3,261 research outputs found

    Introduction: Special issue on genetic research of alcohol use disorder in diverse racial/ethnic populations

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    This special issue of The American Journal on Addictions is an extension of a workshop held at the Research Society on Alcoholism (2015) highlighting several important issues related to studies of the genetic bases of alcohol use disorder among racially/ethnically diverse populations. While not exhaustive in their coverage, the papers in this special issue focus on three important topics: (1) the importance of considering the social and environmental context in genetic analyses; (2) social and cultural considerations for engaging diverse communities in genetic research; and (3) methodologies related to phenotype development for use with racially/ethnically diverse populations. A brief overview of each paper included in these three sections is presented. The issue concludes with additional considerations for genetic research with racially/ethnically diverse population groups along with a commentary. (Am J Addict 2017;26:422–423

    Étude de l'enlĂšvement du Cd, Cu, Mn et Zn par solubilisation biologique dans les sĂ©diments lacustres fortement contaminĂ©s

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    Des essais en erlenmeyers de 0,5 L ont Ă©tĂ© faits afin d'Ă©valuer les possibilitĂ©s d'application d'un procĂ©dĂ© de solubilisation biologique aux sĂ©diments. Ce procĂ©dĂ© utilise la capacitĂ© des thiobacilles de lixivier les mĂ©taux en milieu acide. Au cours des essais, l'influence, sur la solubilisation des mĂ©taux, de la quantitĂ© de substrat (FeSO4 × 7H2O), du pourcentage d'inoculum et de la teneur en solides totaux a Ă©tĂ© suivie. La concentration de substrat n'a pas d'effet sur l'enlĂšvement du Cd, du Zn, du Mn et du Cu. Les taux d'enlĂšvement moyens pour le Cd, Zn et Mn, sont, aprĂšs 46 heures, de 70 Ă  90 %, 90 Ă  100 % et 64 Ă  72 % pour des concentrations de substrat variant de 0 Ă  30 % FeSO4 × 7H2O (poids sec/poids sec). A 29 et 46 heures, des coefficients de dĂ©termination (r2) de 0,46 et 0,59 entre le pH et la concentration de FeSO4 × 7H2O, et de 0,92 et 0,55 entre le POR et la concentration de FeSO4 × 7H2O ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s. A plus forte teneur en FeSO4 × 7H2O, le POR est moins Ă©levĂ©, surtout au dĂ©but des essais. La prĂ©sence des ions ferreux en plus grande quantitĂ© expliquerait les plus faibles valeurs du potentiel-rĂ©dox. A 20 % d'inoculum, la solubilisation des mĂ©taux est optimale avec une solubili- sation de 86 % pour le Cd et 73 % pour le Cu et le Mn. La forte corrĂ©lation entre le POR, le pH et le pourcentage d'inoculum (r2 Ă  29, 46 et 70 heures de 0,94, 0,94 et 0,63 pour le POR et le pourcentage d'inoculum et de 0,80, 0,69 et 0,60 pour le pH et le pourcentage d'inoculum), a permis d'Ă©tablir une corrĂ©lation entre le POR, le pH et la solubilisation du Cu. Les seuils trouvĂ©s permettant une solubilisation du Cu supĂ©rieure Ă  10 % sont un pH de 3,75 et un POR de 260 mV.L'augmentation des solides totaux (ST) semble limiter le dĂ©veloppement des thiobacilles et diminue les rendements de solubilisation du Cd (Ă  21 heures) et du Zn (Ă  45 heures). Ainsi, pour le Cd, les pourcentages de solubilisation passent de 71 % Ă  24 % pour 3 et 15 % ST, alors que dans le cas du Zn, ils diminuent de 94 % Ă  81 % pour 3 et 15 % ST. La solubilisation du Mn serait, pour sa part, plutĂŽt de type chimique.In the province of QuĂ©bec, the St-Lawrence Seaway as well as the harbour areas undergo frequent dredging. Each year, more than 106 cubic metres of sediments must be dredged from the st-Lawrence river. The dredged sedirnents are generally dispersed in the water column. However, heavy metal contamination of these sediments may preclude open-water disposal and necessitate their confinement.The research work presented in this article applies to dredged sediments that are too contaminated for open-water disposal. In order to permit their safe disposal, it is necessary to have a method which effectively removes metals from these sediments. One of the effective methods of metal removal from contaminated sediments could be a microbial solubilization process, which was developed at INRS-Eau for sewage sludge decontamination and which has been tested on a pilot scale during the past year. In order to appty such a process to decontaminate sediments, it was necessary to study the influence of various factors affecting the microbial leaching process. This research verified the possibility of using a modified microbial leaching process to decontaminate sediments and also studied the influence of the enerry substrate, the microbial inoculum and the sediment total solids