22 research outputs found

    Direct and indirect empirical statuses compared to the Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations of theoretical symmetries in physics

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    The study of the ontology of theoretical symmetries in physics has long being the question of choice between the usual Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations. These were saying respectively that a theoretical symmetry corresponds to unobservable changes or is a mere mathematical surplus. But recently the notions of direct empirical status (DES) and indirect empirical status (IES) were introduced in addition. DES is usually defined as a status that a theoretical symmetry has when it is matched with an empirical symmetry in the world. IES is usually described as an empirical status opposed to DES and exemplified by the fact for theoretical symmetries to entail conservation laws via Noether's theorems. In this contribution I provide a framework for thinking of the ontology of theoretical symmetries in terms of their components, describe with its help the usual Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations of theoretical symmetries, compare with them the ontological significance bestowed on theoretical symmetries by DES and IES, and generalise these empirical statuses further. I also pay a particular attention to whether global/local distinctions matter to any of the ontological interpretations and statuses considered, and the conclusion is that they do not

    Local symmetries with direct empirical status, gauge symmetries, and the empirical approach

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    I use the empirical approach to the direct empirical status (DES) to clarify the question of which theoretical symmetries have DES. I prove in particular that if a global symmetry has the identifiable observational DES by virtue of representing observable features of an identifiable empirical symmetry, then using gauge symmetries a local symmetry with the same DES can always be constructed. I explain why this demonstrates that currently we should take local symmetries to be at least as much relevant for the ontology as global symmetries are

    Direct and indirect empirical statuses compared to the Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations of theoretical symmetries in physics

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    The study of the ontology of theoretical symmetries in physics has long being the question of choice between the usual Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations. These were saying respectively that a theoretical symmetry corresponds to unobservable changes or is a mere mathematical surplus. But recently the notions of direct empirical status (DES) and indirect empirical status (IES) were introduced in addition. DES is usually defined as a status that a theoretical symmetry has when it is matched with an empirical symmetry in the world. IES is usually described as an empirical status opposed to DES and exemplified by the fact for theoretical symmetries to entail conservation laws via Noether's theorems. In this contribution I provide a framework for thinking of the ontology of theoretical symmetries in terms of their components, describe with its help the usual Newtonian and Leibnizian interpretations of theoretical symmetries, compare with them the ontological significance bestowed on theoretical symmetries by DES and IES, and generalise these empirical statuses further. I also pay a particular attention to whether global/local distinctions matter to any of the ontological interpretations and statuses considered, and the conclusion is that they do not

    Нормативно-правове регулювання надання безоплатної правової допомоги у кримінальних провадженнях (Нормативно-правовое регулирование предоставления бесплатной правовой помощи по уголовным производствам)

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    У статті розглядається нормативно-правове регулювання надання безоплатної правової допомоги у кримінальних провадженнях на стадії досудового розслідування, судового розгляду, ухвалення вироку та виконання покарань. Автори визнають, що важливо на законодавчому рівні закріпити механізм надання безоплатної правової допомоги різноманітним категоріям населення, які цього потребують у кримінальних провадженнях, при цьому зробити такі послуги максимально якісними та ефективними. (In the article deals with the legal regulation of the provision of free legal aid in criminal proceedings at the stage of pre-trial investigation, judicial review, sentencing and execution of sentences. The authors recognize that it is important to establish at the legislative level the mechanism of provision of free legal aid to various categories of people who need it in criminal proceedings, to make such services as high quality and efficient as possible. The observance of human rights in the form of legal aid is a priority direction of the activity of any law enforcement agency in improving the quality of services provided and improving legislation to this end. It is important to note that among the circumstances that affect the scope of the provision of legal aid services is the availability to all categories of the population of such services, their quality and achievement of the proper result. The purpose of the article is to study the mechanism of providing free legal aid in the framework of criminal proceedings, referring to the norms of national legislation and European legislation.

