13 research outputs found

    Similar patterns of leaf temperatures and thermal acclimation to warming in temperate and tropical tree canopies

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    As the global climate warms, a key question is how increased leaf temperatures will affect tree physiology and the coupling between leaf and air temperatures in forests. To explore the impact of increasing temperatures on plant performance in open air, we warmed leaves in the canopy of two mature evergreen forests, a temperate Eucalyptus woodland and a tropical rainforest. The leaf heaters consistently maintained leaves at a target of 4 °C above ambient leaf temperatures. Ambient leaf temperatures (Tleaf) were mostly coupled to air temperatures (Tair), but at times, leaves could be 8–10 °C warmer than ambient air temperatures, especially in full sun. At both sites, Tleaf was warmer at higher air temperatures (Tair > 25 °C), but was cooler at lower Tair, contrary to the ‘leaf homeothermy hypothesis’. Warmed leaves showed significantly lower stomatal conductance (−0.05 mol m−2 s−1 or −43% across species) and net photosynthesis (−3.91 μmol m−2 s−1 or −39%), with similar rates in leaf respiration rates at a common temperature (no acclimation). Increased canopy leaf temperatures due to future warming could reduce carbon assimilation via reduced photosynthesis in these forests, potentially weakening the land carbon sink in tropical and temperate forests

    Forms of organic phosphorus in wetland soils

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    Phosphorus (P) cycling in freshwater wetlands is dominated by biological mechanisms, yet there has been no comprehensive examination of the forms of biogenic P (i.e., forms derived from biological activity) in wetland soils. We used solution 31P NMR spectroscopy to identify and quantify P forms in surface soils of 28 palustrine wetlands spanning a range of climatic, hydrogeomorphic, and vegetation types. Total P concentrations ranged between 51 and 3516 μg P g-1, of which an average of 58% was extracted in a single-step NaOH–EDTA procedure. The extracts contained a broad range of P forms, including phosphomonoesters (averaging 24% of the total soil P), phosphodiesters (averaging 10% of total P), phosphonates (up to 4% of total P), and both pyrophosphate and long-chain polyphosphates (together averaging 6% of total P). Soil P composition was found to be dependant upon two key biogeochemical properties: organic matter content and pH. For example, stereoisomers of inositol hexakisphosphate were detected exclusively in acidic soils with high mineral content, while phosphonates were detected in soils from a broad range of vegetation and hydrogeomorphic types but only under acidic conditions. Conversely inorganic polyphosphates occurred in a broad range of wetland soils, and their abundance appears to reflect more broadly that of a "substantial" and presumably active microbial community with a significant relationship between total inorganic polyphosphates and microbial biomass P. We conclude that soil P composition varies markedly among freshwater wetlands but can be predicted by fundamental soil properties.\u

    Impact of simulated changes in water table depth on ex situ decomposition of leaf litter from a neotropical peatland

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    Although water table depth is commonly regarded as the primary determinant of litter decomposition rate in tropical peatlands, this has rarely been tested experimentally. This study explored the influence of flooding on decomposition of litter from three dominant plant species in a neotropical peatland. The non-flooded treatment reduced the mass remaining after 14 months from 84 to 81 % for Raphia taedigera, 65 to 58 % for Campnosperma panamensis, and 69 to 58 % for Cyperus sp. The proportions of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the labile, semi-labile and recalcitrant carbon pools, did not reliably predict differences among species in the mass loss rate of litter. Phosphorus was rapidly lost from litter, while carbon losses, including soluble carbon, were slower, but significant for all fractions. The non-flooded treatment substantially reduced the quantity of C remaining in the residue fraction of leaf litter after 12 weeks, with 31, 19 and 6 % less remaining in the non-flooded treatment for R. taedigera, C. panamensis and Cyperus sp. This suggests that lower water table depth on litter decay increase degradation of mainly aliphatic and aromatic carbon in the residual fraction. Thus, although lowering the water table increased decomposition, the chemical composition of litter clearly influences peat accumulation

    Isotopic and morphologic proxies for reconstructing light environment and leaf function of fossil leaves: a modern calibration in the Daintree Rainforest, Australia

