5 research outputs found
Evidence of temperature control on mesopelagic fish and zooplankton communities at high latitudes
Across temperate and equatorial oceans, a diverse community of fish and
zooplankton occupies the mesopelagic zone, where they are detectable as
sound-scattering layers. At high latitudes, extreme day-night light cycles may
limit the range of some species, while at lower latitudes communities are
structured by dynamic ocean processes, such as temperature. Using acoustic
and oceanographic measurements, we demonstrate that latitudinal changes in
mesopelagic communities align with polar boundaries defined by deep ocean
temperature gradients. At the transition to cold polar water masses we observe
abrupt weakening and vertical dispersion of acoustic backscatter of
mesopelagic organisms, thereby altering the structure of the mesopelagic
zone. In the Canadian Arctic, we used biological sampling to show that this
boundary is associated with a significant change in the pelagic fish community
structure. Rapid ocean warming projected at mesopelagic depths could shift
these boundaries with far-reaching effects on ecosystem function and
biogeochemical cycles
Ecosystem mapping in the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) during the SAS-Oden expedition
As a result of global warming, the marine ecosystem around the North Pole, the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO), is in fast transition from a permanently to a seasonally ice-covered ocean. The sea-ice loss is expected to enable summer access to the CAO for non-icebreaking ships, including fishery vessels, in the near future1. However, the lack of knowledge on the CAO ecosystem impedes any assessment of the sustainability of potential future fisheries in the CAO. Taking a precautionary approach, the EU and nine countries in October 2018 signed the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean. This agreement entered into force in June 2021 and a.o. requires the establishment of a joint scientific program to improve the understanding of the CAO ecosystem, including mapping and monitoring. To reduce the existing lack of knowledge, 12 scientists from the EFICA Consortium participated, together with 26 other on-board scientists, in sampling and data collection of ecosystem data during the Swedish SAS-Oden expedition in summer 2021. This report describes the field work performed by the EFICA scientists using water-column acoustics, deep-sea optical observations, and fish, zooplankton, sediment otolith and eDNA sampling for targeting fish, zooplankton and mammals. Further ecosystem data (physical, chemical and biological) were collected by the EFICA scientists in collaboration with other scientists on-board. Together with this report, a metadata database containing lists of all collected samples and data that are relevant for future fish-stock modelling and assessment studies was delivered to the European Commission
Evidence of temperature control on mesopelagic fish and zooplankton communities at high latitudes
Across temperate and equatorial oceans, a diverse community of fish and zooplankton occupies the mesopelagic zone, where they are detectable as sound-scattering layers. At high latitudes, extreme day-night light cycles may limit the range of some species, while at lower latitudes communities are structured by dynamic ocean processes, such as temperature. Using acoustic and oceanographic measurements, we demonstrate that latitudinal changes in mesopelagic communities align with polar boundaries defined by deep ocean temperature gradients. At the transition to cold polar water masses we observe abrupt weakening and vertical dispersion of acoustic backscatter of mesopelagic organisms, thereby altering the structure of the mesopelagic zone. In the Canadian Arctic, we used biological sampling to show that this boundary is associated with a significant change in the pelagic fish community structure. Rapid ocean warming projected at mesopelagic depths could shift these boundaries with far-reaching effects on ecosystem function and biogeochemical cycles
Resource partitioning may limit interspecific competition among Arctic fish species during early life
Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) strongly dominates the ichthyoplankton assemblages of High Arctic seas, hence
competition with other native species seldom has been studied. Yet, interspecific competition could
negatively impact the survival of early life stages of fishes in Arctic areas where higher diversity prevails.
We surveyed the ichthyoplankton community of the Greenland Sea, in August–September 2017. Gadids
(mostly Arctic cod, with a low number of ice cod Arctogadus glacialis) and non-gadids (bigeye sculpin
Triglops nybelini and gelatinous snailfish Liparis fabricii) co-dominated age-0 fish assemblages. Here, we
document their diet, prey selectivity, horizontal and vertical distributions as well as that of their prey to
assess resource partitioning and the potential for interspecific competition. All fish species occupied the top
30 m of the water column, but Arctic cod occurred in highest abundances over the continental slope, whereas
other species distributed almost exclusively over the continental shelf. A particle track analysis suggests
that Arctic cod larvae could have hatched in the open waters of the Northeast Water Polynya, drifted with
the East Greenland Current, and benefited from the high secondary production associated with these
oceanographic features. The diet of gadids did not overlap significantly with the diet of non-gadids, but
strong selectivity for Pseudocalanus spp. and Calanus spp. copepodites among the larvae suggests potential
competition for these key prey items, although limited by size partitioning of the prey. We thus conclude that
interspecific competition among early life stages of Arctic fishes is limited for now. However, changing
conditions and the northward range expansion of boreal species following climate change could increase
competition and, in turn, negatively affect the recruitment of Arctic ichthyoplankton
Resource partitioning may limit interspecific competition among Arctic fish species during early life
Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) strongly dominates the ichthyoplankton assemblages of High Arctic seas, hence competition with other native species seldom has been studied. Yet, interspecific competition could negatively impact the survival of early life stages of fishes in Arctic areas where higher diversity prevails. We surveyed the ichthyoplankton community of the Greenland Sea, in August–September 2017. Gadids (mostly Arctic cod, with a low number of ice cod Arctogadus glacialis) and non-gadids (bigeye sculpin Triglops nybelini and gelatinous snailfish Liparis fabricii) co-dominated age-0 fish assemblages. Here, we document their diet, prey selectivity, horizontal and vertical distributions as well as that of their prey to assess resource partitioning and the potential for interspecific competition. All fish species occupied the top 30 m of the water column, but Arctic cod occurred in highest abundances over the continental slope, whereas other species distributed almost exclusively over the continental shelf. A particle track analysis suggests that Arctic cod larvae could have hatched in the open waters of the Northeast Water Polynya, drifted with the East Greenland Current, and benefited from the high secondary production associated with these oceanographic features. The diet of gadids did not overlap significantly with the diet of non-gadids, but strong selectivity for Pseudocalanus spp. and Calanus spp. copepodites among the larvae suggests potential competition for these key prey items, although limited by size partitioning of the prey. We thus conclude that interspecific competition among early life stages of Arctic fishes is limited for now. However, changing conditions and the northward range expansion of boreal species following climate change could increase competition and, in turn, negatively affect the recruitment of Arctic ichthyoplankton