    Нормативно-правове регулювання незаконної порубки лісу

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    Purpose: the purpose of the scientific article is to study and analyze theoretical approaches to defining the concept and content of the definition of "illegal felling of the forest" as well as the study of the legal regulation of illegal logging, namely the provisions of civil, administrative and criminal liability. Methods: the Improvement of the legislative framework, which provides legal responsibility for the illegal cutting out of the forest. Results: environmental offenses are offenses that require priority consideration and bring the perpetrators to justice. Illegal felling of the forest is one of the varieties of environmental offenses, which involves civil, administrative and criminal responsibility for the commission of unlawful acts. The current state of logging is worrying, therefore, inspections are carried out by the competent authorities, criminal proceedings are opened, civil claims are filed and administrative protocols are drawn up, which is a rather positive trend. Discussion: the need for a clear legal separation of administrative and criminal responsibility for the illegal logging.Цель: целью научной статьи является изучение и анализ теоретических подходов к определению понятия и содержания дефиниции «незаконная порубка леса», а также исследования нормативно-правового регулирования незаконной порубки леса, а именно положений гражданской, административной и уголовной ответственности. Методы: совершенствование законодательной базы, предусматривает юридическую ответственность за незаконную порубку леса. Результаты: экологические правонарушения относятся к правонарушениям, которые требуют первоочередного рассмотрения и привлечения виновных лиц к ответственности. Незаконная порубка леса является одной из разновидностей экологических правонарушений, которое предусматривает гражданскую, административную и уголовную ответственность за совершение незаконных действий. Современное состояние порубки лесов вызывает беспокойство, потому уполномоченными органами проводятся проверки, открываются уголовные производства, заявляются гражданские иски и составляются протоколы об административных правонарушениях, является достаточно положительной тенденцией. Обсуждение: необходимость четкого законодательного разграничения административной и уголовной ответственности за совершение незаконной порубки леса.Мета: метою наукової статті є вивчення та аналіз теоретичних підходів щодо визначення поняття та змісту дефініції « незаконна порубка лісу» а також дослідження нормативно-правового регулювання незаконної порубки лісу, а саме положень цивільної, адміністративної та кримінальної відповідальності. Методи: удосконалення законодавчої бази, що передбачає юридичну відповідальність за незаконну порубку лісу. Результати: екологічні правопорушення відносяться до правопорушень, які потребують першочергового розгляду та притягнення винних осіб до відповідальності. Незаконна порубка лісу є одним із різновидів екологічних правопорушень, яке передбачає цивільну, адміністративну та кримінальну відповідальність за вчинення незаконних дій. Сучасний стан порубки лісів викликає занепокоєння, тому уповоноваженими органами проводяться перевірки, відкривається кримінальні провадження, заявляються цивільні позови та складаються протоколи про адміністративні правопорушення, що є досить позитивною тенденцією. Обговорення: необхідність чіткого законодавчого розмежування адміністративної та кримінальної відповідальності за вчинення незаконної порубки лісу


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    Since the 1950s, corruption has been an important topic of academic investigation and continues to be relevant nowadays. Scholars, international organizations, ordinary citizens and other beneficiaries continue to pay attention to this issue, as well as to the social projects, political economics, and social implications of corruption's expansion, economic resource allocation, the national regulator, and others. This analysis is particularly important in light of the current Russian-Ukrainian war, which has far-reaching implications, undermining national development, reducing public confidence and posing new threats to national security. Consequently, in developing effective strategies to repel the aggression of the Russian Federation, tackling corruption appears as an essential part of the multifaceted challenges. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to elucidate the complexities of the country’s legal frameworks related to anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine in the post-war context and to provide recommendations on effective anti-corruption policies. For this purpose, the following methods were used: social statistical analysis, survey analysis, system-structure analysis, classification and categorizing operations, deductive reasoning, abstraction, dialectical inquiry, modelling, synthesis and analysis of relevant dat

    Науково-практичний коментар Кримінального процесуального кодексу України. Зразки процесуальних документів у кримінальному провадженні [станом на 21 лют. 2020 р.]

