3,813 research outputs found

    New constrains on Gliese 86 B

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    We present the results of multi epochs imaging observations of the companion to the planetary host Gliese 86. Associated to radial velocity measurements, this study aimed at characterizing dynamically the orbital properties and the mass of this companion (here after Gliese 86 B), but also at investigating the possible history of this particular system. We used the adaptive optics instrument NACO at the ESO Very Large Telescope to obtain deep coronographic imaging in order to determine new photometric and astrometric measurements of Gliese 86 B. Part of the orbit is resolved. The photometry of Gliese B indicates colors compatible with a ~70 Jupiter mass brown dwarf or a white dwarf. Both types of objects allow to fit the available, still limited astrometric data. Besides, if we attribute the long term radial velocity residual drift observed for Gliese A to B, then the mass of the latter object is ~0.5 Msun. We analyse both astrometric and radial velocity data to propose first orbital parameters for Gliese B. Assuming Gliese B is a ~0.5 Msun white dwarf, we explore the constraints induced by this hypothesis and refine the parameters of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 18 figures, accepted in A&

    Changes in severe indices as simulated by two french coupled global climate models

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    International audienceExtremes are assessed here in an attempt to validate the two French models in their representation of the second part of the 20th century, using different sources of gridded observational datasets. Models show some ability to simulate extremal behaviour of the climate even if discrepancies are noticeable between models and observations. These may be partly due to the low resolution used for the present study simulations. Extreme indices, calculated using the STARDEX (STAtistical and Regional dynamical Downscaling of EXtremes for European regions) methodology, are investigated in different IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) scenarios performed by the French community. Investigation of 21st century severe indices simulated in these simulations shows some interesting features. In some parts of the world, extreme temperatures experience a more rapid increase than the mean, suggesting that the Power Density Function (PDF) may not only be shifted toward higher temperatures but also changed in its shape. Extremes of precipitation also experience a change toward more intense precipitation events in winter and longer dry events in summer. Approaching future changes in extreme indices through their relationship to mean annual temperature may be a useful approach in multi-model studies, since it provides a measure of the sensitivity of extremes to warming conditions in these models


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    Besoins de financement et viabilité de la dette extérieure dans les pays d’Afrique subsaharienne.

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    En dépit des allègements de dette dans le cadre de l’initiative PPTE, les pays africains restent vulnérables au risque de surendettement. Le « cadre de viabilité de la dette » reste donc un instrument indispensable, dont la gestion flexible doit permettre de mieux prendre en compte l’objectif de développement et son appropriation par les bailleurs émergents.FMI, Banque mondiale, cadre de viabilité de la dette, initiative PPTE-IADM, Afrique subsaharienne.

    Fully Analyzing an Algebraic Polya Urn Model

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    This paper introduces and analyzes a particular class of Polya urns: balls are of two colors, can only be added (the urns are said to be additive) and at every step the same constant number of balls is added, thus only the color compositions varies (the urns are said to be balanced). These properties make this class of urns ideally suited for analysis from an "analytic combinatorics" point-of-view, following in the footsteps of Flajolet-Dumas-Puyhaubert, 2006. Through an algebraic generating function to which we apply a multiple coalescing saddle-point method, we are able to give precise asymptotic results for the probability distribution of the composition of the urn, as well as local limit law and large deviation bounds.Comment: LATIN 2012, Arequipa : Peru (2012

    Contextual Cognitive Map

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    The model of cognitive maps introduced by Tolman [1] provides a representation of an influence network between notions. A cognitive map can contain a lot of influences that makes difficult its exploitation. Moreover these influences are not always relevant for different uses of a map. This paper extends the cognitive map model by describing the validity context of each influence with a conceptual graph. A filtering mechanism of the influences according to a use context is provided so as to obtain a simpler and more adjusted map for a user. A prototype that implements this model of contextual cognitive map has been developed

    Le modèle des cartes cognitives contextuelles

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    Le modèle des cartes cognitives offre une représentation graphique d'un réseau d'influences entre différentes notions. Une carte cognitive peut contenir un grand nombre de liens d'influence ce qui rend difficile son exploitation. De plus ces influences ne sont pas toujours pertinentes pour des utilisations différentes de la carte. Nous proposons une extension de ce modèle qui précise le contexte de validité d'une influence à l'aide de graphes conceptuels et nous fournissons un mécanisme de filtrage des in- fluences en fonction d'un contexte d'utilisation. A cognitive maps is a network of influences between concepts. A cognitive map can contain a great number of influence what makes difficult its exploitation. Moreover these influences are not always relevant for different use of a map. We propose an extension of this model which specifies the context of validity of an influence using conceptual graphs and we provide a filtering mechanism of the in- fluences according to a context of use

    Les cartes cognitives hiérarchiques

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    Une carte cognitive fournit une représentation graphique d’un réseaud’influence entre des concepts. Les cartes cognitives de dimensions importantes ont l’inconvénient d’être difficiles à appréhender, interpréter et exploiter. Cet article présente un modèle de cartes cognitives hiérarchiques permettant au concepteur d’effectuer des regroupements de concepts qui sont ensuite utilisés dans un mécanisme permettant à l’utilisateur d’obtenir des vues partielles et synthétiques d’une carte

    Deep search for companions to probable young brown dwarfs

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    We have obtained high contrast images of four nearby, faint, and very low mass objects 2MASSJ04351455-1414468, SDSSJ044337.61+000205.1, 2MASSJ06085283-2753583 and 2MASSJ06524851-5741376 (here after 2MASS0435-14, SDSS0443+00, 2MASS0608-27 and 2MASS0652-57), identified in the field as probable isolated young brown dwarfs. Our goal was to search for binary companions down to the planetary mass regime. We used the NAOS-CONICA adaptive optics instrument (NACO) and its unique capability to sense the wavefront in the near-infrared to acquire sharp images of the four systems in Ks, with a field of view of 28"*28". Additional J and L' imaging and follow-up observations at a second epoch were obtained for 2MASS0652-57. With a typical contrast DKs= 4.0-7.0 mag, our observations are sensitive down to the planetary mass regime considering a minimum age of 10 to 120 Myr for these systems. No additional point sources are detected in the environment of 2MASS0435-14, SDSS0443+00 and 2MASS0608-27 between 0.1-12" (i.e about 2 to 250 AU at 20 pc). 2MASS0652-57 is resolved as a \sim230 mas binary. Follow-up observations reject a background contaminate, resolve the orbital motion of the pair, and confirm with high confidence that the system is physically bound. The J, Ks and L' photometry suggest a q\sim0.7-0.8 mass ratio binary with a probable semi-major axis of 5-6 AU. Among the four systems, 2MASS0652-57 is probably the less constrained in terms of age determination. Further analysis would be necessary to confirm its youth. It would then be interesting to determine its orbital and physical properties to derive the system's dynamical mass and to test evolutionary model predictions.Comment: Research note, 5 pages, 2 tables and 3 figures, accepted to A&
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