concentration on such a modified process.The experimental methodology consisted of mixing the contaminated sediment in a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask for a period of 96 hours in the presence of thiobacillus inoculum and ferrous sulfate (FeSO4 ‱ 7H2O) as the enerry substrate. Before each experiment sediments were adjusted to the desired total solids concentration with deionized water and were acidified with sulfuric acid to obtain the starting pH conditions.The solubilization of Cd, Cu, Zn and Mn was monitored at regular intervals in order to evaluate the influence of the various factors studied. Subsamples were removed, the sediments were digested and the metals were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICP-AES). The elements analyzed were Al, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb,Zn as well as S, P and C. All the digestions and analyses performed made according to the APHA guidelines. The total solids, both volatile and inert, were also determined according to APHA method no.209F (APHA, 1985).Regarding the influence of the ferrous sulfate concentration on the application of the microbial leaching process, the removal rates of Cd, Zn and Mn did not vary more than 12 %. For all experiments, the final pH value approached 2,5. The oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) varied for all experiments from 462 to 560 mV. An energy source could therefore be present in the sediments, which would support the growth of thiobacillus bacteria.During the experiments conducted to study the influence of inoculum concentration on the microbial leaching process, it was found that the pH decreased from 3.5 to 2.4 and the ORP increased from 284 to 593 mV when the inoculum addition increased from 0 to 30 % (v/v). This tendency was also observed during the removal of Cd and above all, Cu. Between 0 and 20 % (v/v) inoculum concentration, Cd removal increased from 64 to 86 % whereas Cu removal increased from 20 to73 %. However, these two metals did not show any appreciable increase in solubilization when the inoculum was increased from 20 to 30 % (v/v). In the case of Mn, it was not possible to determine the solubilization pattern since the inoculum concentration did not influence the solubilization of this element, Between 0 and 30 % inoculum, the Mn removal varied from 56 to 73 %. Hence the microbial influence on Mn solubilization may be negligible.The study on the influence of total solids content on the microbial leaching process showed that the total solids concentration had an influence on pH and ORP. The final pH increased from 2.43 to 3.32 and ORP decreasedfrom 492 to 321 mV when the total solids content was varied from 3 to 15 % . The percent solubilization of Cd after 21 h was 7l %, 69 %, 43 %, 44 % and, 24 % at 3, 5, 7, 10 and 15 % total solids respectively, On the other hand, Zn solubilization after 45 h was 94 %, 90 %, 84 %, 97 % and 8l % for the same concentrations of total solids. An increase in total solids content decreased the solubilization efficiency of Cd (at t=2l h) and, to a lesser extent, Zn (att=48h). However,in the case of Mn, the maximum solubilization was achieved right at the beginning and varied little with time. Its solubilization varied between 61 and 70 % for 3 % total solids, between 67 and, 79 % for 5 % total dolids, between 52 and,62 % for 7 % totaf solids, between 57 and, 75 % for l0 % total solids and tretween 40 and 63 % for 15 % total solids. In general, for the sediments studied here, total solids content has little influence on Mn solubilization.In conclusion, use of a microbial leaching process to remove metals from contaminated sediments seems to be less complex than for sewage sludges, since the maximum removal of metals is achieved in less than 48 h in a bench-scale experiment. The average metal solubilization was above 80 % for Cd, 73 % for Cu, 90 % for Zn and 65 % for Mn. The development of thiobacillus does not seem to be dependent upon the presence of an added energy substrate. Only a minimal quantity of substrate, say 5 % ferrous sulfate (dry wt./dry wt.), is required in order to assure optimal conditions for thiobacillus growth. It is probable that with time, without ferrous sulfate, the microbial conditions would deteriorate due to exhaustion ofthe enerry substrate. A 20 % microbial inoculum seems to be enough to assure an efficient metal solubilization process. Except for Mn, the increase in total solids concentration had a negative influence on the metal solubilization. It is hence preferable to work with a total solids concentration of less than 5 %. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this percentage is more than that used for sewage sludge decontaminaton (around 2 % total solids)

