6 research outputs found

    Consumption of yacon flour improves body composition and intestinal function in overweight adults: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Yacon root is a natural source of fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and it has been studied for its potential effect as a functional food. However, FOS in the in naturaroot are rapidly hydrolyzed. Thus, the use of dehydrated products such as flour ensures stability of FOS. The effect of chronic consumption of yacon flour on body composition, food intake and of biochemical variables concentration has not yet been evaluated in humans. Thus, we evaluated the effects of yacon flour consumption on these variables associated with excess body weight. Twenty-six adults (31.3 ± 8.5 years) with excess weight (30.4 ± 2.4 kg/m2, 40.16 ± 6.7% body fat) participated in this randomized, double-blind, six-week study. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of the experimental groups (control (n = 13) or yacon flour (n = 13)), received the prescription of energy-restricted diets (- 500 kcal/day) and daily consumed a breakfast drink not containing or containing 25 g of yacon flour (0.1 g of FOS/kg body weight). At the beginning and at the end of the study, biochemical analyses (glycemia, insulinemia, lipid profile and liver function markers), anthropometrics (weight, waist, hip and neck circumference and sagittal abdominal diameter), body composition (lean mass, total body fat, trunk fat, android fat and gynoid fat), blood pressure, intestinal function, and food intake were assessed. Daily yacon flour consumption was well tolerated, did not cause adverse gastrointestinal effects, increased dietary fiber consumption, promoted greater body weight, waist circumference, waist to height index, sagittal abdominal diameter, and body fat reduction, besides improving bowel function in comparison to the control group. Yacon flour served as a natural fiber supplement and proved to be an effective adjuvant to be used in nutritional strategies to control excess body weight

    Folates retention in brassica vegetables consumed in Brazil after different cooking methods

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    The present study aimed to determine the effects of different traditional cooking methods on folate (tetrahydrofolate - THF, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate - 5- MTHF and 5-formyltetrahydrofolate - 5-FTHF) retention in leafy vegetables. The analysis of folates was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), with detection by fluorescence, using gradient elution, mobile phase of acetonitrile and phosphate buffer solution. The retention of isomers in vegetables after cooking ranged from 17.0 % to 87.2 % for THF, 53.4 – 94.1% for 5-MTHF and 39.0 – 107.9% for 5-FTHF. The retention of folates depended on the food matrix, the kind of isomer, and the cooking methods used. It is recommended that one should have more control over the choices for methods and time of cooking and the amount of water used at home and at foodservice as well.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar los efectos de los diferentes métodos de cocción tradicionales sobre la retención de folatos (tetrahidrofolato - THF, 5-metiltetrahidrofolato - 5- MTHF y 5-formiltetrahidrofolato - 5 FTHF) en hortalizas. El análisis de folatos se llevó a cabo por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (CLAR), con detección por fluorescencia, usando elución en gradiente, fase móvil de acetonitrilo y solución tampón de fosfato. La retención de los isómeros en las hortalizas después de la cocción varió de 17,0% a 87,2% para THF, 53,4 a 94,1% para 5-MTHF y de 39,0 a 107,9% para 5- FTHF. La retención de folatos dependió de la matriz del alimento, el tipo de isómero, y los métodos de cocción utilizados. Se recomienda que uno debe tener más control sobre las opciones de métodos y tiempo de cocción y la cantidad de agua utilizada en el hogar y también en los servicio de alimentación

    Interference of some organic substances and microorganisms adhered to stainless steel in ATP-bioluminescence measurement

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    Adhesion of organic substances and microorganisms on stainless steel surface was evaluated. The log RLU measurement was affected at a lower or higher degree, by type or concentration of the organic substances (casein, lipid, sucrose and their combinations) adhered to surface. However, if the samples analyzed were from the food processing surfaces, they would have been considered to be under satisfactory hygienic conditions with log RLU < 2.18 (< 150 RLU). The log RLU measurements of Staphylococcus carnosus-adhered surfaces, combined with or without the organic substances, were higher (p<0.05) than those of the Bacillus subtilis spores-adhered surface, regardless of the concentration. The samples taken from the surfaces adhered with the casein, lipid, sucrose and 2.9x10¹ DMC.cm-2 and 2.9x10² DMC.ml-1 did not have any significant differences (p>0.05) on ATP-bioluminescence measurements. However, the surfaces adhered with 2.9x10³ DMC.cm-2 of B. subtilis spores and organic substances showed an increase in the log RLU measurement compared to surfaces containing only the organic substances.<br>A adesão de substâncias orgânicas e de microrganismos em cupons de aço inoxidável ASI 304, #4 foi avaliada. A medida de Unidades Relativas de Luz (RLU) foi afetada em menor ou maior nível pelo tipo e concentração das substâncias orgânicas e suas combinações. Entretanto, se as amostras fossem oriundas de superfícies de processamento de alimentos, elas seriam consideradas em boas condições higiênicas pois as medidas de log URL ficaram abaixo de 2,18 log (< 150 URL) com ou sem adição das substâncias orgânicas e independente da concentração estudada, as células vegetativas apresentaram número de log URL para S. carnosus maior (p<0,05) do que para os esporos de B. subtilis. Amostras de superfícies aderidas com caseína, lipídio e sacarose e 2.9x10¹ CDM.cm-2 ou 2.9x10² CDM.ml-1 não apresentaram diferença significativa (p>0.05) na medida de ATP-bioluminescência. Entretanto, superfícies aderidas com 2.9x10³ CDM.cm-2 de esporos de B. subtilis e as substâncias orgânicas mostraram um aumento no log URL comparado com as superfícies contendo somente substâncias orgânicas

    Hunter color dimensions, sugar content and volatile compounds in pasteurized yellow passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) during storage

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    Changes in Hunter L, a and b values, glucose, fructose and sucrose contents, concentration of four volatile compounds (ethyl butirate, ethyl caproate, hexyl butirate and hexyl caproate) and furfural, were studied in yellow passion fruit juice (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) pasteurized at 75ºC/60s, 80ºC/41s or 85ºC/27s, during storage at room temperature (25&plusmn;5ºC) and refrigeration (5&plusmn;1ºC) for 120 days. While the sucrose content decreased, the glucose and fructose contents increased significantly over storage time. The Hunter L and b values behaved similarly, with a tendency to decrease over time, inversely to Hunter a value. Volatile compound concentrations also decreased over time, inversely to the furfural content. Pasteurization at 85ºC/27s resulted minimum changes in the studied passion fruit characteristics, while that at 75ºC/60s was the most harmful. Storage under refrigeration tended to keep the best quality characteristics of the juice.<br>Foi estudada a variação dos valores "L", "a" e "b" do sistema de Hunter, dos teores de glucose, frutose e sacarose, e da concentração de quatro compostos voláteis (butirato de etila, caproato de etila, butirato de hexila e caproato de hexila) e furfural, em suco de maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) submetido à pasteurização (75ºC/60 s, 80ºC/41 s e 85ºC/27 s), durante o armazenamento a temperatura ambiente (25&plusmn;5ºC) e refrigerada (5&plusmn;1ºC) por 120 dias. Enquanto os teores de sacarose diminuíram, aqueles de glucose e frutose aumentaram significativamente. Os valores "L" e "b" apresentaram comportamento semelhante, com tendência a diminuir ao longo do tempo, inversamente ao valor "a". As concentrações dos compostos voláteis também diminuíram, exceto para o furfural. A pasteurização a 85ºC/27 s proporcionou as menores alterações nas características estudadas, enquanto aquela à 75ºC/60 s foi a mais prejudicial. O armazenamento sob refrigeração apresentou melhor tendência na manutenção das características