453 research outputs found

    An optimal sensor placement method for SHM based on Bayesian experimental design and polynomial chaos expansion

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    We present an optimal sensor placement methodology for structural health monitoring (SHM) purposes, relying on a Bayesian experimental design approach. The unknown structural properties, e.g. the residual strength and stiffness, are inferred from data collected through a network of sensors, whose architecture, i.e., type and position may largely affect the accuracy of the monitoring system. In tackling this issue, an optimal network configuration is herein sought by maximizing the expected information gain between prior and posterior probability distributions of the parameters to be estimated. Since the objective function linked to the network topology cannot be analytically computed, a numerical approximation is provided by means of a Monte Carlo analysis, wherein each realization is obtained via finite element modeling. Since the computational burden linked to this procedure often grows infeasible, a Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) approach is adopted for accelerating the computation of the forward problem. The analysis expands over joint samples covering both structural state and design variables, i.e., sensor locations. Via increase of the number of deployed sensors in the network, the optimization procedure soon turns computationally costly due to the curse of dimensionality. To this end, a stochastic optimization method is adopted for accelerating the convergence of the optimization process and thereby the damage detection capability of the SHM system. The proposed method is applied to thin flexible structures, and the resulting optimal sensor configuration is shown. The effects of the number of training samples, the polynomial degree of the approximation expansion and the optimization settings are also discussed

    Low-frequency wide band-gap elastic/acoustic meta-materials using the K-damping concept

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    The terms "acoustic/elastic meta-materials" describe a class of periodic structures with unit cells exhibiting local resonance. This localized resonant structure has been shown to result in negative effective stiffness and/or mass at frequency ranges close to these local resonances. As a result, these structures present unusual wave propagation properties at wavelengths well below the regime corresponding to band-gap generation based on spatial periodicity, (i.e. "Bragg scattering"). Therefore, acoustic/elastic meta-materials can lead to applications, especially suitable in the low-frequency range. However, low frequency range applications of such meta-materials require very heavy internal moving masses, as well as additional constraints at the amplitudes of the internally oscillating locally resonating structures, which may prohibit their practical implementation. In order to resolve this disadvantage, the K-Damping concept will be analyzed. According to this concept, the acoustic/elastic meta-materials are designed to include negative stiffness elements instead or in addition to the internally resonating added masses. This concept removes the need for the heavy locally added heavy masses, while it simultaneously exploits the negative stiffness damping phenomenon. Application of both Bloch's theory and the classical modal analysis at the one-dimensional mass-in-mass lattice is analyzed and corresponding dispersion relations are derived. The results indicate significant advantages over the conventional mass-in-a mass lattice, such as broader band-gaps and increased damping ratio and reveal significant potential in the proposed solution. Preliminary feasibility analysis for seismic meta-structures and low frequency acoustic isolation-damping confirm the strong potential and applicability of this concept.Comment: Keywords: Acoustic meta-materials, elastic meta-materials, low-frequency vibration absorption, seismic meta-structures, noise absorptio

    Associations of four biological age markers with child development: a multi-omic analysis in the European HELIX cohort