    A multi-site, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of buspirone as a relapse-prevention treatment for cocaine dependence

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    Objective—To evaluate the potential efficacy of buspirone as a relapse-prevention treatment for cocaine dependence. Method—A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 16-week pilot trial conducted at six clinical sites between August 2012 and June 2013. Adult crack cocaine users meeting DSM-IVTR criteria for current cocaine dependence scheduled to be in inpatient/residential substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for 12–19 days when randomized, and planning to enroll in local outpatient treatment through the end of the active treatment phase were randomized to buspirone titrated to 60 mg/day (n=35) or to placebo (n=27). All participants received psychosocial treatment as usually provided by the SUD treatment programs in which they were enrolled. Outcome measures included maximum days of continuous cocaine abstinence (primary), proportion of cocaine use days, and days-to-first-cocaine-use during the outpatient treatment phase (study weeks 4–15) as assessed by self-report and urine drug screens. Results—There were no significant treatment effects on maximum continuous days of cocaine abstinence or days to first cocaine use. In the females (n=23), there was a significant treatment-bytime interaction effect (X2 (1)=6.06, p=.01), reflecting an increase in cocaine use by the buspirone, relative to placebo, participants early in the outpatient treatment phase. A similar effect was not detected in the male participants (n=39; X2 (1)=0.14, p=.70). Conclusions—The results suggest that buspirone is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on preventing relapse to cocaine use and that buspirone for cocaine-dependent women may worsen their cocaine-use outcomes. Trial Registration—Clinical Trials.gov http://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Identifier: NCT0164115

    ALDH2*2 and peer drinking in East Asian college students

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    Background: The ALDH2*2 allele (A-allele) at rs671 is more commonly carried by Asians and is associated with alcohol-related flushing, a strong adverse reaction to alcohol that is protective against drinking. Social factors, such as having friends who binge drink, also contribute to drinking in Asian youth. Objectives: This study examined the interplay between ALDH2*2, peer drinking, and alcohol consumption in college students. We hypothesized that the relationship between ALDH2*2 and standard grams of ethanol per month would vary based on the level of peer drinking. Methods: Subjects (N = 318, 63.25% female) were East Asian college students in the United States who reported drinking alcohol. Data were from the freshman year of a university survey that included a saliva DNA sample. ALDH2*2 status was coded ALDH2*2(+) (A/G and A/A genotypes) and ALDH2*2(−) (G/G genotype). Peer drinking was students’ perception of how many of their friends “got drunk”. Results: Main effects of ALDH2*2(−) and having more friends who got drunk were associated with greater alcohol consumption. The ALDH2*2 × peer drunkenness interaction showed a stronger positive association with alcohol consumption for ALDH2*2(−) versus ALDH2*2(+) at increasing levels of peer drunkenness. Follow-up comparisons within each peer drunkenness level identified significantly higher alcohol consumption for ALDH2*2(−) compared to ALDH2*2(+) at the all friends got drunk level. Conclusion: There was evidence of a stronger effect for ALDH2*2(−) compared to ALDH2*2(+) with greater alcohol use when students were more exposed to peer drinking. Findings contribute to a growing literature on the interrelationships between genetic influences and more permissive environments for alcohol consumption

    Ethnicity and Gender Comparisons of Health Consequences in Adults with Alcohol Dependence

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    The moderating effects of ethnicity and gender on factors associated with physical health consequences in adults with alcohol dependence was examined using data from the 2001–2002 U.S. National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Black and White respondents with a lifetime diagnosis of DSM-IV alcohol dependence were selected for the study (n = 3,852). A multiple-group structural equation model tested ethnicity, gender, and intervening variables as predictors of physical health status in alcohol dependent men and women. Study findings offer implications for clinical practice with alcohol dependent individuals by identifying likely target groups and problems for intervention

