133 research outputs found

    Pattern-Sensitive Epilepsy. I: A Demonstration of a Spatial Frequency Selective Epileptic Response to Gratings

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    Rare individuals suffer epileptic seizures when they view certain images, particularly stripes. Contrast-threshold functions (the ability to see faint stripes of various widths) were determined for two pattern-sensitive brothers, and the epileptogenicity of various patterns was assessed for one of them. Sine wave grating contrast-detection thresholds for the two subjects were essentially normal, with lowest thresholds at approximately 2 cycles/ degree (c/deg). Epileptiform discharges occurred maximally at 5 c/deg with a 1-octave 50% bandwidth. Pattern epileptogenicity was increased by the addition of a third harmonic sine wave grating to its fundamental, but was unaffected by the phase relation of the two gratings. The frequency selectivity of epileptic responsiveness was quantitatively similar to a “spatial frequency channel.” Inhibitory interactions were not present. The findings suggest relations between the phenomena of pattern-sensitive epilepsy and hypothesized spatial frequency channels which merit further exploration. RESUMEN De manera excepcional, hay personas que pueden tener ataques epilÉpticos cuando ven ciertas imÁgenes, particularmente rayas. Se determinaron los umbrales para contrastes (la capacidad de ver rayas de diversas anchuras y muy tenues) en dos hermanos sensibles a patrones y se estableciÓ la epileptogeneidad de di versos patrones en uno de ellos. Los umbrales para contrastes fueron esencialmente normales en los dos sujetos cuando se utilizeÓ una rejilla hecha con ondas sinusoidales, siendo el umbral inferior unos 2 ciclos/ grado (c/deg). Descargas epileptiformes tuvieron lugar de modo mÁximo a 5 c/deg con una amplitud de banda del 50% de una octava. la capacidad epileptogÉnica del partÓn aumentÓ cuando se aÑadiÓ una tercera sinusoide armÓnica a la rejilla base pero esa capacidad no se viÓ alterada por la relaciÓn de fase entre las dos rejillas. La selectividad de la frecuencia de la respuesta epileptogÉnica fue cuantitativamente similar al “canal de frecuencia espacial”. No se observaron interacciones inhibitorias. Los hallazgos sugieren que hay relaciones entre la epilepsyÍa secundaria a patrones visuales y los hipotÉticos canales de frecuencia espacial, lo cual merece mÁs investigaciÓn.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65270/1/j.1528-1157.1980.tb04075.x.pd

    The interpretation of mu suppression as an index of mirror neuron activity: past, present and future

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    Mu suppression studies have been widely used to infer the activity of the human mirror neuron system (MNS) in a number of processes, ranging from action understanding, language, empathy and the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Although mu suppression is enjoying a resurgence of interest, it has a long history. This review aimed to revisit mu’s past, and examine its recent use to investigate MNS involvement in language, social processes and ASDs. Mu suppression studies have largely failed to produce robust evidence for the role of the MNS in these domains. Several key potential shortcomings with the use and interpretation of mu suppression, documented in the older literature and highlighted by more recent reports, are explored here

    The Dynamics of Sensorimotor Cortical Oscillations during the Observation of Hand Movements: An EEG Study

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    Background The observation of action done by others determines a desynchronization of the rhythms recorded from cortical central regions. Here, we examined whether the observation of different types of hand movements (target directed, non-target directed, cyclic and non-cyclic) elicits different EEG cortical temporal patterns. Methodology Video-clips of four types of hand movements were shown to right-handed healthy participants. Two were target directed (grasping and pointing) motor acts; two were non-target directed (supinating and clenching) movements. Grasping and supinating were performed once, while pointing and clenching twice (cyclic movements). High-density EEG was recorded and analyzed by means of wavelet transform, subdividing the time course in time bins of 200 ms. The observation of all presented movements produced a desynchronization of alpha and beta rhythms in central and parietal regions. The rhythms desynchronized as soon as the hand movement started, the nadir being reached around 700 ms after movement onset. At the end of the movement, a large power rebound occurred for all bands. Target and non-target directed movements produced an alpha band desynchronization in the central electrodes at the same time, but with a stronger desynchronization and a prolonged rebound for target directed motor acts. Most interestingly, there was a clear correlation between the velocity profile of the observed movements and beta band modulation. Significance Our data show that the observation of motor acts determines a modulation of cortical rhythm analogous to that occurring during motor act execution. In particular, the cortical motor system closely follows the velocity of the observed movements. This finding provides strong evidence for the presence in humans of a mechanism (mirror mechanism) mapping action observation on action execution motor programs

    Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Reduces Psychophysically Measured Surround Suppression in the Human Visual Cortex

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a safe, non-invasive technique for transiently modulating the balance of excitation and inhibition within the human brain. It has been reported that anodal tDCS can reduce both GABA mediated inhibition and GABA concentration within the human motor cortex. As GABA mediated inhibition is thought to be a key modulator of plasticity within the adult brain, these findings have broad implications for the future use of tDCS. It is important, therefore, to establish whether tDCS can exert similar effects within non-motor brain areas. The aim of this study was to assess whether anodal tDCS could reduce inhibitory interactions within the human visual cortex. Psychophysical measures of surround suppression were used as an index of inhibition within V1. Overlay suppression, which is thought to originate within the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), was also measured as a control. Anodal stimulation of the occipital poles significantly reduced psychophysical surround suppression, but had no effect on overlay suppression. This effect was specific to anodal stimulation as cathodal stimulation had no effect on either measure. These psychophysical results provide the first evidence for tDCS-induced reductions of intracortical inhibition within the human visual cortex

    A Blueprint for Real-Time Functional Mapping via Human Intracranial Recordings

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: The surgical treatment of patients with intractable epilepsy is preceded by a pre-surgical evaluation period during which intracranial EEG recordings are performed to identify the epileptogenic network and provide a functional map of eloquent cerebral areas that need to be spared to minimize the risk of post-operative deficits. A growing body of research based on such invasive recordings indicates that cortical oscillations at various frequencies, especially in the gamma range (40 to 150 Hz), can provide efficient markers of task-related neural network activity. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we introduce a novel real-time investigation framework for mapping human brain functions based on online visualization of the spectral power of the ongoing intracranial activity. The results obtained with the first two implanted epilepsy patients who used the proposed online system illustrate its feasibility and utility both for clinical applications, as a complementary tool to electrical stimulation for presurgical mapping purposes, and for basic research, as an exploratory tool used to detect correlations between behavior and oscillatory power modulations. Furthermore, our findings suggest a putative role for high gamma oscillations in higher-order auditory processing involved in speech and music perception. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The proposed real-time setup is a promising tool for presurgical mapping, the investigation of functional brain dynamics, and possibly for neurofeedback training and brain computer interfaces

    Lambda Waves and Occipital Generators

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    Long-term EEG-video-audio monitoring: computer detection of focal EEG seizure patterns.

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    Twelve individuals with medically refractory partial seizures had undergone EEG-video-audio (EVA) monitoring over 1-15 (mean 10.5) days. We selectively reexamined available 15-channel EEGs (video-cassettes) totaling 461 h and containing 253 EEG focal seizures. Computer analysis (CA) of these bipolar records were performed using a mimetic method of seizure detection at 6 successive computer settings. We determined the computer parameters at which this method correctly detected a reasonably large percentage of seizures (81.42%) while generating an acceptable rate of false positive results (5.38/h). These parameters were adopted as the default setting for identifying focal EEG seizure patterns in all subsequent long-term bipolar scalp and sphenoidal recordings. Factors hindering or facilitating automatic seizure identification are discussed. It is concluded that on-line computer detection of focal EEG seizure patterns by this method offers a satisfactory alternative to and represents a distinct improvement over the extremely time consuming and fatiguing off-line fast visual review (FVR). Combining CA with seizure signaling (SS) by the patients and other observers increased the correct detections to 85.38%. CA is best used in conjunction with SS