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    Premise: Within closed‐canopy forests, vertical gradients of light and atmospheric CO2 drive variations in leaf carbon isotope ratios, leaf mass per area (LMA), and the micromorphology of leaf epidermal cells. Variations in traits observed in preserved or fossilized leaves could enable inferences of past forest canopy closure and leaf function and thereby habitat of individual taxa. However, as yet no calibration study has examined how isotopic, micro‐ and macromorphological traits, in combination, reflect position within a modern closed‐canopy forest or how these could be applied to the fossil record. Methods: Leaves were sampled from throughout the vertical profile of the tropical forest canopy using the 48.5 m crane at the Daintree Rainforest Observatory, Queensland, Australia. Carbon isotope ratios, LMA, petiole metric (i.e., petiole‐width2/leaf area, a proposed proxy for LMA that can be measured from fossil leaves), and leaf micromorphology (i.e., undulation index and cell area) were compared within species across a range of canopy positions, as quantified by leaf area index (LAI). Results: Individually, cell area, δ13C, and petiole metric all correlated with both LAI and LMA, but the use of a combined model provided significantly greater predictive power. Conclusions: Using the observed relationships with leaf carbon isotope ratio and morphology to estimate the range of LAI in fossil floras can provide a measure of canopy closure in ancient forests. Similarly, estimates of LAI and LMA for individual taxa can provide comparative measures of light environment and growth strategy of fossil taxa from within a flora.Alexander W. Cheesman, Heather Duff, Kathryn Hill, Lucas A. Cernusak, Francesca A. McInerne

    Identifying drivers of leaf water and cellulose stable isotope enrichment in Eucalyptus in northern Australia

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    Several previous studies have investigated the use of the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions in plant materials as indicators of palaeoclimate. However, accurate interpretation relies on a detailed understanding of both physiological and environmental drivers of the variations in isotopic enrichments that occur in leaf water and associated organic compounds. To progress this aim we measured δ18O and δ2H values in eucalypt leaf and stem water and δ18O values in leaf cellulose, along with the isotopic compositions of water vapour, across a north-eastern Australian aridity gradient. Here we compare observed leaf water enrichment, along with previously published enrichment data from a similar north Australian transect, to Craig–Gordon-modelled predictions of leaf water isotopic enrichment. Our investigation of model parameters shows that observed 18O enrichment across the aridity gradients is dominated by the relationship between atmospheric and internal leaf water vapour pressure while 2H enrichment is driven mainly by variation in the water vapour—source water isotopic disequilibrium. During exceptionally dry and hot conditions (RH 37 °C) we observed strong deviations from Craig–Gordon predicted isotope enrichments caused by partial stomatal closure. The atmospheric–leaf vapour pressure relationship is also a strong predictor of the observed leaf cellulose δ18O values across one aridity gradient. Our finding supports a wider applicability of leaf cellulose δ18O composition as a climate proxy for atmospheric humidity conditions during the leaf growing season than previously documented

    Odyssey-CCS: A Change Control System Tailored to Software Reuse

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    Abstract. Software is constantly changing and these changes may occur at anytime in the software lifecycle. In order to avoid rework and information loss, among other problems, these changes must be controlled in a proper way. When changes affect reused components, possibly composed by other components, it is important to know who is responsible for implementing them. Some consequences of this problem, named Reuse Chain of Responsibility, is the misconception on rights and duties of teams that produce and reuse components. Aiming to solve this problem, we introduce Odyssey-CCS, a flexible change control system that allows the customization of a change control process to the specific needs of software reuse. Moreover, it keeps a reuse map that holds information about contracts between components producers and reusers. The reuse map is integrated to an existing component library and is queried by Odyssey-CCS within the impact analysis activity.

    Soil phosphorus forms in hydrologically isolated wetlands and surrounding pasture uplands

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    Newly created and restored wetlands play an important role in sequestering excess nutrients at the landscape scale In evaluating the long-term efficacy of nutrient management strategies to increase wetland capacity for sequestering P, information is needed on the forms of P found across the upland-wetland transition To assess this, we studied soils (0-10 cm) from four wetlands within cow-calf pastures north of Lake Okeechobee, FL Wetlands contained significantly (P < 0.05) greater concentrations of organic matter (219 g C kg(-1)), total P (371 mg P kg(-1)). and metals (Al, Fe) relative to surrounding pasture When calculated on an aerial basis, wetland surface sods contained significantly greater amounts of total P (236 kg ha(-1)) compared with upland soils (114 kg ha(-1)), which was linked to the concomitant increase in organic matter with increasing hydroperiod The concentration of P forms. determined by extraction with anion exchange membranes, I mol L(-1) HCl, and an alkaline extract (0 25 mol L(-1) NaOH and 50 mmol L(-1) ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid [EDTA]) showed significant differences between uplands and wetlands but did not alter as a proportion of total P Speciation of NaOH-EDTA extracts by solution (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that organic P was dominated by phosphomonoesters in boils wetland and pasture sods but that myo-inositol hexakisphosphate was not detected in any sample The tight coupling of total C and P in the sandy sods of the region suggests that the successful management of historically isolated wetlands for P sequestration depends on the long-terns accumulation and stabilization of sod organic matter

    Similar patterns of leaf temperatures and thermal acclimation to warming in temperate and tropical tree canopies

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    As the global climate warms, a key question is how increased leaf temperatures will affect tree physiology and the coupling between leaf and air temperatures in forests. To explore the impact of increasing temperatures on plant performance in open air, we warmed leaves in the canopy of two mature evergreen forests, a temperate Eucalyptus woodland and a tropical rainforest. The leaf heaters consistently maintained leaves at a target of 4 °C above ambient leaf temperatures. Ambient leaf temperatures (Tleaf) were mostly coupled to air temperatures (Tair), but at times, leaves could be 8–10 °C warmer than ambient air temperatures, especially in full sun. At both sites, Tleaf was warmer at higher air temperatures (Tair > 25 °C), but was cooler at lower Tair, contrary to the ‘leaf homeothermy hypothesis’. Warmed leaves showed significantly lower stomatal conductance (−0.05 mol m−2 s−1 or −43% across species) and net photosynthesis (−3.91 μmol m−2 s−1 or −39%), with similar rates in leaf respiration rates at a common temperature (no acclimation). Increased canopy leaf temperatures due to future warming could reduce carbon assimilation via reduced photosynthesis in these forests, potentially weakening the land carbon sink in tropical and temperate forests

    Tropical forests are approaching critical temperature thresholds

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    The critical temperature beyond which photosynthetic machinery in tropical trees begins to fail averages approximately 46.7 °C (Tcrit)1. However, it remains unclear whether leaf temperatures experienced by tropical vegetation approach this threshold or soon will under climate change. Here we found that pantropical canopy temperatures independently triangulated from individual leaf thermocouples, pyrgeometers and remote sensing (ECOSTRESS) have midday peak temperatures of approximately 34 °C during dry periods, with a long high-temperature tail that can exceed 40 °C. Leaf thermocouple data from multiple sites across the tropics suggest that even within pixels of moderate temperatures, upper canopy leaves exceed Tcrit 0.01% of the time. Furthermore, upper canopy leaf warming experiments (+2, 3 and 4 °C in Brazil, Puerto Rico and Australia, respectively) increased leaf temperatures non-linearly, with peak leaf temperatures exceeding Tcrit 1.3% of the time (11% for more than 43.5 °C, and 0.3% for more than 49.9 °C). Using an empirical model incorporating these dynamics (validated with warming experiment data), we found that tropical forests can withstand up to a 3.9 ± 0.5 °C increase in air temperatures before a potential tipping point in metabolic function, but remaining uncertainty in the plasticity and range of Tcrit in tropical trees and the effect of leaf death on tree death could drastically change this prediction. The 4.0 °C estimate is within the ‘worst-case scenario’ (representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5) of climate change predictions2 for tropical forests and therefore it is still within our power to decide (for example, by not taking the RCP 6.0 or 8.5 route) the fate of these critical realms of carbon, water and biodiversity