    Development and vulnerability factors in adolescent alcohol use

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    This article provides an overview of the characteristics of adolescent alcohol use, normative and subgroup variations in drinking behavior, and important factors associated with an increased risk for developing alcohol problems in later adolescence and young adulthood. A parental/family history of alcoholism, temperament traits, conduct problems, cognitive functioning, alcohol expectancies, and peer and other social relations are identified as influencing an adolescent’s susceptibility for initiating a variety of alcohol use behaviors. The Deviance Prone Model, proposed by Sher (1991), is presented as an important tool for testing possible relationships among the various risk factors and their sequencing that leads to early adolescent alcohol and drug initiation and use. It is also possible to extend the model to allow for an examination of the complex interplay of risk factors that leads to the development of alcohol use problems in late adolescence and young adults

    Alcohol problems in young adults transitioning from adolescence to adulthood: The association with race and gender

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    Race and gender may be important considerations for recognizing alcohol related problems in Black and White young adults. This study examined the prevalence and age of onset of individual alcohol problems and alcohol problem severity across race and gender subgroups from a longitudinal study of a community sample of adolescents followed into young adulthood (N = 166; 23–29 yrs. old who were drinkers). All alcohol problems examined first occurred when subjects were in their late teens and early 20s. Drinking in hazardous situations, blackouts, and tolerance were the most common reported alcohol problems. In race and gender comparisons, more males than females experienced alcohol problems. Blacks generally had a later age of onset of alcohol problems. Multivariate regressions showed greater alcohol problem severity in males compared to females, but no significant differences between Blacks and Whites. Education, family environment and earlier alcohol use behaviors and expectancies were reliable predictors of alcohol problem severity in young adulthood. White males were at particular risk for experiencing more severe alcohol problems. Findings may inform the design of more targeted interventions for alcohol problems in different populations

    High-precision measurement of the half-life of 62^{62}Ga

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    The beta-decay half-life of 62Ga has been studied with high precision using on-line mass separated samples. The decay of 62Ga which is dominated by a 0+ to 0+ transition to the ground state of 62Zn yields a half-life of T_{1/2} = 116.19(4) ms. This result is more precise than any previous measurement by about a factor of four or more. The present value is in agreement with older literature values, but slightly disagrees with a recent measurement. We determine an error weighted average value of all experimental half-lives of 116.18(4) ms.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Alcohol availability and neighborhood poverty and their relationship to binge drinking and related problems among drinkers in committed relationships

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    The authors examined the relationship of alcohol outlet density (AOD) and neighborhood poverty with binge drinking and alcohol-related problems among drinkers in married and cohabitating relationships and assessed whether these associations differed across sex. A U.S. national population couples survey was linked to U.S. Census data on AOD and neighborhood poverty. The 1,784 current drinkers in the survey reported on their binge drinking, alcohol-related problems, and other covariates. AOD was defined as the number of alcohol outlets per 10,000 persons and was obtained at the zip code level. Neighborhood poverty was as having a low (\u3c20%) or high (≄20%) proportion of residents living in poverty at the census tract level. We used logistic regression for survey data to estimate odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals and tested for differences of associations by sex. Associations of neighborhood poverty with binge drinking were stronger for male than for female drinkers. The association of neighborhood poverty with alcohol-related problems was also stronger for men than for women. We observed no relationships between AOD and binge drinking or alcohol-related problems in this couples survey. Efforts to reduce binge drinking or alcohol-related problems among partners in committed relationships may have the greatest impact if targeted to male drinkers living in high-poverty neighborhoods. Binge drinking and alcohol-related problems, as well as residence in an impoverished neighborhood are risk factors for intimate partner violence (IPV) and other relationship conflicts

    Asymptotic solvers for ordinary differential equations with multiple frequencies

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    We construct asymptotic expansions for ordinary differential equations with highly oscillatory forcing terms, focusing on the case of multiple, non-commensurate frequencies. We derive an asymptotic expansion in inverse powers of the oscillatory parameter and use its truncation as an exceedingly effective means to discretize the differential equation in question. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the method
