety of measurement methods were deployed to probe the gas phase, particles and cloud droplets at three sites upwind, downwind and within an orographic cloud with special emphasis on the budgets and interconversions of organic gas and particle phase constituents. Out of a total of 14 sampling periods within 30 cloud events three events (EI, EII and EIII) are selected for detailed analysis. At various occasions an impact of the cloud process on particle chemical composition such as on the organic compounds content, sulphate and nitrate and also on particle size distributions and particle mass is observed. Moreover, direct phase transfer of polar organic compound from the gas phase is found to be very important for the understanding of cloudwater composition. For the modelling side, a main result of the MODMEP project is the development of a cloud model, which combines a complex multiphase chemistry with detailed microphysics. Both components are described in a fine-resolved particle/drop spectrum. New numerical methods are developed for an efficient solution of the entire complex model. A further development of the CAPRAM mechanism has lead to a more detailed description of tropospheric aqueous phase organic chemistry. In parallel, effective tools for the reduction of highly complex reaction schemes are provided. Techniques are provided and tested which allow the description of complex multiphase chemistry and of detailed microphysics in multidimensional chemistry-transport models

    (Sr2N)H: Untersuchungen zur Redox-Intercalation von Wasserstoff in Sr2N

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    Strontium-nitride-hydride is obtained as brown-yellow single phase powder by reaction of strontium-subnitride (Sr2N) with hydrogen (200 bar, 620 K) and subsequent treatment under vacuum (10−6 bar, 870 K). The structure determination was carried out by a combination of X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments on a deuterated sample. The elemental composition of the ternary compound was confirmed by means of chemical analyses. (Sr2N)D crystallizes in the space group equation image with a = 381.91(2) pm and c = 1887.61(2) pm. Strontium (Sr2+) in the crystal structure of (Sr2N)D is arranged with an only slightly distorted ccp-motif. Nitrogen (N3−) and deuterium (D−) occupy the octahedral voids of the Sr2+-matrix in an ordered manner resulting in an alternating sequence of layers (anti-α-NaFeO2-type structure)

    InnoRegio-Projekt InnTex: Entwicklung neuartiger Absorptionstextilien unter Verwendung von Recyclingmaterialien (Resorp). Teilprojekt 3 Schlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F04B2101 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Ermittlung und Bewertung von Eigenschaften faserverstaerkter Werkstoffe mit Metallmatrix Abschlussbericht

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    Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens wurde der Einfluss von Strukturstoerungen in modernen Verbundwerkstoffen auf die Festigkeit des Verbundes unter produktnahen Einsatzbedingungen durch Computersimulation mittels der Methode der finiten Elemente (FEM) quantifiziert und in Abhaengigkeit von wichtigen geometrischen Parametern wie Form, Abstand von der Oberflaeche oder Lage zu dieser sowie weiteren Einfluessen systematisiert. Die Erhoehung der Zuverlaessigkeit moderner Verbundwerkstoffe haengt in entscheidendem Masse vom Erreichen einer moeglichst homogenen Struktur ab. Dies ist notwendig, um Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeiten von Bauteilen aus diesen Werkstoffen so niedrig wie moeglich zu halten. Als Berechnungsverfahren wurde die FEM aufgrund ihrer universellen Eigenschaften ausgewaehlt. Die Werkstoffreaktionen an einer Strukturstoerung auf realistische Last- und Temperaturverhaeltnisse konnten somit auch bei komplizierten Geometrieverhaeltnissen ermittelt werden. Wegen der Komplexitaet der Aufgabe wurden die Berechnungsserien auf abstrahierte mechanische Modelle konzentriert. Die Ergebnisse wurden in grafischer Form so aufbereitet, dass der Vergleich mit den Beanspruchungen beim Umlaufbiegeversuch, einem anerkannten Pruefverfahren, moeglich ist. Es wurde eine Darstellungsweise gewaehlt, die in der taeglichen Arbeit des Werkstoffingenieurs und des Konstrukteurs als Eingangsinformation fuer in der Praxis uebliche Bewertungsalgorithmen dienen kannThe project tasks performed are quantification of the effects of structural defects in modern composites on the strength of the composite materials, determined at near-service conditions by means of computerized simulation, applying the finite-element method for quantification, and systematic evaluation and representation of derived data as a function of significant parameters such as shape, distance from the surface, or position relative to the surface, or other effects. Improvement of service reliability of modern composites primarily depends on the degree of structural homogeneousness achieved, which is the decisive factor that will keep failure probabilities of the components at a low level. FEM is the computation method selected, and its universal applicability permitted to determine the materials responses at a structural defect to realistic stresses and temperatures even in complex geometries. Due to the complexity of the task, the computerized calculations have been performed for abstracted mechanical models. The computed results have been processed into a graphic representation, in order to allow direct comparison with the results of the rotation bending test, an approved testing technique. Thus a form of representation is available that can be used by engineers and designers in their daily routine as input information for generally applied evaluation algorithms. (orig./CB)Available from TIB Hannover: RA 1581(563) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Bonn (Germany); Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e.V., Koeln (Germany)DEGerman

    Optisches 3D-Inspektionssystem zur ortsaufgeloesten Materialkennwertermittlung an strukturierten Mikrokomponenten. Teilprojekt: Einrichtung fuer die thermische Belastng zur lokalen Materialkennwertermittlung an Mikrokomponenten Abschlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F01B164+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman