1,405 research outputs found

    Magnetoelastic effects in Jahn-Teller distorted CrF2_2 and CuF2_2 studied by neutron powder diffraction

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of crystal and magnetic structures of the Jahn-Teller distorted transition metal difluorides CrF2_2 and CuF2_2 by neutron powder diffraction in the temperature range 2-280 K. The lattice parameters and the unit cell volume show magnetoelastic effects below the N\'eel temperature. The lattice strain due to the magnetostriction effect couples with the square of the order parameter of the antiferromagnetic phase transition. We also investigated the temperature dependence of the Jahn-Teller distortion which does not show any significant effect at the antiferromagnetic phase transition but increases linearly with increasing temperature for CrF2_2 and remains almost independent of temperature in CuF2_2. The magnitude of magnetovolume effect seems to increase with the low temperature saturated magnetic moment of the transition metal ions but the correlation is not at all perfect

    A First Comparison of SLOPE and Other LIGO Burst Event Trigger Generators

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    A number of different methods have been proposed to identify unanticipated burst sources of gravitational waves in data arising from LIGO and other gravitational wave detectors. When confronted with such a wide variety of methods one is moved to ask if they are all necessary, i.e. given detector data that is assumed to have no gravitational wave signals present, do they generally identify the same events with the same efficiency, or do they each 'see' different things in the detector? Here we consider three different methods, which have been used within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration as part of its search for unanticipated gravitational wave bursts. We find that each of these three different methods developed for identifying candidate gravitational wave burst sources are, in fact, attuned to significantly different features in detector data, suggesting that they may provide largely independent lists of candidate gravitational wave burst events.Comment: 10 Pages, 5 Figures, Presented at the 10th Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW-10), 14-17 December 2005 at the University of Texas, Brownsvill

    Bio-Prospecting of a Few Brown Seaweeds for Their Cytotoxic and Antioxidant Activities

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    Methanolic extracts (MEs) of seven brown seaweeds occurring in the Indian coastal waters were screened for their cytotoxic and antioxidant properties following various assays. The methanolic extracts of seaweeds in the order of Dictyopteris australis > Spatoglossum variabile > Stoechospermum marginatum > Spatoglossum aspermum showed significant cytotoxic activity. A very high DPPH radical scavenging activity was exhibited by the methanolic extracts prepared from St. marginatum, Padina tetrastromatica, Dictyopteris delicatula and S. aspermum. The total phenolic content of the MEs varied from 13.19 ± 0.32 to 25.29 ± 0.445 gallic acid equivalents (mg g−1 of methanolic extract). The reducing power assay indicated a dose dependency, at concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 and 2.0 mg mL−1 of MEs and decreased in the following order: Butylated hydroxy toluene > P. tetrastromatica > D. delicatula > S. aspermum > S. variabile > S. marginatum > D. australis > S. marginatum. Furthermore, D. australis, S. aspermum, S. variabile and S. marginatum demonstrated good metal ion chelating properties. All the above evidences suggest that, the antioxidant compounds found in brown seaweeds scavenge free radicals through effective intervention. This decisively promotes them as a potential source of natural antioxidants

    The English are healthier than the Americans: really?

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    Background: When comparing the health of two populations, it is not enough to compare the prevalence of chronic diseases. The objective of this study is therefore to propose a metric of health based on domains of functioning to determine whether the English are healthier than the Americans. Methods: We analysed representative samples aged 50 to 80 years from the 2008 wave of the Health and Retirement Study (N?=?10?349) for the US data, and wave 4 of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (N?=?9405) for English counterpart data. We first calculated the age-standardized disease prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, all heart diseases, stroke, lung disease, cancer and obesity. Second, we developed a metric of health using Rasch analyses and the questions and measured tests common to both surveys addressing domains of human functioning. Finally, we used a linear additive model to test whether the differences in health were due to being English or American. Results: The English have better health than the Americans when population health is assessed only by prevalence of selected chronic health conditions. The English health advantage disappears almost completely, however, when health is assessed with a metric that integrates information about functioning domains. Conclusions: It is possible to construct a metric of health, based on data directly collected from individuals, in which health is operationalized as domains of functioning. Its application has the potential to tackle one of the most intractable problems in international research on health, namely the comparability of health across countries

    Magnetic Order Beyond RKKY in the Classical Kondo Lattice

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    We study the Kondo lattice model of band electrons coupled to classical spins, in three dimensions, using a combination of variational calculation and Monte Carlo. We use the weak coupling `RKKY' window and the strong coupling regime as benchmarks, but focus on the physically relevant intermediate coupling regime. Even for modest electron-spin coupling the phase boundaries move away from the RKKY results, the non interacting Fermi surface no longer dictates magnetic order, and weak coupling `spiral' phases give way to collinear order. We use these results to revisit the classic problem of 4f magnetism and demonstrate how both electronic structure and coupling effects beyond RKKY control the magnetism in these materials.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figs. Improved figures, expanded captions. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Stability of Ca-montmorillonite hydrates: A computer simulation study

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    Classic simulations are used to study interlayer structure, swelling curves, and stability of Ca-montmorillonite hydrates. For this purpose, NPzzT$ and MuPzzT ensembles are sampled for ground level and given burial conditions. For ground level conditions, a double layer hydrate having 15.0 A of basal spacing is the predominant state for relative vapor pressures (p/po) ranging in 0.6-1.0. A triple hydrate counting on 17.9 A of interlaminar distance was also found stable for p/po=1.0. For low vapor pressures, the system may produce a less hydrated but still double layer state with 13.5 A or even a single layer hydrate with 12.2 A of interlaminar distance. This depends on the established initial conditions. On the other hand, the effect of burial conditions is two sided. It was found that it enhances dehydration for all vapor pressures except for saturation, where swelling is promoted.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Lattice and magnetic instabilities in CaFe2As2: A single crystal neutron diffraction study

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    Neutron diffraction measurements of a high quality single crystal of CaFe2As2 are reported. A sharp transition was observed between the high temperature tetragonal and low temperature orthorhombic structures at TS = 172.5K (on cooling) and 173.5K (on warming). Coincident with the structural transition we observe a rapid, but continuous, ordering of the Fe moments, in a commensurate antiferromagnetic structure is observed, with a saturated moment of 0.80(5)muB/Fe directed along the orthorhombic a-axis. The hysteresis of the structural transition is 1K between cooling and warming and is consistent with previous thermodynamic, transport and single crystal x-ray studies. The temperature onset of magnetic ordering shifts rigidly with the structural transition providing the clearest evidence to date of the coupling between the structural and magnetic transitions in this material and the broader class of iron arsenides.Comment: submitted to PR

    Carrot and stick? The role of financial market intermediaries in corporate social performance

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    In this paper we examine the role of intermediaries in financial markets in fostering corporate sustainability. Responsible Investment (RI) indices have been primarily identified as intermediaries that provide information regarding Corporate Social Performance (CSP) for investors and other stakeholders (Doh et al. 2010, Consolandi et al. 2009). We argue that the role of these intermediaries is not confined solely to information provision, but they may also incentivize high levels of CSP through mechanisms such as exclusion threats, signalling, and engagement. We rely on unique access to the archives of the FTSE4Good Index to examine the effects of these mechanisms on CSP. The study shows that companies facing exclusion threats and signalling are more likely to comply with the intermediary's criteria, and medium levels of engagement leads to higher levels of CSP. We contribute to the study of sustainability in financial markets by explicating the mechanisms that intermediaries and other financial actors could employ in order to foster greater corporate sustainability

    Magnetic structure of EuFe2As2 determined by single crystal neutron diffraction

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    Among various parent compounds of iron pnictide superconductors, EuFe2As2 stands out due to the presence of both spin density wave of Fe and antiferromagnetic ordering (AFM) of the localized Eu2+ moment. Single crystal neutron diffraction studies have been carried out to determine the magnetic structure of this compound and to investigate the coupling of two magnetic sublattices. Long range AFM ordering of Fe and Eu spins was observed below 190 K and 19 K, respectively. The ordering of Fe2+ moments is associated with the wave vector k = (1,0,1) and it takes place at the same temperature as the tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition, which indicates the strong coupling between structural and magnetic components. The ordering of Eu moment is associated with the wave vector k = (0,0,1). While both Fe and Eu spins are aligned along the long a axis as experimentally determined, our studies suggest a weak coupling between the Fe and Eu magnetism.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Antiferromagnetic Order in MnO Spherical Nanoparticles

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    We have performed unpolarized and polarized neutron diffraction experiments on monodisperse 8 nm and 13 nm antiferromagnetic MnO nanoparticles. For the 8 nm sample, the antiferromagnetic transition temperature TNT_N (114 K) is suppressed compared to the bulk material (119 K) while for the 13 nm sample TNT_N (120 K) is comparable to the bulk. The neutron diffraction data of the nanoparticles is well described using the bulk MnO magnetic structure but with a substantially reduced average magnetic moment of 4.2±\pm0.3 μB\mu_B/Mn for the 8 nm sample and 3.9±\pm0.2 μB\mu_B/Mn for the 13 nm sample. An analysis of the polarized neutron data on both samples shows that in an individual MnO nanoparticle about 80% of Mn ions order. These results can be explained by a structure in which the monodisperse nanoparticles studied here have a core that behaves similar to the bulk with a surface layer which does not contribute significantly to the magnetic order.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure