1,240 research outputs found

    Protes dalam masyarakat di Alam Melayu sebelum Merdeka: analisis terhadap beberapa novel terpilih

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    Makalah ini menganalisis pemikiran protes di kalangan masyarakat watan di Malaysia, Indonesia dan Brunei pada zaman sebelum merdeka berasaskan beberapa buah novel-novel terpilih pada era berkenaan. Rujukan diasaskan kepada beberapa buah novel yang mendapat tempat di kalangan masyarakat di negara-negara berkenaan pada era tersebut. Penulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural atau formalistik. Didapati secara amnya para pengarang pada zaman tersebut mempunyai kecenderungan untuk mengenengahkan pemikiran protes melalui tema-tema percintaan, kahwin paksa, emansipasi wanita, pertembungan budaya dan nasionalisme

    Bayangan wacana politik dalam karya sastera: analisis novel Kawin-Kawin

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    Karya sastera tidak lahir dalam ruang yang kosong. Apa yang dihasilkan adalah bertolak daripada peristiwa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat termasuklah isu sosio-budaya, ekonomi dan politik. Pengarang novel seringkali menggunakan karya sastera untuk melahirkan pandangan, ideologi, wawasan dan harapan mereka. Kajian ini melihat bagimana karya sastera dihasilkan sebagai respons terhadap peristiwa politik yang berlaku. Kajian menganalisis novel kawin-kawin karya Azizi Haji Abdullah. Antara isu yang diangkat termasuklah pertentangan ideologi dalam masyarakat Melayu, penyelewengan kuasa pemimpin, gejala rasuah dan kronisme. Hasil penelitian mendapati pengarang menggunakan permasalahan politik semasa dalam wacana karya novelnya. Sebagai ahli PAS, ideologi dan pegangan pengarang juga tampak jelas dalam perbincangan persoalan politik ini

    Gambaran konflik politik dalam kalangan masyarakat Sabah

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    Makalah ini bertujuan meneliti konflik politik yang berlaku dalam kalangan masyarakat Sabah berdasarkan novel Busa Hati karya ArenaWati. Apa yang digambarkan oleh ArenaWati melalui karyanya ini pastinya bertolak daripada realiti pergolakan politik yang berlaku dan diterjemahkan dalam bentuk realiti kreatif. Antara konflik politik yang digambarkan oleh pengarang termasuklah pertentangan ideologi, perebutan dan penyelewengan kuasa, politik wang dan rasuah, politik etnik dan amalan lompat parti. Kajian mendapati, melalui Busa Hati pengarang merakamkan kembali konflik politik yang berlaku di Sabah dalam bentuk realiti kreatif

    Knowledge sharing behaviour in the public sector: The business process management perspectives

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the preliminary analysis on the knowledge sharing behaviour of the public sectors in terms of individual attitudes, organisational environment, reward system and information and communication technology (ICT) within the system. The paper looks into the perspective of business process management which embedded in a knowledge sharing behaviour. This research-inprogress intends to use both quantitative and qualitative methods (triangulation) because we believe that it will be appropriate to answer the research questions better. In the Phase One, consists of the questionnaire that uses to measure perceptions, beliefs, reactions, and attitudes related to knowledge sharing. The unit of analysis using middle to senior management in the public sector as knowledge is said to be captured more systematically at this level. Phase Two will be carried out after analysis of data from the questionnaire survey is completed. The researcher intends to undertake an in-depth exploration of issues arising from Phase One. Hence a semi-structured interview will be carried out with small group of people. Top management officials will be selected from within the same sample for this exercise. The research design in this study hopefully will answer all the research questions significantly. The preliminary findings will provide a basis for proposing a structured framework for further data collection and analysis

    E-Book selection practises and initiatives planning towards return on investment in Malaysian academic libraries : moving into patron-driven acquisition / Che Zainab Haji Abdullah

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    This study investigates the e-book selection practices pertaining to patrondriven acquisition and library’s initiatives planning on providing e-book services toward return on investment in selected Malaysian academic libraries. This research employs a concurrent mixed-method through semi structured interviews and a survey. Ten experienced acquisition librarians informed in this interview. The qualitative data were transcribed and analysed manually. The common purchasing models of e-book in Malaysian academic libraries are subscription, packages, pick and choose and one-time purchase. None of the libraries adopts the patron-driven acquisition model as being investigated. The questionnaire used as an instrument in a quantitative approached to determine librarian perception on common e-book selection practices (resource sharing, accessibility, support distance education, sustainability, collection features, cataloguing e-structure and user friendliness) and library initiatives planning (technical support, personnel and training). The relationship between e-book selection practices, library initiatives planning and return on investment was further examined

    The library’s quality management system and quality assurance in higher education: A lesson from Southeast emerging educational hub

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    As one of the national vision 2020’s implementation programs, the establishment of a national Quality Assurance system focusing on the quality of the programs offered in terms of the general criteria of the structure and process of higher education is timely.In relating to the program, this paper aims to explore the efforts and other issues associated with the development and implementation of quality assurance in higher education due to its role as a service organization, which is required to enhance their quality of services.One of the important pillars determining the quality of higher-education service delivery is the library’s quality management system. By using 46 public universities’ libraries as the main sample, this study tested three hypotheses that are related to the nature of quality management practices by individual construct, as well as by aggregation value, and to what extent the difference to the numbers of staff and the type of organization will influence the quality management practices.We employed mean value and one way analysis ANOVA as the research method to solve the questions.The validity of the constructs is measured using factor analysis, and its reliability is measured by Cronbach’s alpha.Our study results revealed that the study sample perceived those constructs were important to maintain service quality to its customer.The study also informs that the number of staff and the type of organization do not influence at all on the library’s quality management system. In other words, the awareness and spirit to play an important role in achieving excellent service to its customer is the main platform over the number of staff and the type of organization

    Impregnation Of Oil Palm Trunk Lumber (optl) Using Therm.oset Resins For Structural Applications

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    Batang kelapa sawit berusia 25 tahun diambil dan dikeringkan menggunakan kiln bagi mendapat kandungan lembapan yang diperlukan. The 25 years old oil palm trunks were taken and kiln dried to achieve required moisture content

    Foodservice management for healthy food choice: factors influencing healthy food choice among university student / Che Amyrisah Che Mei & Norallyna Abdullah

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    Food plays an important role as needed it to keep survive in our life. Sometimes, we share the same choice of food with friends and family ad we also make food as a central part of our celebration. People choose food trough they eat on typical day, price and convenience, mood and sensory appeal, influence by peers, media and also their parents. The consumption of food among university students is determined by themselves. This paper identifies the factors influencing healthy food choice among university students in UiTM Dungun, Terengganu, aim to achieve the two objectives, which are to identify factors influencing healthy food choice among university students and to determine the most influences factors on food choice among university students. Data were collected from a convenient sample of 181 degree students in UiTM Dungun throughout questionnaire by practicing the primary data method. Finding shows that the most chosen food for they eat on typical day was high in fiber with mean score 1.97. For price and convenience of healthy food choice, takes no time to prepare achieve the highest mean score with 1.99 while under the factors of mood and sensory appeal, themost chosen cheers me up with mean score 1.96. For the factors influenced by peers, the higher mean score 2.48 is similar to those consumed by my friends. For factors influenced by media, focus showed in advertisement is the higher mean score with 2.52, while factors influenced healthy food choice by parents the most chosen is preferred by my mother/father with the mean score 1.74. In conclusion, the finding suggests suggest some shed light and rooms for improvement in developing more healthy food for foodservice marketing. Some factors identified can be taken into consideration among foodservice provider to widen more chances towards successful foodservice management in future

    Flow topology around low reynolds number airfoils with vortex shedding

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    In depth studies on the vortex formation process as well as the periodic behavior of the reattachment profile have been mainly sparked by broad discussions on the flow topology. While the topology methodology is quite well established, the majority of airfoil types have still not been covered. In this study, six low Reynolds number airfoils were considered to investigate the separation bubble structure, vortex shedding and reattachment point. This was done by means of computational fluid dynamics simulations involving the airflow passing several Eppler and Selig models. The method was validated against an established mathematical relationship to indicate that both simulations and analysis technique were reliable. It was observed that the phenomena under investigation directly affect the airfoils aerodynamic performance. In particular, vortex shedding and big reattachment length contribute to the minimum lift. Moreover, high number of vortices in the separation bubble as well as secondary separation bubble result in maximum drag. The results which correspond to low Reynolds number airfoils are applicable in micro aerial vehicles field

    Crash Recovery Support For Variable Strength T-Way Test Generation Strategy

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    Selalunya, cabaran terbesar dalam pengujian perisian berkait dengan hakikat bahawa ia tidak boleh dilaksanakan untuk menguji kesemua parameter-parameter input kerana kekangan-kekangan seperti kos, sumber dan masa. Mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor ini, penguji-penguji perisian perlu melakukan pilihan kes-kes ujian yang sesuai supaya sumber-sumber yang sedia ada digunakan dengan cara yang terbaik. Dalam konteks Ujian Kombinasi, penguji-penguji sering mengambil pendekatan strategi penjanaan ujian hala-t (di mana t menunjukkan kekuatan interaksi). Bukti empirikal dalam literatur menunjukkan bahawa strategi penjanaan ujian hala-t telah berjaya mengurangkan kes-kes ujian dengan ketara sambil mengekalkan keupayaan pengesanan kecacatan daripada proses pengujian. Banyak kemajuan yang berguna sudah dicapai berkenaan dengan pembangunan strategi penjanaan ujian hala-t. Walau bagaimanapun, beberapa isu masih kekal terutamanya dalam konteks menangani kerumitan dan saiz perisian (iaitu baris-baris kod) yang semakin meningkat mengakibatkan jumlah interaksi antara parameter-parameter input yang tinggi. Pertamanya, penjanaan ujian boleh mengambil jangka masa yang panjang, sebarang gangguan adalah mahal kerana keseluruhan penjanaan perlu dimulakan semula dari awal. Masa dan usaha-usaha akan menjadi sia-sia. Keduanya, strategi sedia ada melakukan pemilihan terlalu awal pada nilai terbaik parameter-parameter input apabila melakukan pensampelan kes-kes ujian. Atas sebab ini, strategi-strategi ini kurang mencukupi dari segi menjana saiz sut ujian yang optimum. Di sini, untuk meningkatkan keupayaan ujian hala-t, terdapat juga keperluan untuk mempertimbangkan strategi kekuatan interaksi boleh ubah. Pendekatan ini sering disukai kerana kompromi dari segi saiz sut ujian kerana strategi ini memberi tumpuan pengujian di mana ia mempunyai nilai yang paling berpotensi yang biasanya dikaitkan dengan analisis risiko dan keutamaan. Untuk menangani isu-isu ini, kajian ini membangunkan strategi penjanaan data ujian dengan kekuatan interaksi boleh ubah, yang dikenali sebagai Penjana Sut Ujian dengan sokongan Pemulihan Kegagalan (TSGCR). Tidak seperti strategi-strategi yang sedia ada, TSGCR menggunakan algoritma tamak bertingkat, yang lewat memilih nilai yang terbaik sehingga ia memenuhi peraturan tertentu. Untuk menyediakan operasi yang boleh diharap, TSGCR juga membenarkan sokongan pemulihan kegagalan bersepadu sebagai sebahagian daripada strategi itu sendiri. Kerana potensi proses penjanaan data ujian yang akan mengambil jangka masa yang panjang (iaitu disebabkan oleh pemilihan parameter-parameter input dan nilai-nilai yang agak besar), TSGCR boleh menghadapi kegagalan transaksi secara paksaan (contohnya seperti kegagalan kuasa atau kesilapan sistem) atau penggantungan pelaksanaan penjanaan secara sukarela (contohnya untuk memberi ruang untuk pengiraan yang lain) membolehkan pemulihan status dan data ke status lepas yang konsisten. Untuk menilai kedayasaingan TSGCR, penjanaan ujian diuji dengan paramater-parameter input yang seragam dan campuran dan prestasi (dari segi saiz sut ujian yang dihasilkan) dibandingkan dengan strategi-strategi penjanaan ujian dengan kekuatan hala-t yang berubah-ubah yang sedia ada dengan menggunakan konfigurasi penanda aras piawaian yang terkenal (berdasarkan enam set eksperimen). Hasil kajian penanda arasan menunjukkan bahawa bagi konfigurasi interaksi VS untuk parameter input seragam, TSGCR mendapat tujuh Δ dengan nilai 0, iaitu sama nilai seperti penyelesaian terbaik yang diperolehi dengan strategi-strategi yang lain, xv tujuh Δ dengan nilai + ve, iaitu mampu untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian yang terbaik; iaitu empat belas daripada empat puluh empat keputusan eksperimen. Manakala bagi konfigurasi interaksi VS untuk parameter input campuran, TSGCR mendapat dua puluh tujuh Δ dengan nilai 0, lapan Δ dengan nilai + ve; iaitu tiga puluh lima daripada empat puluh satu keputusan eksperimen. Oleh itu, hasil keputusan menunjukkan bahawa TSGCR menghasilkan keputusan yang kompetitif berbanding kebanyakan strategi-strategi yang sedia ada. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Often, the biggest challenge in software testing relates to the fact that it is not feasible to test for all the input parameters exhaustively owing to constraints in costs, resources and time. Considering these factors, software testers must appropriately sample the test cases in order to best utilize the resources at hand. Within the context of Combinatorial Testing, testers often resort to t-way test generation strategy (where t indicates the strength of interaction). Empirical evidence in the literature indicated that t-way test generation strategy has managed to minimize the test cases significantly whilst maintaining the fault detection capability of the testing process. Much useful progress has been achieved as far as the development of t-way test generation strategy is concerned. Nevertheless, some issues remain especially in the context of addressing ever increasing complexity and size of software (i.e. lines of code) resulting into high number of interaction among input parameters. Firstly, the test generation can be painstakingly long, interruption is expensive as the whole generation process needs to be restarted from scratch. Time and efforts will also be wasted. Secondly, existing strategies commit too early on selection of the best value of input parameters when sampling of the test cases. For this reason, these strategies were less sufficient in terms of generating optimal test suite size. Here, to enhance the t-way testing capability, there is also a need to consider variable-strength strategy. This approach is often favored because of the compromise in terms of test suite size as the strategy focuses testing where it has the most potential value which usually is associated with a risk analysis and priority. In order to address these issues, this research develops a variable-strength (VS) interaction t-way test generation strategy, called Test Suite Generator with Crash Recovery support (TSGCR). Unlike existing strategies, TSGCR adopts Multilevel Greedy algorithm, which delays choosing the best value until it satisfies certain rules. To provide a reliable operation, TSGCR also permits crash recovery support integrated as part of the strategy itself. As the test generation can potentially be long lasting processes (i.e. due to large selection of input parameters and values), TSGCR tolerates involuntary transaction failures (e.g. such as power failure or system errors) or voluntary execution suspension (e.g. to give ways for other computations) enabling restoration of state and data to the last consistent state. To evaluate the competitiveness of TSGCR, the test generator is tested with uniform and mixed input parameters and the performance (in terms of the generated test suite size) is compared with existing variable strength t-way test generation strategies using well-known standard benchmark configurations (based on six sets of experiments). Benchmarking results showed that for VS interaction configurations for uniform input parameters, TSGCR is able to get seven Δ with 0 value, i.e. similar value to the best solution obtained by other strategies, seven Δ with +ve values, i.e. able to get the best solution; from fourteen out of forty four experimental results. While for VS interaction configurations for mixed input parameters, TSGCR is able to get twenty seven Δ with 0 value, eight Δ with +ve values; from thirty five out of forty one experimental results. Hence, the results demonstrated that TSGCR produces competitive results a