215 research outputs found

    La prise en compte du paysage dans l'aménagement des chênaies

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    Décrit les différents travaux pour aménager les chênaies : les domaines d'action paysagère et les autres actions non sylvicoles

    Revégétalisation du crassier de la Barasse à Marseille appartenant à Péchiney-Aluminium

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    International audienc

    Prise en compte des paysages dans la pratique par les forestiers.

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    Chaque forêt est une individualité qui doit être gérée en fonction du regard des utilisateurs (gestionnaire, chasseur, randonneur...) mais avec certaines règles qui respectent le naturel. Décrit comment un gestionnaire peut prendre en compte la notion de qualité de paysage, détaille les grandes recommandations de base et la façon dont elles peuvent être appliquées par le forestier

    RĂ©habilitation de sites miniers, exemple du Grand'Baume.

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    Présente d'abord l'étude générale de réhabilitation qui comprend une étude paysagère. Décrit ensuite les travaux et techniques de reverdissement : engazonnement et plantations

    Feux de forêts et habitat : un exemple de réalisation, la protection du village de La Fare les Oliviers contre les incendies.

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    Face au phénomène incendie, la municipalité a entrepris en 1989 deux actions décisives : la réalisation, avec les communes voisines, d'un plan intercommunal d'aménagement forestier, la réalisation d'une zone tampon au nord du village avec coupure agricole associée à une piste D.F.C.I. et une bande de débroussaillement

    Corticosterone, inflammation, immune status and telomere length in frigatebird nestlings facing a severe herpesvirus infection

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    Herpesvirus outbreaks are common in natural animal populations, but little is known about factors that favour the infection and its consequences for the organism. In this study, we examined the pathophysiological consequences of a disease probably attributable to herpesvirus infection for several markers of immune function, corticosterone, telomere length and inflammation. In addition, we assessed whether any markers used in this study might be associated with the occurrence of visible clinical signs of the disease and its impact on short-term survival perspectives. To address our questions, in spring 2015, we collected blood samples from nestlings of the magnificent frigatebird (Fregata magnificens) that were free of any clinical signs or showed visible signs of the disease. We found that the plasma concentration of haptoglobin was strongly associated with the infection status and could predict probabilities of survival. We also found that nestlings with clinical signs had lower baseline corticosterone concentrations and similar telomere length compared with healthy nestlings, whereas we did not find any association of the infection status with innate immune defenses or with nitric oxide concentration. Overall, our results suggest that the plasma concentration of haptoglobin might be a valuable tool to assess survival probabilities of frigatebird nestlings facing a herpesvirus outbreak

    The lavender plumage colour in Japanese quail is associated with a complex mutation in the region of MLPH that is related to differences in growth, feed consumption and body temperature

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    Background The lavender phenotype in quail is a dilution of both eumelanin and phaeomelanin in feathers that produces a blue-grey colour on a wild-type feather pattern background. It has been previously demonstrated by intergeneric hybridization that the lavender mutation in quail is homologous to the same phenotype in chicken, which is caused by a single base-pair change in exon 1 of MLPH. Results In this study, we have shown that a mutation of MLPH is also associated with feather colour dilution in quail, but that the mutational event is extremely different. In this species, the lavender phenotype is associated with a non-lethal complex mutation involving three consecutive overlapping chromosomal changes (two inversions and one deletion) that have consequences on the genomic organization of four genes (MLPH and the neighbouring PRLH, RAB17 and LRRFIP1). The deletion of PRLH has no effect on the level of circulating prolactin. Lavender birds have lighter body weight, lower body temperature and increased feed consumption and residual feed intake than wild-type plumage quail, indicating that this complex mutation is affecting the metabolism and the regulation of homeothermy. Conclusions An extensive overlapping chromosome rearrangement was associated with a non-pathological Mendelian trait and minor, non deleterious effects in the lavender Japanese quail which is a natural knockout for PRLH

    Utilisation des terreaux d'Ă©puration de la ville de Marseille pour la reforestation du plateau de Carpiagne

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    En 1988, la ville de Marseille fait réaliser par l O.N.F. (assistée de l Université et du Cemagref) une étude sur la reforestation d une zone naturelle dégradée en utilisant les boues déshydratées produites par la station d épuration. Le site concerné est le plateau de Carpiagne situé au nord du massif des Calanques. En conclusion, l étude fait des propositions sur les techniques de préparation des sols à employer et sur les essences végétales à utiliser en fonction des caractéristiques des sols et rappelle l importance d un suivi régulier

    Endocrine status of a migratory bird potentially exposed to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: A case study of northern gannets breeding on Bonaventure Island, Eastern Canada

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    , 23.5% of Northern gannets breeding on Bonaventure Island overwintered in the Gulf of Mexico. • Breeding colony on Bonaventure has decreased substantially during the last few years. • Exposure to petroleum could not be confirmed based on PAH analyses in blood cells of gannets. • Corticosterone status and prolactin status were not different between birds returning from the two overwintering sites. a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o The Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused the death of a large number of seabirds in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. However, the long term consequences of oil exposure on migratory birds overwintering in this area have received limited attention. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of oil contamination (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) on the circulating status of prolactin and corticosterone, two hormones that influence reproductive success in birds, in Northern gannets (Morus bassanus) breeding on Bonaventure Island, Eastern Canada. Using light-based geolocators, it was found that 23.5% of Northern gannets from Bonaventure Island overwintered in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010-2011; the remainder of this population overwintered along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. PAH concentrations (eight compounds) in gannet blood cells were all found to be under the method limits of quantification, which could be the result of the ability of seabirds to metabolize these compounds and the time elapsed between oil exposure and blood sampling. Corticosterone and prolactin levels as well as body mass did not differ between the two major birds' wintering sites. Moreover, levels of both these hormones did not vary from early to late incubation period. Present results suggest that if Bonaventure Island-breeding Northern gannets had been exposed to oil in the Gulf of Mexico in the aftermath of this historical spill, this exposure could not be associated with changes in hormonal status and body mass in breeding individuals
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