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    Background: While biological age in adults is often understood as representing general health and resilience, the conceptual interpretation of accelerated biological age in children and its relationship to development remains unclear. We aimed to clarify the relationship of accelerated biological age, assessed through two established biological age indicators, telomere length and DNA methylation age, and two novel candidate biological age indicators , to child developmental outcomes, including growth and adiposity, cognition, behaviour, lung function and onset of puberty, among European school-age children participating in the HELIX exposome cohort. Methods: The study population included up to 1,173 children, aged between 5 and 12 years, from study centres in the UK, France, Spain, Norway, Lithuania, and Greece. Telomere length was measured through qPCR, blood DNA methylation and gene expression was measured using microarray, and proteins and metabolites were measured by a range of targeted assays. DNA methylation age was assessed using Horvath's skin and blood clock, while novel blood transcriptome and 'immunometabolic' (based on plasma protein and urinary and serum metabolite data) clocks were derived and tested in a subset of children assessed six months after the main follow-up visit. Associations between biological age indicators with child developmental measures as well as health risk factors were estimated using linear regression, adjusted for chronological age, sex, ethnicity and study centre. The clock derived markers were expressed as Δ age (i.e., predicted minus chronological age). Results: Transcriptome and immunometabolic clocks predicted chronological age well in the test set (r= 0.93 and r= 0.84 respectively). Generally, weak correlations were observed, after adjustment for chronological age, between the biological age indicators. Among associations with health risk factors, higher birthweight was associated with greater immunometabolic Δ age, smoke exposure with greater DNA methylation Δ age and high family affluence with longer telomere length. Among associations with child developmental measures, all biological age markers were associated with greater BMI and fat mass, and all markers except telomere length were associated with greater height, at least at nominal significance (p<0.05). Immunometabolic Δ age was associated with better working memory (p = 4e -3) and reduced inattentiveness (p= 4e -4), while DNA methylation Δ age was associated with greater inattentiveness (p=0.03) and poorer externalizing behaviours (p= 0.01). Shorter telomere length was also associated with poorer externalizing behaviours (p=0.03). Conclusions: In children, as in adults, biological ageing appears to be a multi-faceted process and adiposity is an important correlate of accelerated biological ageing. Patterns of associations suggested that accelerated immunometabolic age may be beneficial for some aspects of child development while accelerated DNA methylation age and telomere attrition may reflect early detrimental aspects of biological ageing, apparent even in children. Funding: UK Research and Innovation (MR/S03532X/1); European Commission (grant agreement numbers: 308333; 874583)

    C+L band gain equalization for extended reach WDM-ring PON using hybrid Raman/in line EDFA amplification

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    “Copyright © [2010] IEEE. Reprinted from ICTON 2010. ISBN 978-1-4244-7798-2. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”In this paper, we investigate by simulation the feasibility of gain enlargement and equalization on extended reach WDM-ring PON by means of hybrid Raman/EDFA amplification. The system under analysis is composed by a bidirectional pump at 1480 nm and 16 channels (8 C band + 8 L band). The simulation describes an 80 km WDM ring with 8 nodes in which 2 channels are added/dropped. The results demonstrate gain equalization with a ripple of 2.54 dB over a bandwidth of 50 nm by using a 1480 nm bidirectional pump with 1 W and spans of EDF with a total length of 22 m

    Leptin, acylcarnitine metabolites and development of adiposity in the Rhea mother-child cohort in Crete, Greece.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate relations of serum leptin at age 4 with development of adiposity and linear growth during 3 years of follow-up among 75 Greek children and to identify serum metabolites associated with leptin at age 4 and to characterize their associations with adiposity gain and linear growth. METHODS: Linear regression models that accounted for maternal age, education and gestational weight gain and child's age and sex were used to examine associations of leptin and leptin-associated metabolites measured at age 4 with indicators of adiposity and linear growth at age 7. RESULTS: Each 1-unit increment in natural log-(ln)-transformed leptin corresponded with 0.33 (95% CI: 0.10, 0.55) units greater body mass index-for-age z-score gain during follow-up. Likewise, higher levels of the leptin-associated metabolites methylmalonyl-carnitine and glutaconyl-carnitine corresponded with 0.14 (95% CI: 0.01, 0.27) and 0.07 (95% CI: -0.01, 0.16) units higher body mass index-for-age z-score gain, respectively. These relationships did not differ by sex or baseline weight status and were independent of linear growth. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that leptin, methylmalonyl-carnitine and possibly glutaconyl-carnitine are associated with weight gain during early childhood. Future studies are warranted to confirm these findings in other populations