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    Науково-практичний коментар Кримінального процесуального кодексу України. Зразки процесуальних документів у кримінальному провадженні [станом на 21 лют. 2020 р.] / за заг. ред. Чернявського С. С. – Київ : Вид. дім «Професіонал», 2020. – 1288 с. – ISBN 978-966-370-351-0.Надано науково-практичний коментар Кримінального процесуального кодексу України, а саме зразки процесуальних документів у кримінальному провадженні. Науково-практичний коментар розрахований на суддів, прокурорів, слідчих, співробітників оперативних підрозділів та адвокатів для використання в практичній роботі, а також як навчальний посібник для студентів навчальних учбових закладів, які готують фахівців в галузі права.Provided a scientific and practical commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, namely, samples of procedural documents in criminal proceedings. The scientific and practical commentary is designed for judges, prosecutors, investigators, employees of operational units and lawyers for use in practical work, as well as a textbook for students of educational institutions that train specialists in the field of law.Предоставлен научно-практический комментарий Уголовного процессуального кодекса Украины, а именно образцы процессуальных документов в уголовном производстве. Научно-практический комментарий рассчитан на судей, прокуроров, следователей, сотрудников оперативных подразделений и адвокатов для использования в практической работе, а также как учебное пособие для студентов учебных заведений, которые готовят специалистов в области права

    Compte rendu de Time of nature and the nature of time. Philosophical perspectives of time in natural sciences, Chr. Bouton & Ph. Huneman (eds.), 2017

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    Compte rendu de Time of nature and the nature of time. Philosophical perspectives of time in natural sciences, Christophe Bouton et Philippe Huneman (éditeurs), Springer, 2017.Review of Time of nature and the nature of time. Philosophical perspectives of time in natural sciences, Christophe Bouton and Philippe Huneman (editors), Springer, 2017

    Direct empirical status of theoretical symmetries in physics

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    The thesis provides a novel ontological analysis of direct empirical status (DES). A theoretical symmetry from physics is said to have DES if it can be matched with an empirical symmetry in the world. The recognised examples of empirical symmetries come from Galileo's ship, Einstein's elevator, Faraday's cage and 't Hooft's beam-splitter cases. Theories potentially concerned by DES include classical mechanics, special relativity, general relativity, Newtonian gravity, classical electrostatics, classical electromagnetism (or classical electrodynamics), the Klein-Gordon theory and quantum mechanics. At the beginning of the thesis one finds a title page, contents, acknowledgements and a short summary. Part I of the thesis presents background topics, Part II consists in the analysis of the main literature on DES and Part III describes the author's own views on DES. Chapter I.1 highlights the importance of studying the ontology and explains how observation and theories can be used for this purpose; takes ontological significance of observational consequences and theoretical underpinnings of a scientific theory to stem from their matchings with respectively observable and unobservable features in the world; and motivates the restriction of an ontological study from whole scientific theories to theoretical symmetries of physics. Chapter I.2 defines some vocabulary and describes a symmetry as constituted by two at least partially identical states linked by a transformation. It also discusses the impact on the ontology of theoretical symmetries in physics of following topics: Newton and Clarke's debate with Leibniz, as well as Earman and Norton's hole argument and its critique by Maudlin; permutations of indistinguishable and distinguishable objects, as well as Redhead's views on symmetries; the gauge principle and the gauge argument; and the indirect empirical status (IES) of theoretical symmetries of actions due to Noether's theorems and to Hamilton's principle. Chapter I.3 briefly presents the existing literature on DES, the main questions and answers about DES and a motivation for studying DES as opposed to the topics from the previous chapter. Chapters II.1, II.2, II.3, II.4 discuss at length the main literature on DES, namely [Kosso 2000], [Brading and Brown 2004], [Healey 2009] and [Greaves and Wallace 2014] (all these texts are published in the BJPS). For each article a brief summary, an extended summary, a critical analysis and a summary of the analysis are given. It is argued that none of the accounts of DES discussed is satisfactory, whence the need for a better account. Chapter III.1 formalises the notion of empirical symmetry on the basis of the four recognised empirical symmetries. The aspects discussed include identifiability, the relational character (due to the reliance on references), the invariant and differing constitutive features, the macroscopic or microscopic character, and different realisations of empirical symmetries. Chapter III.2 proposes to replace Ladyman and Presnell's kinds of DES with two new kinds of DES, namely the observational DES based on the matching between observational consequences and observable features and the ontological DES based on the same plus the matching between theoretical underpinnings and unobservable features. The empirical approach and the theoretical approach to establishing a DES are next introduced as involving a search for respectively theoretical symmetries able to represent given empirical symmetries and empirical symmetries able to instantiate given theoretical symmetries. It is argued that the empirical approach should be preferred over the theoretical approach because only the former ensures that the relevant search ends up by a DES. Chapter III.3 describes what states and transformations constituting theoretical symmetries from physics with the observational DES look like in the empirical approach; explains why these theoretical symmetries need not be symmetries of laws if 'laws' are understood as equations of motion or actions; and shows that contrary to the literature on DES it is theoretical states and not theoretical transformations that ensure that a theoretical symmetry has the observational DES or its likes. Chapter III.4 argues that a global / local distinction potentially relevant to DES is the one which has to do with effective uniformity / non-uniformity of a theoretical transformation, extends this distinction to theoretical states and explains how theoretical states, transformations and symmetries can be constructed. Chapter III.5 dismisses the arguments from the literature on DES in favour of attributing DES to global theoretical symmetries alone, but suggests how a reformulated version of this position could be defended. Chapter III.6 presents a proof according to which given a properly global theoretical symmetry which has the observational DES with respect to an empirical symmetry in the empirical approach one can always construct a mixed or a properly local theoretical symmetry which has the same DES with respect to the same empirical symmetry. This is achieved using gauge symmetries defined as theoretical symmetries constituted by transformations which do not bring about new observational consequences. Chapter III.7 explains that it follows from this proof that the envisaged defence of the reformulated traditional position fails, more generally the global / local distinction happens to be possibly irrelevant to the study of DES and what turns out to matter for the ontological DES is the ontology of gauge symmetries defined as above. The conclusion summarises the thesis, explains why DES is stronger than the Leibnizian and Newtonian interpretations of theoretical symmetries and discusses how the distinction between DES and IES could be generalised. At the end one finds references and three appendices which illustrate some setups of 't Hooft's beam-splitter empirical symmetry, summarise in a table the definitions and realisations of the four recognised empirical symmetries and contain some figures for the proof.La thèse propose une analyse ontologique nouvelle du statut empirique direct (DES). Une symétrie théorique de la physique est dite avoir le DES si elle peut être mise en rapport avec une symétrie empirique dans le monde. Les exemples reconnus des symétries empiriques proviennent des cas du bateau de Galilée, de l'ascenseur d'Einstein, de la cage de Faraday et du diviseur de faisceau de 't Hooft. Des théories possiblement concernées par le DES sont entre autres la mécanique classique, la relativité restreinte, la relativité générale, la gravité newtonienne, l'électrostatique classique, l'électromagnétisme classique (ou l'électrodynamique classique), la théorie de Klein-Gordon et la mécanique quantique. Au début de la thèse on trouve une page de garde, une table des matières, des remerciements et un résumé court. La Partie I de la thèse fournit une mise en contexte, la Partie II consiste en une analyse de la littérature principale sur le DES et la Partie III décrit la position de l'auteure sur le DES. Le Chapitre I.1 souligne l'importance de l'étude de l'ontologie et explique comment l'observation et des théories peuvent être utilisées à cette fin; considère que la signification ontologique des conséquences observationnelles et de la base théorique d'une théorie scientifique provient de leur mise en rapport avec des traits du monde respectivement observables et inobservables; et justifie le fait de se concentrer sur une étude ontologique des symétries théoriques en physique plutôt que des théories scientifiques entières. Le Chapitre I.2 définit quelque terminologie et décrit une symétrie comme constituée par deux états du moins partiellement identiques liés par une transformation. Il discute également des effets pour l'ontologie des symétries théoriques en physique des sujets suivants: le débat de Newton et Clarke avec Leibniz, ainsi que l'argument du trou d'Earman et Norton et sa critique par Maudlin; les permutations d'objects indiscernables et discernables, ainsi que la position de Redhead sur les symétries; le principe de jauge et l'argument de jauge; de même que le statut empirique indirect (IES) des symétries théoriques des actions basé sur les théorèmes de Noether et sur le principe de Hamilton. Le Chapitre I.3 présente brièvement la littérature existante sur le DES, les principales questions et réponses au sujet du DES et la motivation pour étudier le DES plutôt que les sujets du chapitre précédent. Les Chapitres II.1, II.2, II.3, II.4 discutent longuement la littérature principale sur le DES, à savoir [Kosso 2000], [Brading et Brown 2004], [Healey 2009] et [Greaves et Wallace 2014] (tous ces textes sont publiés dans le BJPS). Pour chaque article on donne un résumé court, un résumé détaillé, une analyse critique et un résumé de l'analyse. On soutient qu'aucune de ces approches envers le DES n'est satisfaisante, d'où la nécessité d'une meilleure approche. Le Chapitre III.1 formalise la notion de symétrie empirique sur la base des quatre symétries empiriques reconnues. Les aspects discutés comprennent l'identifiabilité, le caractère relationnel (provenant de la dépendance aux références), les traits constitutifs invariants et différents, le caractère macroscopique ou microscopique, ainsi que des réalisations diverses des symétries empiriques. Le Chapitre III.2 propose de remplacer les sortes de DES dues à Ladyman et Presnell par deux nouvelles sortes de DES, à savoir le DES observationnel basé sur la mise en rapport des conséquences observationnelles avec des traits observables et le DES ontologique basé sur le même plus la mise en rapport des bases théoriques avec des traits inobservables. On introduit ensuite les approches empirique et théorique pour établir un DES qui consistent en une recherche respectivement des symétries théoriques capables de représenter les symétries empiriques données et des symétries empiriques capables d'instancier les symétries théoriques données. On soutient que l'approche empirique doit être préférée à l'approche théorique parce que uniquement la première assure que la recherche pertinente aboutira à un DES. Le Chapitre III.3 décrit en quoi consistent les états et les transformations qui constituent des symétries théoriques de la physique ayant le DES observationnel dans l'approche empirique; explique pourquoi ces symétries théoriques ne doivent pas nécessairement être des symétries des lois si les «lois» sont comprises comme des équations de mouvement ou des actions; et démontre que contrairement à la littérature sur le DES ce sont les états théoriques et non les transformations théoriques qui assurent qu'une symétrie théorique a le DES observationnel ou un DES similaire. Le Chapitre III.4 soutient qu'une distinction globale / locale potentiellement pertinente au DES est celle liée à l'uniformité / non-uniformité effective d'une transformation théorique, étend cette distinction aux états théoriques et explique comment construire des états, transformations et symétries théoriques. Le Chapitre III.5 rejette les arguments de la littérature sur le DES en faveur de l'attribution du DES aux symétries théoriques globales seules, mais esquisse une défense possible d'une version reformulée de cette position. Le Chapitre III.6 présente une preuve selon laquelle étant donné une symétrie théorique proprement globale ayant le DES observationnel envers une symétrie empirique dans l'approche empirique il est toujours possible de construire une symétrie théorique mixte ou proprement locale ayant le même DES envers la même symétrie empirique. On y arrive en utilisant les symétries de jauge définies comme des symétries théoriques constituées par des transformations qui n'amènent pas de nouvelles conséquences observationnelles. Le Chapitre III.7 explique qu'il s'ensuit de cette preuve que la défense envisagée de la position traditionnelle reformulée ne tient pas, plus généralement la distinction globale / locale risque de ne pas être pertinente pour l'étude du DES et ce qui s'avère important pour le DES ontologique c'est l'ontologie des symétries de jauge définies comme mentionné plus haut. La conclusion résume la thèse, explique pourquoi le DES est plus fort que les interprétations leibnizienne et newtonienne des symétries théoriques et discute comment la distinction entre le DES et l'IES pourrait être généralisée. Á la fin on trouve la bibliographie et trois annexes qui illustrent quelques configurations du diviseur de faisceau de 't Hooft, résument dans une table des définitions et des réalisations des quatre symétries empiriques reconnues et contiennent quelques schémas pour la preuve.(FILO - Philosophie) -- UCL, 201