13 research outputs found

    Implementation of Electric Spring in Future Smart Grid for Reduction of Energy Storage Requirements

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    The electric spring is modern technology certified to be effective in stabilizing smart grid with substantial participation of intermittent renewable energy sources and enabling load demand to follow power generation. The unclear change from output voltage control of a reactive power controller presents the electric spring new aspects convenient for future smart grid applications. In this project, the effects of such unclear control change are highlighted, and the advantage of the electric springs in reducing energy storage requirements in power grid is theoretically shown and practically shown. In an experimental set up of a 90 kVA power grid. Traditional statcom and static var compensation technologies used for only reactive power compensation as well as random power variation in non-critical loads. These are such profitable features of electric spring enables non-critical loads with embedded electric springs to be adaptive to future power grid. Accordingly, the load demand can follow energy precaution, power generation and hence energy storage requirements can be reduced

    Monitoring System for Traffic Analysis Using Twitter Stream

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    Social networks are often utilized as a supply of data for event detection like road holdup and automobile accidents. Existing system present a period of time observance system for traffic event detection from twitter. The system fetches tweets from twitter and then; processes tweets victimisation text mining techniques. Last performs the classification of tweets. The aim of the system is to assign the suitable category label to every tweet, whether or not it's associated with a traffic event or not. System utilized the support vector machine as a classification model. The projected system uses the system supported semi-supervised approach, which provides coaching victimisation traffic connected dataset. we have a tendency to propose a bunch approach for classification of the tweets in traffic connected and non- traffic connected tweets. We use a geometer distance to calculate the similarity between the tweets

    Need of Boosted GMM in Speech Emotion Recognition System Implemented Using Gaussian Mixture Model

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    Speech feeling recognition is a vital issue that affects the human machine interaction. Automatic recognition of human feeling in speech aims at recognizing the underlying spirit of a speaker from the speech signal. Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) and therefore the minimum error rate classifier (i.e., theorem optimum classifier) is widespread and effective tools for speech feeling recognition. Typically, GMMs are wont to model the class-conditional distributions of acoustic options and their parameters are calculable by the expectation maximization (EM) algorithmic rule supported a coaching information set. During this paper, we have a tendency to introduce a boosting algorithmic rule for faithfully and accurately estimating the class-conditional GMMs. The ensuing algorithmic rule is known as the Boosted-GMM algorithmic rule. Our speech feeling recognition experiments show that the feeling recognition rates are effectively and considerably boosted by the Boosted-GMM algorithmic rule as compared to the EM-GMM algorithmic rule. During this interaction, human beings have some feelings that they want to convey to their communication partner with whom they are communicating, and then their communication partner may be the human or machine. This work dependent on the emotion recognition of the human beings from their speech signal. Emotion recognition from the speaker’s speech is very difficult because of the following reasons: Because of the existence of the different sentences, speakers, speaking styles, speaking rates accosting variability was introduced. The same utterance may show different emotions. Therefore, it is very difficult to differentiate these portions of utterance. Another problem is that emotion expression is depending on the speaker and his or her culture and environment. As the culture and environment gets change the speaking style also gets change, which is another challenge in front of the speech emotion recognition system.Human beings normally used their essential potentials to make communication better between themselves as well as between human and machine. During this interaction, human beings have some feelings that they want to convey to their communication partner with whom they are communicating, and then their communication partner may be the human or machine. This dissertation work dependent on the emotion recognition of the human beings from their speech signal. In this chapter introduction of the speech emotion recognition based on the problem overview and need of the system is provided. Emotional speech recognition aims at automatically identifying the emotional or physical state of a human being from his or her voice. Although feeling detection from speech could be a comparatively new field of analysis, it is several potential applications. In human-computer or human-human interaction systems, feeling recognition systems might give users with improved services by being adaptative to their emotions. The body of labor on sleuthing feeling in speech is sort of restricted. Currently, researchers area unit still debating what options influence the popularity of feeling in speech. There is conjointly appreciable uncertainty on the simplest algorithmic program for classifying feeling, and those emotions to category along.

    A Review Paper on Arduino Based Platform Height Adaptation For Train

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    The objective of the project is to reduce the cost of the maintenance of Indian railway and also lots of man power can be reduced by using this project. In The Indian Railways system it is become more necessary to avoid the accident to prevent such kind of accident this technology is used to avoid major accidents.The main objective of this project is to measure distance between footboard and ground by using Arduino system, when the train arrives at the station, platform acts as an obstacle between footboard and ground.Arduino system will again measure the distance between footboard and platform.Arduino gives command to motor as per the distance calculated then the motors are rotated so that entire compartment is been lowered up to particular level.In this way it becomes convenient for the passengers to step in and step out, and many hazardous accidents can be prevented


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    DC Motors can be used in various applications and can be used in various sizes and rates as per the applications. In this paper we have focused on the physical parameters of DC motor. Modelling of any system is an important task in control applications because the electrical and mechanical components should be represented in mathematical form. Physical parameters are important in calculating the transfer function of DC motor. By using the physical parameters one can design the controller for controlling speed of the motor. A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems. The controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs. The weighted sum of the proportionate, integrate, differentiate actions is used to adjust the process via a control element such as the position of a control valve, or the power supplied

    Simulation of Improvement of Power Quality Using Statcom-control Scheme with Grid Connected Wind Energy System

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    The use of wind energy generation in electrical grid is increasing worldwide. Injection of the wind power into an electric grid affects the power quality. The generated wind power is always not constant due to its time varying nature and causing stability problems. This weak interconnection of wind generating source in the electrical network affects the power quality and reliability. In this paper the power quality problem due to installation of wind turbine with the grid is determine. In this proposed scheme Static Compensator (STATCOM) is connected at a point of common coupling to reduce the power quality problems. The STATCOM gives reactive power support to wind generator and also load. The proposed system maintains the grid voltage free from distortion and harmonics.In this paper the effect of STATCOM is presented

    Parameter Identification And Modelling Of Separately Excited Dc Motor

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    DC Motors can be used in various applications and can be used in various sizes and rates as per the applications. In this paper we have focused on the physical parameters of DC motor. Modelling of any system is an important task in control applications because the electrical and mechanical components should be represented in mathematical form. Physical parameters are important in calculating the transfer function of DC motor. By using the physical parameters one can design the controller for controlling speed of the motor. A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems. The controller attempts to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs. The weighted sum of the proportionate, integrate, differentiate actions is used to adjust the process via a control element such as the position of a control valve, or the power supplied

    A Review on Implementation of Three-phasetwo-stage Grid-connected Mic

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    Module integrated converters (MICs) in single phase have witnessed recent market success due to unique features such as improved energy harvest, improved system efficiency, lower installation costs, plug-and-play operation, and enhanced flexibility and modularity. The MIC sector has grown from a niche market to mainstream, especially in the United States. Assuming further expansion of the MIC market, this paper presents the micro inverter concept incorporated in large size photovoltaic (PV) installations such as megawatts (MW)-class solar farms where a three-phase ac connection is employed. A high-efficiency three-phase MIC with two-stage zero voltage switching (ZVS) operation for the grid-tied PV system is proposed which will reduce cost per watt, improvere-liability, and increase scalability of MW-class solar farms through the development of new solar farm system architectures