4 research outputs found

    Characterization of an effector of resistance to Erwinia amylovora in apple induced by a plant resistance inducer (ASM), and study of the impact of heat on treatment efficiency

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    Comprendre le mode d’action des stimulateurs de dĂ©fense des plantes (SDP) reste un enjeu pour fiabiliser leur utilisation en protection des cultures. Ce travail de thĂšse s’intĂ©resse Ă  deux aspects peu explorĂ©s : la caractĂ©risation biologique d’effecteurs de rĂ©sistance induits par les SDP et l’effet de stress abiotiques sur leur efficacitĂ©. Le modĂšle d’étude concerne le pommier et l’ASM (ou acibenzolar-S-methyl), SDP efficace contre Erwinia amylovora, agent du feu bactĂ©rien, en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Une premiĂšre partie des travaux ont mis en Ă©vidence une forte corrĂ©lation entre le niveau de rĂ©sistance induite vis-Ă -vis de la bactĂ©rie et le comportement transcriptionnel et protĂ©ique d’une famille de lectines, dĂ©nommĂ©e agglutinines (MdAGGs) et figurant parmi les dĂ©fenses ASM-dĂ©pendantes les plus induites. La capacitĂ© d’E. amylovora Ă  rĂ©primer leur transcription dans des plantes non traitĂ©es a par ailleurs Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. La production d’une protĂ©ine recombinante Ă  partir d’un reprĂ©sentant de cette famille a permis de dĂ©montrer ses propriĂ©tĂ©s agglutinantes sur E. amylovora in vitro, dans des conditions compatibles avec celles rencontrĂ©es par la bactĂ©rie in planta, ce qui suggĂšre l’implication des MdAGGs dans le ralentissement du processus infectieux quand le pommier est prĂ©-traitĂ© Ă  l’ASM. Dans une seconde partie des travaux, nous avons mis en Ă©vidence une perte d’efficacitĂ© de l’ASM par un stress de chaleur simulant des conditions stressantes rencontrĂ©es en verger sous nos latitudes. Une analyse transcriptomique a pu montrer que le dĂ©sĂ©quilibre dĂ©fenses/croissance provoquĂ© par l’ASM est moins fort lorsque les plantes subissent le stress abiotique. Une sĂ©lection de 25 gĂšnes a pu ĂȘtre validĂ©e par RT-qPCR pour avoir des marqueurs susceptibles d’expliquer la perte d’efficacitĂ© de l’ASM. L’ensemble de ce travail fournit un effecteur de rĂ©sistance original du pommier, des candidats effecteurs autres qui pourraient mĂ©riter des caractĂ©risations biologiques ultĂ©rieures et une connaissance utile pour amĂ©liorer le positionnement des SDP en verger par rapport Ă  la tempĂ©rature.Understanding the mode of action of plant resistance inducers (PRI) remains a challenge in order to make their use in crop protection more reliable. This thesis focuses on two barely explored aspects: the functional characterization of resistance effectors induced by PRI and the effect of abiotic stresses on PRI efficacy. Our studies rely on the apple/ASM (or acibenzolar-S-methyl) model, ASM being an effective PRI capable of controlling the fire blight agent Erwinia amylovora under controlled conditions. A first chapter presents results which demonstrate a strong correlation between the level of resistance induced against the bacterium and the production of a family of lectins, named agglutinins (MdAGGs). MdAGGs stand out from other defence markers in sofar they belong to genes that are among the most induced upon ASM treatment. The ability of E. amylovora to repress their transcription in apple plants was also observed. The production of a recombinant protein from a representative member of this family allowed us to demonstrate in vitro its agglutinating properties on E. amylovora.Interestingly, these properties were observed under electrochemical conditions similar to those encountered in planta by the bacterium. Altogether, these results suggest that MdAGGs, produced by apple upon ASM treatment, contribute to a process slowing down the bacterial infection. The following chapter highlights the impact of heat stress on ASM efficiency, lowered when plants are subjected to temperature regimens encountered in orchards during typical heat waves recently recorded in our latitudes. A transcriptomic analysis showed that the defence/growth imbalance caused by ASM is less pronounced when plants are subjected to heat stress. A selection of 25 genes were validated by RT-qPCR as potential markers for loss of ASM efficiency. Taken together, this work provides the community with an original apple resistance effector, other effector candidates that need to be explored further, and useful knowledge to improve the timing of PRI application in the orchard regarding thermal condition

    CaractĂ©risation d’un effecteur de rĂ©sistance du pommier Ă  Erwinia amylovora induit par un stimulateur de dĂ©fenses des plantes (ASM), et Ă©tude de l’impact de la chaleur sur l'efficacitĂ© du traitement

