60 research outputs found

    Phonon broadening from supercell lattice dynamics: random and correlated disorder

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    We demonstrate how supercell implementations of conventional lattice dynamical calculations can be used to determine the extent and nature of disorder-induced broadening in the phonon dispersion spectrum of disordered crystalline materials. The approach taken relies on band unfolding, and is first benchmarked against virtual crystal approximation phonon calculations. The different effects of mass and interaction disorder on the phonon broadening are then presented, focussing on the example of a simple cubic binary alloy. For the mass disorder example, the effect of introducing correlated disorder is also explored by varying the fraction of homoatomic and heteroatomic neighbours. Systematic progression in the degree of phonon broadening, on the one hand, and the form of the phonon dispersion curves from primitive to face-centered cubic type, on the other hand, is observed as homoatomic neighbours are disfavoured. The implications for rationalising selection rule violations in disordered materials and for using inelastic neutron scattering measurements as a means of characterising disorder are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Local Order in Liquid Gallium-Indium Alloys

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    Liquid metals such as eutectic Ga–In alloys have low melting points and low toxicity and are used in catalysis and micro-robotics. This study investigates the local atomic structure of liquid gallium-indium alloys by a combination of density measurements, diffraction data, and Monte-Carlo simulation via the empirical potential structure refinement approach. A high-Q shoulder observed in liquid Ga is related to structural rearrangements in the second coordination shell. Structure analysis found coordination environments close to a random distribution for eutectic Ga–In alloy, while electronic effects appear to dominate the mixing enthalpy

    Tetrahedral displacive disorder in the scheelite-type oxide RbReO4

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    Oxides exhibiting the scheelite-type structure are an important class of functional materials with notable applications in photocatalysis, luminescence and ionic conductivity. Like all materials, understanding their atomic structure is fundamental to engineering their physical properties. This study outlines a detailed structural investigation of scheelite-type oxide RbReO4, which exhibits a rare long-range phase transition from I41/a to I41/amd upon heating. Additionally, in the long-range I41/a model, the Re-O tetrahedral distance undergoes significant contraction upon warming. Recent studies of other scheelite oxides have attributed this apparent contraction to incoherent local scale tetrahedral rotations. In this study we use X-ray pair distribution function analysis to show that RbReO4 undergoes a unique symmetry lowering process on the local scale, which involves incoherent tetrahedral displacements. The rare I41/a to I41/amd long-range phase transition was found to occur via a change from static to dynamic disorder on the local scale, which is due to the combination of the size of the A-site cation and lattice expansion. This demonstrates how careful manipulation of the ionic radius of the A-site in the scheelite structure can be used to induce local scale disorder, which has valuable implications for tailoring the physical properties of related materials

    Sidechain control of porosity closure in multiple peptide-based porous materials by cooperative folding

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    Porous materials find application in separation, storage and catalysis. We report a crystalline porous solid formed by coordination of metal centres with a glycylserine dipeptide. We prove experimentally that the structure evolves from a solvated porous into a non-porous state as result of ordered displacive and conformational changes of the peptide that suppress the void space in response to environmental pressure. This cooperative closure, which recalls the folding of proteins, retains order in three-dimensions and is driven by the hydroxyl groups acting as H-bond donors in the peptide sequence through the serine residue. This ordered closure is also displayed by multipeptide solid solutions in which the combination of different sequences of amino acids controls their guest response in a non-linear way. This functional control can be compared to the effect of single point mutations in proteins, where the exchange of single amino acids can radically alter structure and functio

    Direct synthesis of a solid calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H)

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    We present new results on solid (monolithic) synthetic C-S-H made at room temperature from easily obtainable calcium sources (calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide) and nanosilica (w/s = 2) with a 2 minute mixing time. Using synchrotron X-ray diffraction combined with TGA/DSC, 29Si NMR and synchrotron pair distribution function (PDF) data we show that the solid C-S-H is crystallographically similar to the more conventionally made synthetic C-S-H slurry. We show that C-S-H is present after 1 day curing (C/S = 0.81) and no X-ray visible portlandite is present from day 3. PDF data shows that the ordered domain size is 2.5 – 4.5 nm, depending on the fit chosen

    Supercritical antisolvent precipitation of amorphous copper–zinc georgeite and acetate precursors for the preparation of ambient‐pressure water‐gas‐shift copper/zinc oxide catalysts

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    A series of copper-zinc acetate and zincian georgeite precursors have been produced by supercritical CO2 anti-solvent (SAS) precipitation as precursors to Cu/ZnO catalysts for the water gas shift (WGS) reaction. The amorphous materials were prepared by varying the water/ethanol volumetric ratio in the initial metal acetate solutions. Water addition promoted georgeite formation at the expense of mixed metal acetates, which are formed in the absence of the water co-solvent. Optimum SAS precipitation occurs without water to give high surface areas, whilst a high water content gives inferior surface areas and copper-zinc segregation. Calcination of the acetates is exothermic, producing a mixture of metal oxides with high crystallinity. However, thermal decomposition of zincian georgeite resulted in highly dispersed CuO and ZnO crystallites with poor structural order. The georgeite-derived catalysts give superior WGS performance in comparison to the acetate-derived catalysts, which is attributed to enhanced copper-zinc interactions that originate from the precursor

    1 m long multilayer-coated deformable piezoelectric bimorph mirror for adjustable focusing of high-energy X-rays

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    The Diamond Light Source (DLS) beamline I15-1 measures atomic pair distribution functions (PDF) using scattering of 40-80 keV X-rays. A unique focusing element was needed to condense these X-rays from an initial large cross section (11.0 mm H × 4.2 mm V) into a required spot size of FWHM ≈680 μm (H) × 20 μm (V) at a variable position between the sample and the detector. The large numerical aperture is achieved by coating a silicon substrate over 1 m long with three multilayer stripes of Bragg angle 4.2 mrad. One stripe selects X-rays of each energy 40.0, 65.4, and 76.6 keV. Sixteen piezoelectric bimorph actuators attached to the sides of the mirror substrate adjusted the reflecting surface’s shape. Focal spots of vertical width < 15 μm were obtained at three positions over a 0.92 m range, with fast, easy switching from one focal position to another. Minimized root mean square slope errors were close to 0.5 μrad after subtraction of a uniform curvature. Reflectivity curves taken along each stripe showed consistent high peaks with generally small angular variation of peak positions. This is the first application of a 1 m long multilayercoated bimorph mirror at a synchrotron beamline. Data collected with its help on a slice of a lithium ion battery’s cathode are presented

    Computationally Assisted Identification of Functional Inorganic Materials

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    Modules of Desire Using computational methods to design materials with specific properties has found some limited success. Dyer et al. (p. 847 , published online 11 April) have devised a method, based on extended module materials assembly, that combines chemical intuition and ab initio calculations starting from fragments or modules of structure types that show the desired functionality. The method was tested by identifying materials suitable for a solid oxide fuel cell cathode. </jats:p