    A neurostructural biomarker of dissociative amnesia: a hippocampal study in dissociative identity disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the neural correlates of dissociative amnesia, a transdiagnostic symptom mostly present in the dissociative disorders and core characteristic of dissociative identity disorder (DID). Given the vital role of the hippocampus in memory, a prime candidate for investigation is whether total and/or subfield hippocampal volume can serve as biological markers of dissociative amnesia. METHODS: A total of 75 women, 32 with DID and 43 matched healthy controls (HC), underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Using Freesurfer (version 6.0), volumes were extracted for bilateral global hippocampus, cornu ammonis (CA) 1-4, the granule cell molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (GC-ML-DG), fimbria, hippocampal-amygdaloid transition area (HATA), parasubiculum, presubiculum and subiculum. Analyses of covariance showed volumetric differences between DID and HC. Partial correlations exhibited relationships between the three factors of the dissociative experience scale scores (dissociative amnesia, absorption, depersonalisation/derealisation) and traumatisation measures with hippocampal global and subfield volumes. RESULTS: Hippocampal volumes were found to be smaller in DID as compared with HC in bilateral global hippocampus and bilateral CA1, right CA4, right GC-ML-DG, and left presubiculum. Dissociative amnesia was the only dissociative symptom that correlated uniquely and significantly with reduced bilateral hippocampal CA1 subfield volumes. Regarding traumatisation, only emotional neglect correlated negatively with bilateral global hippocampus, bilateral CA1, CA4 and GC-ML-DG, and right CA3. CONCLUSION: We propose decreased CA1 volume as a biomarker for dissociative amnesia. We also propose that traumatisation, specifically emotional neglect, is interlinked with dissociative amnesia in having a detrimental effect on hippocampal volume

    Low-frequency wide band-gap elastic/acoustic metamaterials using the K-damping concept

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    The terms “acoustic/elastic meta-materials” describe a class of periodic structures with unit cells exhibiting local resonance. This localized resonant structure has been shown to result in negative effective stiffness and/or mass at frequency ranges close to these local resonances. As a result, these structures present unusual wave propagation properties at wavelengths well below the regime corresponding to band-gap generation based on spatial periodicity, (i.e. “Bragg scattering”). Therefore, acoustic/elastic meta-materials can lead to applications, especially suitable in the low-frequency range. However, low frequency range applications of such meta-materials require very heavy internal moving masses, as well as additional constraints at the amplitudes of the internally oscillating locally resonating structures, which may prohibit their practical implementation. In order to resolve this disadvantage, the KDamping concept will be analyzed. According to this concept, the acoustic/elastic meta-materials are designed to include negative stiffness elements instead or in addition to the internally resonating added masses. This concept removes the need for the heavy locally added heavy masses, while it simultaneously exploits the negative stiffness damping phenomenon. Application of both Bloch’s theory and the classical modal analysis at the one-dimensional mass-in-mass lattice is analyzed and corresponding dispersion relations are derived. The results indicate significant advantages over the conventional mass-in-a mass lattice, such as broader band-gaps and increased damping ratio and reveal significant potential in the proposed solution. Preliminary feasibility analysis for seismic meta-structures and low frequency acoustic isolation-damping confirm the strong potential and applicability of this concept

    Measuring sub-mm structural displacements using QDaedalus: a digital clip-on measuring system developed for total stations

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    The monitoring of rigid structures of modal frequencies greater than 5 Hz and sub-mm displacement is mainly based so far on relative quantities from accelerometers, strain gauges etc. Additionally geodetic techniques such as GPS and Robotic Total Stations (RTS) are constrained by their low accuracy (few mm) and their low sampling rates. In this study the application of QDaedalus is presented, which constitutes a measuring system developed at the Geodesy and Geodynamics Lab, ETH Zurich and consists of a small CCD camera and Total Station, for the monitoring of the oscillations of a rigid structure. In collaboration with the Institute of Structural Engineering of ETH Zurich and EMPA, the QDaedalus system was used for monitoring of the sub-mm displacement of a rigid prototype beam and the estimation of its modal frequencies up to 30 Hz. The results of the QDaedalus data analysis were compared to those of accelerometers and proved to hold sufficient accuracy and suitably supplementing the existing monitoring techniques

    A hysteretic multiscale formulation for nonlinear dynamic analysis of composite materials

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.A new multiscale finite element formulation is presented for nonlinear dynamic analysis of heterogeneous structures. The proposed multiscale approach utilizes the hysteretic finite element method to model the microstructure. Using the proposed computational scheme, the micro-basis functions, that are used to map the microdisplacement components to the coarse mesh, are only evaluated once and remain constant throughout the analysis procedure. This is accomplished by treating inelasticity at the micro-elemental level through properly defined hysteretic evolution equations. Two types of imposed boundary conditions are considered for the derivation of the multiscale basis functions, namely the linear and periodic boundary conditions. The validity of the proposed formulation as well as its computational efficiency are verified through illustrative numerical experiments
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