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    Understanding the mode of action of plant resistance inducers (PRI) remains a challenge in order to make their use in crop protection more reliable. This thesis focuses on two barely explored aspects: the functional characterization of resistance effectors induced by PRI and the effect of abiotic stresses on PRI efficacy. Our studies rely on the apple/ASM (or acibenzolar-S-methyl) model, ASM being an effective PRI capable of controlling the fire blight agent Erwinia amylovora under controlled conditions. A first chapter presents results which demonstrate a strong correlation between the level of resistance induced against the bacterium and the production of a family of lectins, named agglutinins (MdAGGs). MdAGGs stand out from other defence markers in sofar they belong to genes that are among the most induced upon ASM treatment. The ability of E. amylovora to repress their transcription in apple plants was also observed. The production of a recombinant protein from a representative member of this family allowed us to demonstrate in vitro its agglutinating properties on E. amylovora.Interestingly, these properties were observed under electrochemical conditions similar to those encountered in planta by the bacterium. Altogether, these results suggest that MdAGGs, produced by apple upon ASM treatment, contribute to a process slowing down the bacterial infection. The following chapter highlights the impact of heat stress on ASM efficiency, lowered when plants are subjected to temperature regimens encountered in orchards during typical heat waves recently recorded in our latitudes. A transcriptomic analysis showed that the defence/growth imbalance caused by ASM is less pronounced when plants are subjected to heat stress. A selection of 25 genes were validated by RT-qPCR as potential markers for loss of ASM efficiency. Taken together, this work provides the community with an original apple resistance effector, other effector candidates that need to be explored further, and useful knowledge to improve the timing of PRI application in the orchard regarding thermal conditionsComprendre le mode d’action des stimulateurs de dĂ©fense des plantes (SDP) reste un enjeu pour fiabiliser leur utilisation en protection des cultures. Ce travail de thĂšse s’intĂ©resse Ă  deux aspects peu explorĂ©s : la caractĂ©risation biologique d’effecteurs de rĂ©sistance induits par les SDP et l’effet de stress abiotiques sur leur efficacitĂ©. Le modĂšle d’étude concerne le pommier et l’ASM (ou acibenzolar-S-methyl), SDP efficace contre Erwinia amylovora, agent du feu bactĂ©rien, en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Une premiĂšre partie des travaux ont mis en Ă©vidence une forte corrĂ©lation entre le niveau de rĂ©sistance induite vis-Ă -vis de la bactĂ©rie et le comportement transcriptionnel et protĂ©ique d’une famille de lectines, dĂ©nommĂ©e agglutinines (MdAGGs) et figurant parmi les dĂ©fenses ASM-dĂ©pendantes les plus induites. La capacitĂ© d’E. amylovora Ă  rĂ©primer leur transcription dans des plantes non traitĂ©es a par ailleurs Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. La production d’une protĂ©ine recombinante Ă  partir d’un reprĂ©sentant de cette famille a permis de dĂ©montrer ses propriĂ©tĂ©s agglutinantes sur E. amylovora in vitro, dans des conditions compatibles avec celles rencontrĂ©es par la bactĂ©rie in planta, ce qui suggĂšre l’implication des MdAGGs dans le ralentissement du processus infectieux quand le pommier est prĂ©-traitĂ© Ă  l’ASM. Dans une seconde partie des travaux, nous avons mis en Ă©vidence une perte d’efficacitĂ© de l’ASM par un stress de chaleur simulant des conditions stressantes rencontrĂ©es en verger sous nos latitudes. Une analyse transcriptomique a pu montrer que le dĂ©sĂ©quilibre dĂ©fenses/croissance provoquĂ© par l’ASM est moins fort lorsque les plantes subissent le stress abiotique. Une sĂ©lection de 25 gĂšnes a pu ĂȘtre validĂ©e par RT-qPCR pour avoir des marqueurs susceptibles d’expliquer la perte d’efficacitĂ© de l’ASM. L’ensemble de ce travail fournit un effecteur de rĂ©sistance original du pommier, des candidats effecteurs autres qui pourraient mĂ©riter des caractĂ©risations biologiques ultĂ©rieures et une connaissance utile pour amĂ©liorer le positionnement des SDP en verger par rapport Ă  la tempĂ©rature

    CaractĂ©risation d’un effecteur de rĂ©sistance du pommier Ă  Erwinia amylovora induit par un stimulateur de dĂ©fenses des plantes (ASM), et Ă©tude de l’impact de la chaleur sur l'efficacitĂ© du traitement

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    Understanding the mode of action of plant resistance inducers (PRI) remains a challenge in order to make their use in crop protection more reliable. This thesis focuses on two barely explored aspects: the functional characterization of resistance effectors induced by PRI and the effect of abiotic stresses on PRI efficacy. Our studies rely on the apple/ASM (or acibenzolar-S-methyl) model, ASM being an effective PRI capable of controlling the fire blight agent Erwinia amylovora under controlled conditions. A first chapter presents results which demonstrate a strong correlation between the level of resistance induced against the bacterium and the production of a family of lectins, named agglutinins (MdAGGs). MdAGGs stand out from other defence markers in sofar they belong to genes that are among the most induced upon ASM treatment. The ability of E. amylovora to repress their transcription in apple plants was also observed. The production of a recombinant protein from a representative member of this family allowed us to demonstrate in vitro its agglutinating properties on E. amylovora.Interestingly, these properties were observed under electrochemical conditions similar to those encountered in planta by the bacterium. Altogether, these results suggest that MdAGGs, produced by apple upon ASM treatment, contribute to a process slowing down the bacterial infection. The following chapter highlights the impact of heat stress on ASM efficiency, lowered when plants are subjected to temperature regimens encountered in orchards during typical heat waves recently recorded in our latitudes. A transcriptomic analysis showed that the defence/growth imbalance caused by ASM is less pronounced when plants are subjected to heat stress. A selection of 25 genes were validated by RT-qPCR as potential markers for loss of ASM efficiency. Taken together, this work provides the community with an original apple resistance effector, other effector candidates that need to be explored further, and useful knowledge to improve the timing of PRI application in the orchard regarding thermal conditionsComprendre le mode d’action des stimulateurs de dĂ©fense des plantes (SDP) reste un enjeu pour fiabiliser leur utilisation en protection des cultures. Ce travail de thĂšse s’intĂ©resse Ă  deux aspects peu explorĂ©s : la caractĂ©risation biologique d’effecteurs de rĂ©sistance induits par les SDP et l’effet de stress abiotiques sur leur efficacitĂ©. Le modĂšle d’étude concerne le pommier et l’ASM (ou acibenzolar-S-methyl), SDP efficace contre Erwinia amylovora, agent du feu bactĂ©rien, en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es. Une premiĂšre partie des travaux ont mis en Ă©vidence une forte corrĂ©lation entre le niveau de rĂ©sistance induite vis-Ă -vis de la bactĂ©rie et le comportement transcriptionnel et protĂ©ique d’une famille de lectines, dĂ©nommĂ©e agglutinines (MdAGGs) et figurant parmi les dĂ©fenses ASM-dĂ©pendantes les plus induites. La capacitĂ© d’E. amylovora Ă  rĂ©primer leur transcription dans des plantes non traitĂ©es a par ailleurs Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. La production d’une protĂ©ine recombinante Ă  partir d’un reprĂ©sentant de cette famille a permis de dĂ©montrer ses propriĂ©tĂ©s agglutinantes sur E. amylovora in vitro, dans des conditions compatibles avec celles rencontrĂ©es par la bactĂ©rie in planta, ce qui suggĂšre l’implication des MdAGGs dans le ralentissement du processus infectieux quand le pommier est prĂ©-traitĂ© Ă  l’ASM. Dans une seconde partie des travaux, nous avons mis en Ă©vidence une perte d’efficacitĂ© de l’ASM par un stress de chaleur simulant des conditions stressantes rencontrĂ©es en verger sous nos latitudes. Une analyse transcriptomique a pu montrer que le dĂ©sĂ©quilibre dĂ©fenses/croissance provoquĂ© par l’ASM est moins fort lorsque les plantes subissent le stress abiotique. Une sĂ©lection de 25 gĂšnes a pu ĂȘtre validĂ©e par RT-qPCR pour avoir des marqueurs susceptibles d’expliquer la perte d’efficacitĂ© de l’ASM. L’ensemble de ce travail fournit un effecteur de rĂ©sistance original du pommier, des candidats effecteurs autres qui pourraient mĂ©riter des caractĂ©risations biologiques ultĂ©rieures et une connaissance utile pour amĂ©liorer le positionnement des SDP en verger par rapport Ă  la tempĂ©rature

    Search for host defense markers uncovers an apple agglutination factor corresponding with fire blight resistance

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    International audienceAbstract Pathenogenesis-related (PR) proteins are extensively used as molecular markers to dissect the signaling cascades leading to plant defense responses. However, studies focusing on the biochemical or biological properties of these proteins remain rare. Here, we identify and characterize a class of apple (Malus domestica) PR proteins, named M. domestica AGGLUTININS (MdAGGs), belonging to the amaranthin-like lectin family. By combining molecular and biochemical approaches, we show that abundant production of MdAGGs in leaf tissues corresponds with enhanced resistance to the bacterium Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of the disease fire blight. We also show that E. amylovora represses the expression of MdAGG genes by injecting the type 3 effector DspA/E into host cells and by secreting bacterial exopolysaccharides. Using a purified recombinant MdAGG, we show that the protein agglutinates E. amylovora cells in vitro and binds bacterial lipopolysaccharides at low pH, conditions reminiscent of the intercellular pH occurring in planta upon E. amylovora infection. We finally provide evidence that negatively charged polysaccharides, such as the free exopolysaccharide amylovoran progressively released by the bacteria, act as decoys relying on charge–charge interaction with the MdAGG to inhibit agglutination. Overall, our results suggest that the production of this particular class of PR proteins may contribute to apple innate immunity mechanisms active against E. amylovora